Chapter 793 I Know You

Chapter 793 I Know You

"How does the Third Highness plan to deal with those hunters who oppose Emperor Yan?"

Ji Kui lowered his head in front of the third prince, but asked in a firm tone.

The third prince didn't answer his words, but stared at him with scrutinizing eyes, which was a kind of extremely stressful eyes. The third prince's self-cultivation was not high, but his eyes were terrifying.

The kind of eyes that seem to be able to peel people off and scrutinize them make Ji Hao feel great pressure.

"The hunters are not definite. Even if they are against the Emperor Yan now, they can change. If the third prince kills all the hunters gathered this time, the blood debt will also involve the Emperor Yan."

Under tremendous pressure, Ji Kui spoke out his thoughts.

There is some truth to his statement, because those who opposed Yanhuang were the first to blame Yanhuang after being massacred. Even if the executioner was the third prince, Yanhuang couldn't get away with it.

The third prince sneered:
"So, it is necessary for Ji Yan to gather everyone together. As long as there is no fish that slips through the net, who can blame Emperor Yan?"

Even if no one blamed Emperor Yan, everyone who knew about it would know that the massacre of the hunters was related to Qin Wuge.

The killing of the third prince seems to have helped Emperor Yan, but in fact he harmed Emperor Yan.

But facing the decision of the third prince, Ji Yan had nothing to do, or he couldn't stop it at all.

And facing the extremely stressful eyes of the third prince, Ji Yan felt that if he didn't agree, he would be killed by the third prince first, so he had no choice but to say:

"As ordered!"

Qin Wuge watched all this from the sidelines, but felt it was inappropriate to stop it.

It's like knowing that a person wants to cheat you, and you stop him this time, but you can't guard against the next time. Therefore, the best way is to cheat you hard when he wants to cheat you.

Let him remember how great you are, and never dare to trick you again.

The third prince finally had a smile on his face after seeing Ji Kui's agreement, but his eyes turned to Qin Wuge again:

"I believe in Ji Ji, but if this matter is leaked out, it will be the girl's suspicion."

"Third prince, don't worry, brother Ji and I are very tight-lipped, and we will never let this matter out. I'm just worried that the third prince won't kill brother Ji too."

Hearing what Qin Wuge said, the sharp eyes of the third prince were obviously much calmer, and even tinged with a little smile, he said:

"The reason why I told Ji Ji about this in front of the girl is to give Ji Ji a guarantee. When Ji Ji organizes those people, the girl will definitely not go. If something happens to Ji Ji, the girl will not Can you tell me?"

Qin Wuge was quite surprised:
"Report? Your Highness the Third Highness means that you are going to kill those hunters secretly?" His identity as the third prince will not be revealed at all, and the deaths of those hunters will completely fall on Qin Wuge's head.

In other words, did the Third Prince do this specifically to cheat Qin Wuge?
It's boring enough!
"Should I send troops to destroy it directly?" The third prince looked at Qin Wuge with interest, as if he was very idle, or he showed great interest in Qin Wuge.

"That's naturally something that the third prince should consider, it has nothing to do with me." Qin Wuge seemed not interested.

The third prince is not a boring person, so when he saw that Qin Wuge lacked interest, he stopped pestering him, as if he was bored. In fact, the third prince was very busy. If it weren't for the ninth princess being a demon, he would have no free time. from.

"Ji Mu, send me off."

The third prince was about to leave, but he pulled Ji Kuo to him.

Ji Kui had to send the third prince out, but Qin Wuge didn't follow, but stopped at the door of the room where the cloak was stored, and checked carefully.

The evil aura on the cloak had been put away a long time ago, but now it is shrouded in divine light, like a rare divine item, but Qin Wuge is still willing to believe the words of the third prince. Auxiliary from the pelt of the sparrow.

So why did it choose itself?

Qin Wuge stood in front of the cloak and closed her eyes. The soul was scattered and slowly "stretched" towards the cloak. Under the temptation of her own soul, the remaining breath on the cloak began to slowly show in front of her. It belongs to the remaining memory fragments on the cloak.

In the red flames that filled the sky, the huge dragon sparrow was seriously injured and dying. Its shrill cry pierced the sky, but the sound was miserable. Countless black grievances were tightly tied to it like ropes.

The scenes in the fragments are very blurry and cannot be seen clearly. It seems that there are many evil powers around Longque, who tightly bound and killed Longque, while Longque was desperately protecting the pile of dead bones under him. .

It looked a bit like a loyal guardian's war pet, being slaughtered by evil.

But the opponent's strength was so strong that the dragon's defense seemed so feeble. The dragon, who couldn't resist, finally collapsed, and the one divided into three turned into three streamers and flew out in three directions.

And the masters around Longque just now shot to intercept, and they also showed their true colors. The black and yellow robes represented a super power - the Temple of Execution.

The God of Execution, which directed the entire emperor's bloody case, is now taking action again to dismember Long Que's body.

The dragon sparrow turned into three streamers, two of which were captured, and only one escaped, turning into the great cloak in front of it.

So, the reason for finding Qin Wuge again with the cloak transformed by the spirit of the dragon bird is to assist Qin Wuge and seek revenge from the Temple of Execution?
No, what the cloak is looking for may be Yuanyuan!
"Yuanyuan, can you feel its breath?"

After Qin Wuge opened his eyes, he let Yuanyuan come out from the portable space. As soon as Yuanyuan stood in front of the cloak, she felt the familiar but repulsive aura.

"This is that bastard Dragon Sparrow King!"

Yuanyuan's answer was very affirmative, and she stared at the cloak with hatred.

The cloak still has spirituality, so after feeling Yuanyuan's hostility, its aura restrained and its light dimmed. It was clearly a divine item, but after it restrained its aura, it looked like an ordinary Like a cloak, without any breath.

"Hmph! Sparrow King, are you ashamed now? What about your previous arrogance and domineering! I will never forgive you." Yuanyuan seemed very angry. Although Yuanyuan's memory had not been fully recovered, it Only those memories that were recovered were all hatred towards the Dragon King, so Yuanyuan would never treat the Dragon King with a good attitude.

The Dragon King seemed ashamed to face them, so the aura hidden in the cloak restrained and buried himself deeply.

After Ji Yan sent off the third prince, he came back full of worries, only to see Qin Wuge standing in front of the cloak with a little girl he had never seen before, and he leaned over curiously:
"Excuse me, this is..."

Before finishing the question, Ji Kui stopped suddenly, because he had already identified the girl's identity, her aura was so pure, wasn't it Cang Luan!

There used to be two great beasts of the Qin clan, Cangluan and Longque. Legend has it that these two beasts fought for the supremacy. In the end, Cangluan was defeated, and the remaining King Longque remained in the Qin clan. fall.

Therefore, this cloak is actually a part of Longque's soul, and now he came to meet Cangluan.Then this cloak is definitely Qin Wuge's.

Ji Yan stepped forward carefully, and humbly took the cloak off the hanger.Then he carefully held the cloak in front of Qin Wuge, he didn't say anything, but his submissive expression with his head down already showed everything.

Qin Wuge hesitated for a moment, but finally took the cloak over.

"How many spirit stones do you need for this?"

Qin Wuge opened the portable space, and there were tens of thousands of spirit stones in her.This is almost the reliance of Dayan's development.

Ji Ji hurriedly said:

"I don't need any spirit stones. I was rescued by the cloak when I was in danger when I was exploring the Emperor Forest. Therefore, the cloak has saved my life. I helped the cloak find its proper owner. This kindness also It’s the beginning and the end.”

Qin Wuge didn't take out the spirit stone, but put a fairy bean into Ji Yan's hand:

"This is my refined celestial bean. I believe you know its function. I can give you the right to sell the celestial bean."

Ji Ji naturally knew the effectiveness and preciousness of this fairy bean, so he was flattered to hear that Emperor Yan gave such a precious thing to him for sale, but he quickly thought of something:
"Is Emperor Yan saving those hunters who are going to be slaughtered by the third prince?"

And Ji Hai is the only link and opportunity.

(End of this chapter)

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