Chapter 758
Chapter 758
General Su looked at Qin Wuge expectantly, waiting for her to get the Nine-Tailed Fox away.

Fu Hongxue was not in such a hurry, she felt that Nine-Tailed Fox, as the lord of the monsters, could help suppress the monsters here.

Qin Wuge looked at the appearance of the two of them, and said with a mean smile:

"General Su, it's difficult for me. There is no Nine-Tailed Fox here to suppress the monsters. These monsters will rebel, and we will drive the monsters to other places. We don't worry about it!"

"That's what I said, but the Nine-Tailed Fox doesn't need to stay in our residence." General Su is a gentle and reserved person, so he doesn't want to put his words too harshly: Nine-Tailed Fox is a monster, let it go to the group of monsters, Stay away from where humans are.

"En~ What do you think, mother?" Qin Wuge didn't know if it was possible, but instead asked for Fu Hongxue's opinion.

Fu Hongxue was originally a kind person, and after getting in touch with Nine-Tailed Fox, she also learned about Nine-Tailed Fox's situation. She knew that Nine-Tailed Fox was a poor life, and there was nothing wrong with letting it stay here.

"Dingfang, why do you reject it so much?" There was no resentment in Fu Hongxue's tone, only doubts.

But Su Dingfang was really embarrassed to say it, did he expressly fear that this nine-tailed fox would affect their relationship?

"General Su, can I stay outside the door?" Nine-tailed fox put down the meat, walked to the door with a small body, then turned his head to look at Su Dingfang with big eyes full of grievances and asking for help, and asked in a soft voice.

The unique charm possessed by the Nine-Tailed Fox itself includes hallucinations and inducements, and the pitiful and helpless it deliberately shows is even more unbearable.It's like having its own sound effects and aura, and the nine-tailed fox incarnates as the most helpless little creature in that space. Facing such a poor creature, you can't say anything to refuse.

Qin Wuge didn't express his opinion, instead he was a bit of a spectator.

She wanted to see how strong this nine-tailed fox's ability to induce was.And she found that the aura that the nine-tailed fox was showing at this time was not the temptation between the opposite sex, but the sad aura similar to selling miserably and pretending to be pitiful.

Fu Hongxue's eyes turned red in an instant. She suppressed her tears and hurriedly said:
"No, you just stay here."

Seeing Fu Hongxue's appearance, Su Dingfang felt a little strange at first, but he suddenly thought of something, fixed his eyes on Nine-Tailed Fox, and felt a kind of weakness and helplessness in need of love from Nine-Tailed Fox. Loneliness.

"Okay, you stay here." After Su Dingfang was silent for a while, he agreed with a little dejection.

It was as if the Nine-Tailed Fox had spotted Su Dingfang's secrets, so he was forced to agree reluctantly.

Qin Wuge also noticed something unusual, she smiled and said:
"Nine-tailed fox can stay here, but I have something to ask it for help, it can go with me first."

"Go, go." Fu Hongxue didn't object, she was very relieved to let Nine-Tailed Fox stay with Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge almost dragged the Nine-Tailed Fox outside.

Sensing Qin Wuge's mood swings, Nine-Tailed Fox was very curious, but on the surface he still had a cute and pitiful appearance, ignorant and ignorant.

"Why did you do that?" Qin Wuge asked Nine-Tailed Fox to a secluded place.

The nine-tailed fox blinked its innocent and shining eyes, like a child who didn't understand anything.

"What's wrong with me?"

Ask knowingly!Qin Wuge didn't like Jiuwei being so dishonest, so he said with a cold face:

"I know the ability to seduce you, but you betrayed my mother miserably, leading her to feel pity and guilt! Why? What do you know?"

Nine-tailed fox lowered its head, like a child who has done something wrong, not daring to look at Qin Wuge.But it was happy in its heart, because Qin Wuge could understand its emotions, she was someone who understood herself!
This made Nine-Tailed Fox tremble with excitement.

"I just used the emotions I could feel to guide her. I didn't do anything to her." The nine-tailed fox argued in a thin voice.

It still maintains the appearance of a little girl, a head shorter than Qin Wuge's. Standing in front of her with her head bowed, one can see its fair neck, and the blood vessels under its delicate skin are clearly visible.I have to say that the human form transformed by the nine-tailed fox is very successful and cute.

However, the tail behind it is exposed.

It should be because of its excitement, a big white furry tail stretched out from behind it, shaking wantonly, but it didn't know it yet.

The tail swing of beasts represents their mood to a certain extent, so the nine-tailed fox swings its tail so wantonly, which shows that it is in a very good mood.

Qin Wuge is not interested in studying its mood, so she only asks about the topics she cares about:

"Speak out what you feel, my mother's feelings!"

The nine-tailed fox was silent, and then whispered:
"The sadness of loss has been diluted by the loss and recovery. Emotions urgently need to be vented but need to be tolerated. There are many secrets hidden in her heart, so her feelings will be extra delicate, and these secrets have already caused her a sense of guilt and guilt."

Listening to Nine-Tailed Fox's words, Qin Wuge fell silent. She could understand Fu Hongxue's mood, or rather, she had already guessed why Fu Hongxue's mood was like this.

The loss of Fu Hongxue was General Su Dingfang, now that he has lost it, she is happy, and she doesn't need to bear it.The other thing Fu Hongxue forbears is her child.

That's right!

Qin Wuge had already guessed that Fu Hongxue had another child, and it was her real child.And that child is likely to be Su Xingran.

After meeting General Su Dingfang, Qin Wuge also felt that Su Xingran was very similar to Su Dingfang.

In order not to hurt Qin Wuge, Fu Hongxue has been holding back and not recognizing Su Xingran. This is her burden, and now this burden has caused great psychological pressure on her.

Therefore, Qin Wuge felt that this could not continue like this, that Fu Hongxue could not recognize his child because he cared about his own feelings.

Regardless of whether Fu Hongxue is her mother or not, she has the kindness of nurturing and protecting her, and she will always treat her as her mother.

"Feng Qingying, let someone send Su Xingran here." Qin Wuge sent a sound transmission talisman to Feng Qingying.

Su Xingran was in Junsai City, when Fu Hongxue came here before, he intentionally left Su Xingran there.

Now, Qin Wuge wants to bring Su Xingran to let them recognize each other!
"Your emotions are very open-minded, but there is also an element of sadness in this open-mindedness. Are you... all right?" Jiuweihu looked up at Qin Wuge, with concern in his big eyes.

The eyes of the nine-tailed fox are vertical pupils. This should be a very dangerous look unique to the orcs, but the nine-tailed fox can ravage the complex emotions of humans in it, showing a caring look that is different from humans.

Qin Wuge, who was a little depressed, instantly felt the excitement of being cared for.

The nine-tailed fox is such a master who can affect human emotions and capture human favor.

"I know this is your instinct, but don't use it on me!"

Qin Wuge's face regained his composure, and he spoke to Nine-Tailed Fox almost in an orderly tone.

Nine-Tailed Fox immediately lowered his head obediently, as if frightened, and did not dare to make a sound.

Qin Wuge looked pitiful at it, but she knew that this was its characteristic and weapon, so she ignored it and turned away.

"Go back to my mother's side, but don't play tricks."

Facing Qin Wuge's threat, the Nine-Tailed Fox felt aggrieved, but it could only listen obediently, because it knew that this girl was very difficult to deal with, and what was even more frightening was that there was still the man with the blood of the Great Wild Horn Dragon Clan staring at her. It's on!
Bei Mingye, the most terrifying man.Although he won't interfere with Qin Wuge's affairs, no matter what she does, he will watch from a distance and express his silent support.

Nine-tailed fox has seen countless human races, but no human race is as terrifying as Bei Mingye.

Nine-tailed Fox is not like Baidie, who can feel that the "image" of Bei Mingye is an abyss, it can only feel the emotions of the human race, and Bei Mingye's emotions are always gentle and infinitely long. When facing Qin Wuge, there will be fluctuations.

This knowledge is enough for Jiuweihu to know what a terrifying person Bei Mingye is.

Bei Mingye had already walked over to meet Qin Wuge, and sent a piece of investigated information to Qin Wuge, and said softly in a soothing and heart-warming voice:

"Su Xingran is indeed the child of Su Dingfang and Fu Hongxue."

(End of this chapter)

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