Chapter 748 I'm Sticking To You
Chapter 748 I'm Sticking To You
The azure land has been maintained by the God Wing Clan, and the atmosphere in the territory has been strengthened. It can be seen with the naked eye that the azure blue in the territory is thicker.

People who are in it feel the abundant spiritual power that surrounds them.

Hei Die was still standing in front of Qin Wuge and the others, discussing the next details:

"Although the spiritual power in the Azure Land is sufficient, it takes a long time to replenish it after consumption, so there should not be too many people practicing in it. Otherwise, once the spiritual power inside is exhausted, the Azure Land will disappear."

Hei Die deliberately made the matter more serious, which is an exaggeration.I am also worried that these human races are too greedy. Once they let too many people practice in the Azure Land, their spiritual power will be exhausted too quickly.

Qin Wuge and the others also thought of this point.

The God Wings have a different state of mind and attitude towards the environment than humans.In this blue land full of spiritual power, the God Wings are not obsessed with cultivation, and they will not absorb spiritual power too greedily unless there are special circumstances.

They enjoy this environment even more, and it seems that as long as they can live in this blue land full of spiritual power, they are already satisfied.

The human race's attitude towards this kind of place with abundant spiritual power is much more direct and greedy.

"In terms of the number of people, we have also considered that the number of people who come to practice each time will not exceed 100, and how about one day of practice and three days of rest?"

This is the result of discussions between Qin Wuge and others. Cultivating in the Azure Land is definitely comparable to the cultivation tower in the secret realm.And in the secret territory, even if you don't practice, you will have a nourishing effect because you are surrounded by sufficient spiritual power, especially for the wounded, the healing effect is great.

"Thank you Emperor Yan for your understanding. In this way, our Azure Land can last longer."

Hei Die didn't expect them to be so talkative, and with these promises from the leader of the human race, the Shenyi tribe finally felt relieved.

In fact, although the spiritual power in the Azure Land needs continuous support and maintenance, it is not as fragile as imagined. It is not a problem to supply thousands of people to practice at the same time.

And the human race only sends 100 people to practice at a time, so the absorbed spiritual power is negligible for the Azure Land.

Therefore, as long as the human race acts according to the regulations they negotiated, it will not affect the Azure Land. After the Azure Land is consolidated, it can even expand towards the surrounding area and squeeze the Nether Race's Dark Land.

Now, after being changed, the Emperor's Forest, which is full of demonic energy, is called the Dark Land by the God Wing Clan.

The land of darkness and the land of azure have always been opposite sides, which have been passed down since ancient times and survived in the memory and genes of the God Wing Clan.

Therefore, at the beginning of incubation, the Shenyi tribe was attacked by the Nether tribe, trying to exterminate them at the beginning of their birth.

These two races are natural enemies, and their needs for the environment and aura are two opposing sides.

The God Wing Clan is obviously also very aware of their mortal enemy, and even more understands that the Nether Clan will never die against them.

Therefore, Baidie took the initiative to cooperate with humans, and most of the God Wings accepted this fact.Judging from the current situation, the addition of human races in the Azure Land has at least protected the safety of the Azure Land for a short period of time.

The negotiation between Black Butterfly and the human race has ended.

Baidie then came to Qin Wuge with a face of shame, and took a chance to tell her:

"Master, in fact, Azure Land can accommodate more human races, about a thousand people is no problem."

During the discussion just now, Bai Die had no choice but to let Hei Die come forward. Everyone in the tribe could see Bai Die's feelings for the human race, so letting Hei Die come forward, the tribe was at ease.

Hearing the result of Heidi's discussion, the tribe is also satisfied.

However, Baidie had her master in her heart, so she came to tell the truth.

"I've already discussed it with Hei Die just now, can I change my mind again?" But facing Bai Die's kind reminder, Qin Wuge didn't feel much gratitude, instead he questioned him with a bit of bluntness.

Baidie's palm-sized face immediately felt wronged, and she looked at Qin Wuge pitifully:
"I just think that the master is at a disadvantage. Your human race can let more people come to the Azure Land. Even if you don't absorb spiritual power to practice, it is good for the human race's physical recovery here."

"Then thank you, and don't call me master anymore, you are the king of the God Wing Clan now." Qin Wuge spoke calmly, unable to hear any emotional fluctuations.

Baidie has always been very careful to accompany her, and has been observing Qin Wuge's face and eyes very carefully, but Baidie can't guess anything about her thoughts, she is still like a vast ocean, vast and Unpredictable.

When they met for the first time, Bai Die felt a unique atmosphere from her, like a vast and turbulent ocean, and also like a vast and endless grassland flower sea.Her aura sometimes seems to be different, but that relaxed and plump aura remains unchanged.

It's a pity that her aura has never been opened to Bai Die.

This made Baidie very worried, he knew that Qin Wuge had always been dissatisfied with him.

But apart from Qin Wuge, Baidie's feelings for other people could not arouse his covet and attention.

For example, when facing Long Jue, what he felt was a flame-like blazing vitality. Although it was full of vitality, if he got too close, he could easily be hurt by his blazing energy.

The third prince, Luo Yunsheng, is the length of a towering giant tree that is as vigorous as the ground that has just broken through the ground. With him, you must be like a vine, clinging and relying on it.

Xuan Mo is a cold and tough water monster, and the characteristics of the God Wing Clan make it impossible to be with Xuan Mo.

And Beimingye is an abyss, a thick and bottomless abyss.It is the most terrifying and dangerous. Every time Baidie faces Bei Mingye, he will be shocked by the fear of facing the abyss.

The Divine Wing Clan is not willing to get close to Bei Mingye at all.

Therefore, among these god-blood races, what Bai Die likes the most is Qin Wuge's aura.

But Baidie couldn't fathom Qin Wuge's thoughts, let alone how to gain her approval, or even love.

"Even if I become the king of the God Wing Clan, you are still my master. I call you Emperor Yan verbally, but in my heart, you are still my master." Baidie listened to her rejecting his love for her. He changed the title very cleverly.

Bai Die's appearance in front of Qin Wuge is full of sincerity, Bei Mingye, Long Jue and others can feel his sincerity.

However, this does not affect Bei Mingye's rejection of Bai Die.

Bai Die, who is a member of the Divine Wing Clan, is not a human race at all, and the feelings he possesses and persists are also very different from human beings.

Moreover, Bei Mingye does not like the way Baidie looks at Qin Wuge. There is respect and admiration in his eyes, but there is also infatuation, even greed. It is not the pure eyes unique to the human race, but mixed with the unique eyes of the Shenyi tribe. The eyes of the nature are very different.

However, even though Bei Mingye didn't like it, he didn't help Qin Wuge make a choice, let alone drive Bai Die away. He just stood behind Qin Wuge and gave her support and help at any time. Everything was up to her. Just make a decision.

"You are the king of the God Wing Clan now, so should I also call you the God Wing King?"

Qin Wuge responded with a light smile, her attitude when talking to Bai Yuxuan has always been so gentle and calm.

Bai Yuxuan didn't like this way of equal dialogue.However, he couldn't find a reason to refute, so he could only smile and nod:

"Emperor Yan once gave me a name, whether you call me Shenyi King or Bai Yuxuan, it doesn't matter."

Therefore, what Bai Die meant: God Wing King is not a kind of honorific title, but a name bestowed by Qin Wuge, so she can call her whatever she wants.

Qin Wuge was touched and repelled by Baidie's humble attitude to the bone. She didn't like Baidie's behavior of clinging to her, so she smiled lightly, turned around and returned to herself without continuing to speak. In the middle of the pro-guard regiment, I went to see the wounds of the wounded.

Bai Die tactfully did not follow, but observed the injuries of the wounded from a distance, and then ordered the Divine Wings around him to send various spiritual materials.

The God Wing Clan has finished strengthening the surrounding stone runes. Hundreds of clansmen gathered around their new king, Baidie, chattering. When something happened, his eyes lit up, and he even glanced at Qin Wuge with joy, and then excitedly discussed with his clansmen.

Bei Mingye and the others looked at the group of butterflies chatting together, and felt that a group of little devils were planning a conspiracy, which made people very uncomfortable.

(End of this chapter)

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