Chapter 742 The Will of the God Wing Clan
Chapter 742 The Will of the God Wing Clan
Hurting the wounded is the most shameless act.

Not only the people of Longchen Empire were angry, but Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye's subordinates were also furious.

The demons are the common enemy of monsters and humans. They fought so fiercely with the demons just now, it's fine if the monsters don't help, and they are still dealing with their wounded shamelessly behind.

"It wasn't the monsters who did it, it was the butterfly men."

A wounded person hurriedly came out and explained.

It turned out that after the God Wing clan found the Azure Land, they occupied it forcefully and expelled the monsters and the wounded. Naturally, the monsters brought by the Nine-Tailed Fox were unwilling to surrender, so they were fighting against the God Wing in the Azure Land. Clan confrontation.

These wounded had no choice but to withdraw.

Bai Die, who was following Qin Wuge, heard that his group was confronting humans, he lowered his head guiltily, his slender body trembling slightly, looking very helpless and pitiful.

When he was fighting the demon just now, his ferocious appearance had already been seen by the people around him, so even seeing Baidie so pitiful, he didn't arouse many people's sympathy.

Long Jue glared at him angrily, and said:
"Your people better be sensible."

Otherwise, Long Jue doesn't mind having one more enemy, the noble and withdrawn God Wing Clan is just a bandit who came to grab the territory.


Baidie doesn't care what others think of him, he doesn't care, he only cares about what his master thinks of him, and all his expressions are for the master to see.

Hearing Baidie's cry like a puppy, Qin Wuge didn't show much expression, but she was still a person who could tell right from wrong, and said to Baidie:

"The Queen of the God Wing Clan's decision has nothing to do with you. They took action against my wounded, and we will definitely seek justice. You have to stand there and see for yourself."

A smile bloomed on Bai Die's face immediately, the smile was shallow but sweet, his face was like a blooming flower, and his eyes were shining with divine light.

Ben is a good-looking person, and when he smiles like this, his appearance is even more beautiful.

Meng Haiyin expressed surprise to the God Wings. They are a race that combines beauty and brutality. Is this what God's blood looks like after being reborn?

The two God Wings flew out from the Azure Land, and when they saw Bai Die acting like a good boy by Qin Wuge's side, they immediately cursed with contempt.

At this time, the beautiful God Wings showed their fangs and claws, stained with blood, and looked hideous.

Bai Die looked at her own clan in embarrassment, and begged in a voice:

"The Azure Land was discovered by the master, how about asking the queen to sell some of it?"

"Delusion!" The two God Wings refused mercilessly, and sent their contempt and the queen's order:

"Human race, please leave here, otherwise it will be war!"

Before the two God-winged tribes finished threatening, Long Jue had already punched them. The rough attack was fatal to the two God-winged tribes, but the two God-winged tribes dodged briskly. The two did not fight, but quickly returned to the Azure Land.

When Long Jue chased after him, countless arrows of wind blades burst out from the Azure Land, almost piercing through the stellar energy shield on the surface of Long Jue's body, forcing him to retreat.

"Human race, we don't want to fight with you, so we will leave if we are interested, otherwise we won't be able to dodge the Windblade Arrow so easily next time!"

A male god-winged man appeared in the air with a group of people, blocking the way for everyone to enter the blue land.

The queen didn't show up, because she was leading the clansmen to drive away the monsters. Those damn monsters resisted tenaciously, and the nine-tailed fox's spells were so powerful that the God Wings couldn't spare their hands to deal with the humans for a while.

That's why this male god-winged man would "be merciful", otherwise the surprise attack just now would definitely hurt Long Jue.

The male god-winged men spoke in a condescending tone, as if letting these humans leave was a kind of charity to them, which made Long Jue and the others angry.The God-winged tribe was attacked by demons and Nether tribes before, but they fought against the demons and gave these God-winged tribes a chance to be born.

They have already been kind to them, and now the Azure Land was discovered by monsters and humans, but the God Wings took their love with swords, and their attitude was so arrogant, how could it be accepted by others.

Besides, the Golden Armored Guards led by Leng Yu have rushed to support, and the tens of thousands of human troops are here, which is enough to crush these god-winged tribes.

"I know that you are all descendants of divine blood, but we are also divine blood, and our bloodline is nobler than yours. You should respect us. The Azure Land is our sacred place for reproduction, and we will not let it out."

The male Divine Wing is a rare black wing in the ethnic group. He has black hair and eyes, which add a bit of dignity and rigidity to his slender figure.Although his voice is not sharp, his tone is still high.

In his opinion, the bloodlines of these gods in front of him are lowly, and they are their descendants, so they should be treated with due respect.

"Who gave you the illusion to make you feel nobler than us!"

Qin Wuge couldn't understand this person's pretentious tone so much, she waved the divine fire that shot towards him, scaring Heidi to dodge in a hurry. When facing the divine fire, the Divine Wings were as fearful as demons.

"Sacred blood is the standard for testing the purity of divine blood. Since you think you are noble, come and test it!"

Under the urging of Qin Wuge's mind, Shenhuo chased Heidi and slaughtered it. When Heidi hurriedly avoided, the other Shenyi tribe also collapsed, like moths roasted by fire.

"Huh? I didn't expect you to be so afraid of Shenhuo. This attribute is comparable to that of demons!"

Qin Wuge's shameful laughter made the Winged Gods frantically flap their wings in shame and anger, and sprinkle countless phosphorescent lights. The blue land in front of them became blurred in the phosphorescent lights, as ethereal and unreal as an illusion.

"Phosphorescence has a hallucinogenic effect, and the master's divine fire can burn the phosphorescence." Bai Die whispered to Qin Wuge, for fear that his own words would be heard by his own people and would scold him.

"I found it."

Qin Wuge felt a little comforted in her heart. Wherever her Nine Heavens Profound Fire flew, the phosphorescent light would disappear, so she had already discovered this problem.

However, the phosphorescence emitted by the Divine Wing Clan is too much, and the Nine Heavens Black Fire Soldiers that she can control now cannot be burned out.

And the phosphorescence that filled the sky began to drift towards the human race, which would affect the actions of the entire army formation.

"Hmph~ We are just reborn, and we don't have enough strength, otherwise, there is no possibility of you showing off your prestige!" Hei Die's voice became sharp.

In the illusion-like phosphorescence of the sky, the black butterfly turned into a black shadow, flying towards and threatening Qin Wuge.

And the soldiers in the front line were even attacked by the God Wing Clan.

With the help of phosphorescence, the God Wings are erratic and treacherous like devils.People with a slightly lower cultivation base could not see their movements clearly, and they had already lost their lives.

Expel the wounded first, and then attack the human army.Fighting is inevitable, and without a unified order, the armies of the four empires assembled their respective formations and began to counterattack.

Even with the help of the phosphorescence illusion, the few God Wings are still no match for the army formation. Tens of thousands of troops have broken into the blue territory, and the thick and peaceful territory has already spread a strong smell of blood.

The magic beast brought by the Nine-Tailed Fox was cornered by the God Wing Clan and resisted stubbornly.

The Queen of the God Wing Clan brought her people ready to accept the fruits of victory, but the intrusion of the human army shattered their dreams. The God Wing Clan in the battle was terrifying and ferocious, but after being angry, they were even bloodier and darker.

A huge shadow was formed where a large number of Shenyi people gathered, and in the shadow there was a terrible ominous aura lurking.And the shadow seems to be gradually getting bigger, spreading towards this side.

The human army clearly felt that they seemed to be being targeted by a ferocious beast, and it was inevitable to avoid it, and this terrible feeling enveloped their hearts, forming a heavy mental pressure.

"Nightmare technique!"

Miaoxuan was the first to recognize the huge floating shadow, which was a mental suppression technique similar to an illusion.

Released by countless god-winged tribes, it can severely suppress the Mahayana monks. Miaoxuan felt that he was trapped in a spiritual prison just by looking at the shadow, and his heart was heavy.

I can't imagine if I can break free if I am covered by shadows.

The most frightening weapon of the God Wings is not the phosphorescence from their wings, but the mental hammering that they release, which will make you fall into a nightmare and cannot extricate yourself.

This is a unique ability of the God Wing Clan, which is more pure and domineering than human illusion.

(End of this chapter)

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