Chapter 776 Soulmate
Chapter 776 Soulmate
Dai Mao's situation is much better than Bei Mingye's.Because he has just been in contact with Moyuan, it is relatively easy to force out the seal.

But as soon as the evil magic element invaded his body, it had already affected his mind and pill soul, which shows how much the evil magic element has affected human beings.

"There is such an evil thing on the mainland, is this a weapon of the demons?"

Wang Miao was also shocked by the evil magic element. Wang Miao himself had a different fire. When sealing the evil magic element, Wang Miao used the different fire, but the different fire went out after contacting the evil magic element.

If it wasn't for Qin Wuge's help, Wang Miao might have been injured when dealing with Moyuan.

Thinking that I am still a genius doctor recognized in the mainland, but I feel a little ashamed if I can't deal with this kind of magic element, and I am even more embarrassed to call myself Qin Wuge's master.

"I haven't seen the demons use this kind of thing, so I'm not sure if it's a weapon of the demons." Qin Wuge lowered her voice. She felt that this demonic element might not be a weapon that the demons could use, otherwise the demons would not be able to use it. This thing can be used to sweep across the continent.

However, Qin Wuge now needs to study the attributes of the magic element and how to deal with it.

Otherwise, if the magic element is really a weapon of the demon race, how can the human race resist it?

Wang Miao obviously thought of this too, but he had no idea at all. After thinking for a long time, he said:

"I want to take the suzerain to a safe place for a proper examination."

The disciples of the Xuanzhen Sect naturally agreed quickly. Dai Mao is still awake, so it would be best if he could get Wang Miao's medical treatment at any time.

The disciples all understood that Wang Miao might experiment with the suzerain, but what does that matter?The suzerain has been poisoned by the evil magic element, if someone wholeheartedly researches and wants to help relieve it, it is simply wishful thinking.

Seeing Xuanzhenzong's agreement, Wang Miao's eyes turned to Qin Wuge. Qin Wuge immediately understood that Master wanted him to find a place. Yuan, Qin Wuge hurriedly said:
"Master, go to my barracks, I'll take care of something, I'll go find you right away."

"Okay. Please help carry the acting suzerain over. If Elder Li Xuan is fine, follow us."

It is a gentleman's decision for Wang Miao to let Li Xuan follow, so that if something happens to Dai Mao, he will save trouble if he looks at it, and Wang Miao asked Qin Wuge to find a place, not only because of her support, but also because of her trust. Miao felt that studying Moyuan together with Qin Wuge would definitely be able to get twice the result with half the effort.

The old prime minister led a group of civil servants and stayed by Wang Miao's side all the time. When they heard that Wang Miao was going to take the acting suzerain to study in Qin Wuge's territory, they were naturally unwilling, but they could only respect the decision of Divine Doctor Wang.

Min Haozhi went directly to Emperor Tianlan and filed a complaint.

"Master, otherwise it is okay to go to the old prime minister to study, I can go there to find you!"

Seeing that the old prime minister and other civil servants reacted fiercely, Qin Wuge took a step back, not wanting to embarrass Wang Miao.

But Wang Miao insisted:

"Only in your place can you study with peace of mind, free from outside troubles, and go to your place without worrying about others."

Now that Master has said so, Qin Wuge will naturally not insist.

After Wang Miao and others took Dai Mao to the camp, Qin Wuge went to activate the teleportation array.

The old prime minister carefully followed by his side, serving Qin Wuge attentively like an errand boy, only waiting for Qin Wuge to activate the magic circle before the old prime minister put his heart back in his stomach.

"Is the old prime minister still worried that I won't set up a teleportation array for you?"

Seeing the old prime minister's worried look, Qin Wuge couldn't help laughing. There was a bit of complicated astringency in her smile, but unfortunately the old prime minister couldn't see it at all. He was cautious in front of Qin Wuge, for fear of taking a wrong step. So, just seeing the smile on Qin Wuge's face, he felt relieved:

"Yanhuang is too polite. It is my honor to see the teleportation array activated."

Qin Wuge took a few steps back, signaling for the old prime minister to preside over the teleportation formation.

The old prime minister was very excited. Although he didn't know the teleportation array, he had array mages under him. Although the array mages of the imperial clan were not as good as Qin Wuge's, they were enough to maintain the teleportation array. At the same time, the old prime minister couldn't believe that Qin Wuge even Really let the teleportation array be maintained by yourself, that is, indirectly give it to the Tianlan Empire.

The old prime minister can finally explain to Emperor Tianlan, which is no small feat.

"Are you worried about my magic element?"

Bei Mingye came to Qin Wuge's side, smiled and spoke with a relaxed and cheerful tone, showing that he was in a very good mood.

Hearing him speak like this, even if he was really worried about the magic energy in his body, he didn't care anymore.

In fact, Qin Wuge was really thinking about the Moyuan in his heart, worried that Bei Mingye would be affected by the Moyuan, and also worried that the Mozu could really control the Moyuan as a weapon, which would be a disastrous weapon that the human race could not deal with.

"The magic energy in my body won't affect me now, so don't worry. As for the demons, it's even more impossible for them to use magic energy. I think I can use magic energy to deal with them."

Bei Mingye whispered into Qin Wuge's ear, the warm breath made her ears itch, but she wanted to hear him again, so she turned her face to him and waited for him to finish.

Qin Wuge turned around unexpectedly, the two faces that were close at hand almost touched each other, Bei Mingye stared at her face that was close at hand and smiled:

"If the demons have magic energy to use, they will definitely use it when they come into contact with us. Moreover, when I fought against the demons in the emperor's forest, I released the magic energy, and the demons were very afraid."

Bei Mingye was besieged by several demons in the emperor's forest. When it was difficult to hold on, the demonic energy in his body surged out when he couldn't suppress it. The sudden explosion of demonic energy made the besieging demons He stopped for a moment, and the demons who flew back looked at him with horrified and repulsive eyes.

It seems that Beimingye is a scourge.

It is the magic element in his body that can scare the demons into such a state!
Therefore, Bei Mingye determined that the demonic element is not a weapon of the demons, and even on the contrary, it can be used to suppress the demons.

It's just that until now, Bei Mingye didn't know what kind of power Mo Yuan was.

"Why did you release the magic element? You can't be forced!"

Qin Wuge was relieved when he heard what Bei Mingye said, but then he was relieved again, and she hurriedly grabbed Bei Mingye's arm to detect his body.

Bei Mingye had a lazy expression on his face:

"I'm fine. Ever since the magic element was sealed in my body by you, it seems to have become obedient."

Qin Wuge carefully checked Bei Mingye's body, and found that although he had used the magic element once, there was indeed no sign of the magic element remaining in his body, and after the magic element was released, it has returned to being sealed. The place.

Such a well-behaved appearance made Qin Wuge more confident in handling Mo Yuan.

Qin Wuge breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on his face also relaxed a lot.

Fu Hongxue and Su Dingfang were watching. Fu Hongxue had naturally noticed Qin Wuge's worried expression just now. She wanted to persuade her, but Su Dingfang held her back.

Now, seeing that Bei Mingye made Qin Wuge understandable.

Fu Hongxue also heaved a sigh of relief, and his impression of Bei Mingye was much better.

"It's rare for Prince Zhenyuan to be sensitive. Generally, a person of his status would never care about a girl's feelings." Su Dingfang quietly held Fu Hongxue's hand, half sighing and half comforting.

Fu Hongxue cast him a glance: "You still remember what I praised you at the beginning, are you still waiting for me to praise you?"

When Fu Hongxue first met him, what he liked was that he, as the general of the Tianlan Empire, was still calm and polite, and praised him for it. This was originally a love story between the two when they first met , I didn't expect Su Dingfang to say it at this time, which was somewhat insincere.

Especially after hearing what Fu Hongxue said, Su Dingfang's look of anticipation became even more obvious.

"Let's go and see if we can help that magic element!"

Fu Hongxue squeezed his arm with a smile, and came to Qin Wuge with him, saying:
"Ding Fang has research on the magic element, let him help you. He has good knowledge."

Hearing Fu Hongxue praise himself again, Su Dingfang immediately puffed up his chest, pretending to be modest:
"It's not a study, it's just something I saw back then. Did you call this a magic element? I thought it should be called a "demon spirit". It's like breath, but it has its own consciousness and thoughts. It's an independent individual."

(End of this chapter)

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