Chapter 796 Offended Oh
Chapter 796 Offended Oh
Qin Wuge, who was "killed" by Ji Humei just now, was just an illusion created by her.

The entire illusion was controlled by Qin Wuge, so it couldn't be easier to create an illusory self to be killed.

Moreover, Qin Wuge's original plan was to ask Ji Humei to report to the Temple of Zhu after she killed herself, so that Qin Wuge could act conveniently by relying on her "dead" status.

But after seeing the relationship between Ji Mu and Ji Humei, she still came out.

However, seeing that Qin Wuge was not dead, Ji Humei was obviously stimulated, and in a state of madness, she cried out:

"You were killed by me just now, how is that possible?"

Ji Humei was deeply trapped in the illusion, and she could hardly extricate herself. She stared blankly at Qin Wuge who was still alive, and couldn't accept this reality.

And Ji Humei ignored her elder brother's obstruction, and launched the devil energy attack again.

This time, Qin Wuge clearly saw how Ji Humei made a move. When she launched the attack with devil energy, her hands turned black, and the strong devil energy seemed to burst out from her body.

These magic qi are naturally different from the magic qi in her illusion.

Qin Wuge would not be so stupid as to use her own body to meet the illusion, so the illusion she manipulated changed, and Ji Humei fell into the illusion alone.

"Little sister, no!"

Seeing that his younger sister was about to attack Yanhuang, Ji Kui tried desperately to stop him, but saw that his younger sister went crazy on the spot like a madman. She manipulated the demonic energy to cull around, but did not hurt Yanhuang. slightest.

Independent Illusion in the Great Illusion!
Ji Ji was frightened again by the illusion released by Qin Wuge.

Or rather shocked.

It's hard for Ji Ji to imagine how a young girl like Qin Wuge learned such a pure illusion, and she also mastered the dreaded poison technique.So it is said that the sky is a genius, and only such a genius makes Ji Yan willing to follow while admiring him.

When Qin Wuge was recognized by the cloak, Ji Bai followed her intentionally, and after seeing her display so many talents and abilities, he also strengthened his determination to follow Qin Wuge.

Therefore, after his younger sister repeatedly showed hostility towards Emperor Yan, Ji Ji felt guilty and terrified.

"Your sister was not simply bewitched by the Temple of Punishment, but became a container of demon energy!"

Qin Wuge didn't seem to care about Ji Humei's assassination, but turned around Ji Humei seriously, examining Ji Humei's devilish energy.

Only then did Ji Yan calm down and observe his younger sister, that's right!She has indeed become a container of devilish energy, a steady stream of devilish energy leaks from her hands, and the devilish energy in her body seems to be inexhaustible.

However, Ji Humei's attack seemed chaotic.It is obviously a manifestation of insufficient strength and inability to control the demonic energy. In fact, her own strength is not very good, and it is only the addition of demonic energy that makes her look so terrifying.

"If it's just your sister, it's not so easy to kill me."

Qin Wuge looked at Ji Humei who was in chaos, and stretched out his hand. Ji Humei, who was completely under the illusion, passed out on the ground, and the devilish energy she had burst out just now automatically retreated into her body and disappeared.

Seeing that the little girl had passed out, Ji Hai breathed a sigh of relief.He was grateful to Qin Wuge for fainting the younger sister in time, so he became more respectful towards Qin Wuge:
"That's right, my little sister may not be able to recognize you as Emperor Yan, so I must have been entrusted by other people. The contact person of Zhushen Temple may still be in my shop."

Qin Wuge shook his head:
"It shouldn't be in the store." Because she can detect anyone who has fallen into her illusion, and now there is no power of the Temple of Punishment in the store, or the power of the Temple of Punishment has not caught her illusion at all. It is not something she can find out and deal with the power that travels outside of her own illusion.

Therefore, it seems that there is no need to track down the people in the Temple of Punishment.

Solving Ji Humei has become the most important thing right now.

"Your sister's body is important. This kind of magic energy cultivation must be guided and helped to refine it. It has been about a few years. Your sister has been impregnated with magic energy for a long time. It may be impossible to cure it."

Hearing Yanhuang's words, Ji Bai's mood became heavier. When he saw his sister's hands turned black, he knew that the evil spirit in his sister might have reached the point where it could not be cured.

And the person who made his sister fall to this point is the most damnable.

"The Ninth Princess is the enemy of His Highness, and also my enemy. I am willing to share the same hatred with His Highness!"

Ji Li had already expressed his loyalty to Emperor Yan, and now his words also expressed his determination.At the same time, what he said was a bit embarrassing, because he had a common enemy, so Ji Yan felt that his allegiance to Qin Wuge was mixed with the meaning of "cooperating with the same enemy", but his allegiance to Qin Wuge was true .

When he got the cloak, he swore allegiance to the person recognized by the cloak.

"I'm curious, what bloodline are you? Why can you be rescued by the cloak transformed by Dragon Sparrow, and your sister will become a container of magic energy."

Qin Wuge began to examine Ji Humei, asking casually.What she asked was an extremely private question, so I didn't expect Ji Li to answer it.

And Ji Ji responded honestly:

"My mother is from the Emperor Forest, an ancient and extinct race, the beast taming clan. The beast taming clan once received the favor of the Dragon Sparrow King, so I have to repay the favor of the Dragon Sparrow King again. Emperor Yan, don't misunderstand , My allegiance to Emperor Yan is not only for repaying kindness."

Qin Wuge didn't make a sound, but he was happy in his heart. He didn't expect to have such a big harvest after visiting the imperial capital.Ji Yan's allegiance gave her another strength in Tianlan Imperial Capital.

Besides, Ji Ji is also the military advisor of the Hunter Alliance, so his importance is self-evident.

Qin Wuge has also seen a beast taming clan, the one that was sealed by the silver phoenix, and this is the second time she has seen the Ji family siblings in front of her. The beast taming clan has the ability to communicate with all beasts, not limited to Qin Wuge Song's communication with ancient beasts.

Moreover, there seemed to be a part of the void in Ji Humei's body, and this void was now filled with demonic energy, making her a container of demonic energy.

"The Beast Clan has one more animal bone than humans?"

Qin Wuge found the blank space, it should be filled with demon energy after a bone was taken out.

Ji Li hurried up and checked the missing part of his sister's bones, with a distraught expression on his face:
"My sister's animal bone was really taken out!"

The sad and indignant expression on Ji Kui's face was also expected to be desolate, because it was not only his sister who had the animal bones removed, but also his mother.

The mother's identity was not exposed in Ji's family, and the one who took out her mother's animal bones and kidnapped her own mother could only be the Temple of Zhushen.Sure enough, his decision to follow Emperor Yan was right, and there seemed to be a cloak guiding him somewhere.

Could it be that the original body of the cloak, the Dragon Bird King, also has enmity with the Temple of Zhu Shen?

Qin Wuge had just checked Ji Humei's body, when there was movement outside, the third prince had left and returned.

The illusion performed in the shop will not affect the appearance, at least from the outside, the shop is just closed, but the third prince led troops to surround the shop.

"Brother Ji Hai, please open the door!"

The third prince came riding a horse with magic horns, shouting loudly, full of momentum and eagerness.

Ji Ji just looked at Qin Wuge, waiting for her to decide:
"Hide your sister first, he won't find out about my illusion!"

Ji Ji quickly ordered, and while having someone open the shop door, he hid his sister in the basement.

Fortunately, the devilish energy on Ji Humei's hands has subsided, even if the third prince saw it, he would never have thought that she had used the devilish energy.

Almost when the third prince's men broke the door, the door of the shop was opened.

The third prince came in with a group of masters, his face serious.

And the illusion in the store had been evacuated before the door opened, and the protected nobles upstairs hurriedly came down. Seeing the third prince, these noble ladies rushed forward and cried:
"Your Highness, help me, there are demons here!"

The words of a few noble ladies can easily lead to ambiguity. When they see the magic energy, they say they are demons, and if there are really demons hidden in Ji Yan's shop, isn't there a risk of hiding demons privately?

The third prince's gaze was scrutinizing, but it fell on Qin Wuge:
"This girl, I'm offended, please come with me. I've already checked, and Ji Ji doesn't have any extra younger sisters."

(End of this chapter)

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