Chapter 766 Strange Target

Chapter 766 Strange Target

Dai Mao didn't dare to open his mouth again, but carefully drew the teleportation array, but the further he got to the back, Dai Mao's face became paler.

At this time, Dai Mao finally realized how serious the lack of spiritual power is, and he never thought that this teleportation array would be so complicated.

"Because we need to pass through the Emperor's Forest, which is rich in demonic energy, we need to cross the teleportation formation. The power of the teleportation formation should be higher than the power of the original teleportation formation..." Dai Mao began to regret setting up the teleportation formation just now. Sometimes, there is no place to go lower.

No wonder when Qin Wuge first set up the formation, the formation was so slender and conserved strength. It turned out that she had known for a long time that this kind of teleportation formation must start at a lower level.

"Is it necessary to modify the foundation of my previous teleportation array? Impossible! Even if I want to go beyond the array, I can make the array increase and become stronger! Otherwise, the teleportation array starts too low and has no transmission effect." Dai Mao strengthened his confidence again.

He even glanced at Qin Wuge triumphantly:
"Is the magic circle set up by Emperor Yan intended to allow only one person to teleport at a time? Since this is a teleportation formation for the coalition forces, the transmission efficiency must be guaranteed. At least ten or a hundred people can be transmitted at one time!"

People around echoed their voices, and they all felt that the magic circle set up by Dai Mao was really for the sake of the alliance.

And Qin Wuge's effortless and slender front was generally despised.

However, there are also a few people who know the formation method, and they can see the clues. Qin Wuge's formation is too slender, but it is enough to support it after injecting spirit stones, especially under the principle of the teleportation formation, it will only make the transmission formation more difficult. The thicker it is, the thinner it is not a problem at all.

"My magic circle is thin, but deep. How long the teleportation circle can last will naturally be judged by future generations."

Qin Wuge smiled nonchalantly, the movements of her hands became faster and faster, countless formations formed under her hands, and finally formed into formations, which dazzled the eyes, and the few knowledgeable formation masters stared wide open eyes.

After seeing her draw formations, many people realized that watching her make formations is actually a kind of enjoyment.

And the whole scene became completely silent, everyone who knew the dot formation method stared at Qin Wuge, wanting to learn something from her method, those who didn't know the dot formation method and wanted to talk were stopped and despised .

So much so that in the end, all that could be heard was Qin Wuge and Dai Mao's melodious sound of spiritual power forming when they were drawing the formation, as well as Dai Mao's increasingly heavy breathing.

Dai Mao's second crossing reached a bottleneck, and when it seemed impossible to proceed with his formation, Qin Wuge almost completed it in one go, connecting to the teleportation formation of Azure Land after a single crossing.

The teleportation array in the Azure Land is only for fixed-point functions, while the teleportation array here is responsible for the teleportation function of tearing space, so the production is extremely difficult and time-consuming.Half a day is already the limit for making the teleportation array, but Dai Mao found that Qin Wuge almost finished the teleportation array in half a day.

"Impossible! Your teleportation array can't be made so quickly, what method did you use?" Dai Mao's magic circle could no longer go on, he simply gave up his own magic circle, and stared at Qin with wide eyes A teleportation array without songs.

Qin Wuge didn't hide anything, and said directly:
"Using the Qin Clan's Weapon Tomb as a transfer, it only takes one crossing to reach the Azure Land."

Use Qin's weapon grave?
The Weapon Tomb happened to be in the Emperor's Forest, and that unique enclosed space could just serve as a continuation of the battle!

However, only Qin Wuge can use that weapon tomb.Only Qin Wuge, who has opened the weapon tomb and set it up somewhere, can use it!
However, if Dai Mao wants to connect to the teleportation array, he must do it twice before crossing the array, and the difficulty has more than doubled.How can this compare?
"This is an unfair game!" Dai Mao was dumbfounded.

He exhausted his mind and energy for the match, but found that it was simply a crushing match. He felt that Qin Wuge was deliberately humiliating himself. With the convenience of Qin's royal blood, wouldn't it be impossible to compete against him? Don't you feel ashamed?

Dai Mao looked around impatiently, with anticipation in his eyes, he hoped that someone would stand up, attack Qin Wuge's scoundrels, and give himself justice, but unfortunately, the attention of the people around him had long been taken by Qin Wuge, who was about to complete it. The magic circle was attracted.

There were even some people flattering, Ji Yunhan came to Qin Wuge with bright eyes, bowed his hands and asked when the magic circle would be available.

At this moment, Dai Mao suddenly realized that mainland monks never sympathized with the weak, and they only valued benefits.Especially in the current situation, whoever can create a magic circle is the winner.

People don't care if Qin Wuge is of the blood of Qin's royal family, what they care about is that Qin Wuge generously took out the Qin's weapon mound as a transfer supply transmission array for them to use, and made them owe Qin Wuge a huge favor.

"You are shameless!"

The more Dai Mao thought about it, the more angry he became, and finally the blood that was suffocating in his chest spurted out, spitting out the faces of the monks around him.

"Master, what are you doing?"

The eldest disciple asked in surprise, but actually he wanted to say: Master, are you crazy?It's fine to scold these people, but to spray other people's face with blood.

"Go away too! You bastards, trick me!" Dai Mao's rationality collapsed, he only felt dizzy, and he couldn't breathe out the breath that was suppressed in his heart.

The disciples of the Xuanzhen Sect were all terrified. The suzerain has just been promoted to the Mahayana stage, but in fact he has not been stable all the time. He should have consolidated his cultivation in the sect, but this time the matter of Emperor Lin was too involved. I didn't expect this to happen.

Judging by Dai Mao's blood-spitting and crazy appearance, he must be a fallen demon.

"Sovereign, don't use your spiritual power, don't!" Li Xuan rushed up and hugged Dai Mao tightly, and he didn't let go after being slapped several times by Dai Mao and vomiting blood.

Frying pots watching the excitement around: Suzerain Dai Mao, this is a failure of the game, crazy!Glass heart?So unbearable.

"Protect Yanhuang's teleportation array!"

Ji Yunhan yelled and rushed up with the guards of the Tianlan Emperor Clan, he didn't bother to care about Dai Mao's situation, the most important thing is that the magic circle is fine.

Most of the monks have the same idea as Ji Yunhan, how Dai Mao has nothing to do with them, and the teleportation array belongs to everyone and must be protected.There were even some radical people, seeing that Dai Mao was getting more and more crazy, they all took action to drive them away.

"If Dai Mao hadn't brought people to intervene in the teleportation formation, Emperor Yan would have made it a long time ago. Let's not talk about it if he delays it for so long. Let us see their ugliness of the Xuanzhen sect. It's shameful!"

The dissatisfaction in people's hearts was instigated and could not be contained, many people yelled and cursed Xuanzhenzong bloody.

The disciples of Xuanzhen Sect were full of embarrassment and nervousness, they didn't know what to do.

But Li Xuan was seriously injured by Dai Mao, but he still hugged the suzerain. It can be seen that he has "true love" for the suzerain.

Li Xuan couldn't control Dai Mao by himself, and was busy asking for help from the people around him. When no one made a move, Qin Wuge spoke:

"The magic circle is ready, just wait for the injection of spirit stones to activate it, let's stabilize the situation of Daimao Sect Master first."

"Go away! Go to hell, if it weren't for you, how could our suzerain become like this? We don't need your help!" Li Xuan cursed angrily, the eyes he looked at Qin Wuge could be described as vicious.

The reputation of Xuanzhen Sect has been ruined by this woman!
She publicly humiliated the Profound Array Sect Master, and trampled the entire Profound Array Sect under her feet.

Xuanzhen Sect and her are at odds with each other.

Li Xuan's rationality was almost overwhelmed by anger. He ran into the disciples with Dai Mao in his arms, and shouted an order:

"Come together to help our suzerain, we don't need that woman's help! Let her die! My Xuanzhen Sect and her have a bitter hatred."

But the disciples of Xuanzhen Sect backed away in fright, the Dai Sect Master clearly went mad and didn't want help, instead he scolded Emperor Yan and Emperor Yan as enemies, did Li Xuan also lose his mind and go crazy?

Didn't you see that the monks around are all staring at you, has Yan's pro-army group already pressed up?

The disciples of the Xuanzhen Sect doubted whether Emperor Yan would order to destroy their Xuanzhen Sect.

At this time, Qin Wuge was not only angry, but also strange, the Xuanzhen Sect clearly had nowhere to go, why did he still fight against him?In fact, during the competition just now, Qin Wuge could see that Dai Mao's mood was too unstable.

Li Xuan's emotions have also become so radical, is it really because he hates himself?Take the entire sect together?
Faced with such scolding and accusations, it was impossible for Qin Wuge not to fight back.

However, before Qin Wuge made a decision, she stared at Li Xuan's angry and bloodshot eyes, and found something strange.

(End of this chapter)

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