Chapter 751 Su Dingfang

Chapter 751 Su Dingfang

Qin Wuge suspects that the tentacles on the top of Baidie's head are his seventh sense senses. Even if he doesn't use his eyes to see or hear, his tentacles can still distinguish and perceive.

When the pair of pink and fleshy tentacles were facing him, Qin Wuge reached out to poke it curiously, and the tentacles seemed to have eyes, and they retreated tremblingly. Qin Wuge looked amused, He was about to retract his fingers.

But the pair of tentacles suddenly stretched forward, and before her fingers retracted, they lightly touched her fingertips.

At that moment, it seemed that there was an electric current coming from the tentacles, and Qin Wuge's fingers suddenly retracted.

Bei Mingye has been staring at the side all the time. When he saw her reaching out to touch the antennae of the white butterfly, he was worried but also comforted.Qin Wuge's curiosity towards Baidie was a bit like a little girl's reaction after seeing a strange bug.

Her feelings for Bai Die will not transcend race.

Therefore, Bei Mingye only needs to worry about the danger of Baidie itself.And Baidie is indeed a creature worthy of Bei Mingye's attention.

He is strong and calm, decisive but cruel, wise but paranoid.

Whether it is humans or other species, as long as they have these characteristics, they are dangerous.

And Baidie's strong dependence on Qin Wuge made Bei Mingye have to be vigilant.When he was staring at Baidie for examination, Baidie's pair of tentacles turned towards him, but the pair of tentacles went up to Beimingye and turned away.

It seemed that he was very afraid of him.Moreover, as long as Bei Mingye was by Qin Wuge's side, Baidie would not dare to get too close, like a loyal pet, not far or near.

"Our people have confirmed that there are several demon lairs in the Emperor's Forest, where the demons come from, and there are monks from the Demonic Sect guarding there." Baidie got the information before, and did not have time to talk to Qin Wuge Say.

He chose to speak out at this time, in order to deepen Qin Wuge's impression and recognition of himself.

"Do you know the Heavenly Demon Sect?" Qin Wuge looked at the wall that was close at hand, and it was unrealistic to retreat to check those demon caves. It's better to go out of the wall first, and then make plans.

"The Heavenly Demon Sect has existed for a long time. It used to be a servant of our God Race, and now it is also a servant of God. It is their responsibility to protect the Devil's Nest."

After Baidie finished speaking, seeing that Qin Wuge seemed to be puzzled, she continued to explain:
"The monks of the Heavenly Demon Sect cultivate Zhengyang Gangqi, so they are not afraid of resentment and demonic energy. In the most dangerous environment, they still perform the responsibility of guarding the devil's cave."

Qin Wuge was puzzled by Baidie's attitude and tone when talking about Tianmozong. Hearing Baidie's meaning, Tianmozong seemed to be loyal to their Shenyi clan.

Even, Qin Wuge wondered if the awakening of the God Wing Clan had anything to do with the Heavenly Demon Sect?Yinfeng's so-called "sacrifice to the holy lake" is really only used to worship the holy lake?Gain the power of the holy lake?
Qin Wuge has always been skeptical about why the Divine Wing Clan "hatched" out.

However, Qin Wuge didn't have time to ask these questions, and she felt that even if she asked, Baidie might not know, and she might not tell herself frankly that under Baidie's slender and well-behaved appearance, there was actually a cold and indomitable heart hidden. .

Ahead was the wall built to seal off the Emperor's Forest, but when everyone returned to the wall, they saw a huge gap in the wall.A cloud of devilish energy hovered over the gap, making a fierce whining sound.

"The old prime minister told me through voice transmission that they opened a bigger gate to allow the troops to pass through the wall. Is that how it is?" The third prince Luo Yunsheng was surprised when he saw the broken section of the wall.

Just how courageous is Ji Yunhan to make such a big hole in the wall.

Even if there are strong guards on the wall, and a barrier is propped up on the opening, but once the barrier is broken by the Nether tribe, the evil spirits will rush out without any hindrance and harm the mainland.

"Eh... the opening of this door is indeed a bit big." Long Jue expressed surprise, but was also happy. Such a big door is suitable for troops and heavy weapons to enter. Otherwise, it would be too slow to go through the portal.

Bei Mingye looked at the door with a smile and said nothing, but there was a little bit of inquiry in his eyes, as if he was wondering who had such a big idea to open such a big hole in the wall.Seeing that he was silent, Miaoxuan and Mingjie swallowed what they wanted to say.

After getting along for so long, Miaoxuan and Mingjie can also see that Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge are connected in heart, with the same values ​​and subjectivity, they have exactly the same way of thinking about things, but they are also different from everyone else.

And they've always been able to see the truth beneath the surface.Under reverse thinking, think of a side that others have never thought of.

Now that Bei Mingye agrees with the door opening, it means that the digger of the door opening is indeed different.Tianlan's old prime minister, Ji Yunhan, has such courage?Impossible!

The third prince was surprised, and faced Qin Wuge with some guilt. After all, it was his subordinates who were not good at doing things and opened a hole in the wall without permission.But he saw Qin Wuge's expression was clear, and he even looked relieved.

Did you see it wrong?
The third prince was surprised, but after thinking about it carefully, he finally understood the reason.

Emperor Yan had lured the demons out to besiege and kill them before, to verify the fact that the demons were controlled by the Nether tribe. Moreover, after the demons left the Emperor's Forest a few times before, they did not go far. It seems that they just occupied the Emperor's Forest as their lair. meaning to expand.

What's more, after the demons left the Emperor's Forest, they no longer had the unique conditions to attack.

But after opening such a big hole, but still not seeing the evil spirits rushing out, it is enough to show that the evil spirits will not easily leave the Emperor's Forest.

The Nether tribe controlled the demons, but they only used the demons as the vanguard, occupied the Emperor Forest as a stronghold, and used the demons as the main force to transform the environment.Naturally, the demons will only be controlled in this area to prevent them from running around.

It is actually beneficial to humans to open a larger door opening in the fence.

But the third prince also began to doubt: Does Ji Yunhan really have such courage to open a big hole in the wall?

Desiring to find out who has such courage, everyone speeded up. When they passed through the entrance of the wall, they saw two huge iron gates being supervised outside. There were complex formation patterns on the gates, obviously It is used to seal the gap after the door is built.

"It's a good idea to build a magic circle gate on the wall!"

The third prince and the others were finally relieved, seeing that the gate had already been built, and it was only waiting to be fixed behind the wall to completely isolate the emperor forest.

And everyone finally saw the supervisor of the gate, a thin but vigorous middle-aged man, he was casually dressed in casual clothes but couldn't conceal his arrogance.He had already led the people to build the gate, and only waited for the troops of Qin Wuge and others to withdraw, then commanded everyone to push the gate onto the slide rails that had been prepared, slide it to the wall, and fix it.

The third prince and the others felt that the middle-aged man was unfamiliar, but Qin Wuge knew him. It was Su Dingfang, the general of Anping who he had rescued from Yinfeng.

Not only did Qin Wuge know him, but many people in Tianlan's army knew him, including the old prime minister Ji Yunhan.

Therefore, with the Tianlan Emperor Clan stationed outside the wall, Su Dingfang was able to persuade everyone to open a hole in the wall and change the door.

Su Dingfang personally supervised the fixing of the iron gate, while greeting Qin Wuge and the others, he was taken aback when his eyes fell on Qin Wuge, and then smiled brightly:
"You are Qin Wuge, right?"

Qin Wuge nodded with a smile, seeing that the other person looked at him calmly and politely, but there was no intention of close family affection.It can be seen that Su Dingfang is an open and bright person, but he has no blood relationship with him.

And when he saw himself just now, he was stunned for a moment and then he became complacent. It can be seen that he has seen his face before, and there was a woman who looked exactly like himself, that is, Qin Wuge once saw him in his dream. The woman who arrived and was used as a sacrifice to the holy lake.

"General Su, you're awake." Qin Wuge greeted him with a nod, not only kind but also polite.

Su Dingfang is a smart person. When he saw her looking at him with sincere and polite eyes, he felt a feeling in his heart that "she knows everything".

"Your mother drew the magic circle on the gate just now, she was too tired to rest, do you want to go and have a look?"

Su Dingfang seemed to be staring at her eyes unintentionally. When he specifically called her "your mother", he saw that Qin Wuge's eyes didn't look strange. On the contrary, his face was a little brighter and more concerned. It seems She liked and worried about Fu Hongxue, so he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

(End of this chapter)

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