Chapter 802 The Person Who Covets Me

Chapter 802 The Person Who Covets Me

"It's only been a day since you parted."

Meng Haiyin muttered almost helplessly, and retreated to the distance between the two of them automatically, so as not to be an eyesore.

Qin Wuge glanced at Meng Haiyin with a pulse in his eyes, but did not speak.

She didn't expect Bei Mingye to come over at this time, but Qin Wuge was very happy.

Because it was exactly what he needed, and he also brought so many soldiers, so that when they entered the city, it was as if they had come specially from the Emperor's Forest, which also helped to dispel the third prince's suspicion.

It's just that the spaceship that Bei Mingye was on was too flashy, blinding.

And Bei Mingye, who was standing at the bow of the boat, had obviously dressed up a bit too. He changed out of the black clothes he usually wore, and wore a dark blue calcined brocade robe mixed with shark silk mithril. He appeared to be taller and stronger.

Even the purple-gold and white-jade crown tied on the hair is a high-grade product densely covered with runes.

This kind of dress is low-key but luxurious, a bit unlike the lavish luxury advocated by the Zhenyuan Empire that King Yi said.

Because Bei Mingye is tall, no matter what kind of clothes he wears, he will bring out a mighty and vigorous feeling.

Qin Wuge felt that the cloak he just received was more suitable for him.

"Why are you here?" Qin Wuge ran up to ask with a grin and an unconcealed smile.

Seeing her so happy that her whole face was glowing, Bei Mingye couldn't help laughing and said:

"What a coincidence, I came across you when I came to visit the imperial capital."

Qin Wuge immediately changed his face, and turned around with his hands:

"Then go shopping, I just want to go back!"

Bei Mingye got off the spaceship and stood behind her:
"Then go back on the spaceship I sent you."

Qin Wuge was unmoved:
"I already have a spaceship, I don't need yours."

Bei Mingye frowned:
"Then what should I do? I specially transported this spaceship from the Zhenyuan Empire. If you don't accept it, I will transport it back. Of course, I can't take it back with the army, because this spaceship is too fancy. It's too much of an eyesore in the military."

Qin Wuge bit his lip and turned around:

"Has your team from the True Yuan Empire arrived yet?"

Bei Mingye scratched her nose and laughed:

"Smart, here we are."

Qin Wuge just stared at the spaceship. When Bei Mingye thought that she liked the luxury of the spaceship, he found that there was an inexplicable censorship in her critical eyes, as if she was looking for something else on the spaceship.

"Who helped you transport this spaceship?"

Bei Mingye felt that Qin Wuge's tone seemed to be a little jealous, and he suddenly understood: she didn't think such a beautiful spaceship needed a woman to escort her.

"Bei Mingyue sent it."

Hearing his answer, Qin Wuge's previous questioning turned into concern. She knew that the relationship between Bei Mingye and Bei Mingyue was ordinary, and even she herself was a little worried about Bei Mingyue's sick child. There are too many things hidden under Yangzi's weak appearance.

"Try it."

Bei Mingye didn't let her think too much, and directly pulled her onto the spaceship.

On the way here, Bei Mingye had already inspected the spaceship, and everything was normal, and this spaceship was built by Bei Mingye's strength and years of accumulated materials, and its speed was not weaker than the fast ship she captured from the Dark Empire.

It took only a moment to get on the spaceship and fly to the Imperial Capital. When this gorgeous spaceship appeared in the sky above the Tianlan Imperial Capital, everyone noticed it.

The third prince, Luo Yunsheng, was carrying Haoranmen's Dugu Sword, and several frontier generals were on the city wall. When he saw the magnificent spaceship descending, Luo Yunsheng was a little surprised.

When Dugu Jian saw clearly Qin Wuge standing on the bow of the boat, his complexion immediately turned pale:

"Emperor Yan, do you still dare to come here?"

"I'm here to test drive the spaceship, and this is not your Haoran Gate, so why don't you care if I come here?"

Qin Wuge looked at Dugu Jian with a smile, in a good mood.

The third prince gestured to Dugu Jian with his eyes, meaning to let him calm down, don't make the atmosphere so tense, after all, he is the host.

But Dugu Jian didn't give the third prince this face at all, he felt that Qin Wuge came to him in such a luxurious spaceship to show off, and stepped on his face too much.Wasn't it enough to humiliate him by snatching the ghost marmoset on the way?Now that I'm here, I have to show off!


Dugu Jian was about to attack, but he saw a tall figure appearing behind Qin Wuge.

Why is that noble and handsome man so familiar?

Because of the other party's attire, Dugu Jian didn't immediately think of Bei Mingye who was always dressed in black, but those sharp eyes couldn't deceive anyone.

Dugu Jian recognized it in the shortest time, it was the true yuan prince Bei Mingye!

Moreover, the dog prince was still staring at himself with threatening eyes. At this moment, Lonely Sword only felt his scalp go numb, and he couldn't say what he wanted to reprimand.

Qin Wuge's petite figure was in front of him, completely covered by the outline of his figure, enjoying his absolute protection even more, which seemed like a fox pretending to be a tiger.

Dugu Jian had heard about the relationship between Crown Prince Zhenyuan and Emperor Yan a long time ago, but he didn't expect these two people to be so blatant and shameless!

But he didn't dare to say anything, but the nine princesses who sneaked up the city wall couldn't help shouting out of jealousy:
"Where did your Yan Dynasty get this spaceship? You asked someone to give it to you!"

Qin Wuge looked at Princess Jiu with a smile:
"Yes, it was given to me by Bei Mingye. Be envious."

"You!" Ninth Princess was naturally envious, and still envious, but it was impossible for her to say it out.

"Aren't you ashamed to accept other people's things like this!" Ninth Princess could only taunt with words.

But her ridicule didn't have much effect on Qin Wuge, even Qin Wuge was quite proud and happy:
"There's nothing wrong with accepting what I like about people. If someone helps you get back the ghost marmoset, don't you want to promise it with your body! The ghost marmoset you want is far worse than my spaceship."

It is indeed far worse.

How could the ghost marmoset be compared with the spaceship refined by divine materials, not to mention that there are countless divine-grade decorative materials on this spaceship.

However, Princess Nine does not admit what she promised with her body:

"Qin Wuge, what nonsense are you talking about? When did I say that I want to make a promise with my body!"

It's just a bastard, and I don't know which bastard spread the rumor, and now it has spread all over the imperial capital, tarnishing his reputation.Princess Jiu secretly glanced at Bei Mingye, seeing that he didn't look at her at all, she felt a little relieved, but also a little bored.

Although everyone called him a dog prince, the ninth princess still felt that Bei Mingye was extremely attractive, not to mention his outstanding appearance and identity, even his criticized temper was extremely attractive.

However, Bei Mingye didn't even bother to look at her, did he never pay attention to her at all, didn't he mean anything to her?
Originally, Qin Wuge didn't want to haggle with Princess Nine, but seeing that she always glanced at Bei Mingye, her eyes were clearly coveting her, this was unforgivable.

"Of course I know that Princess Nine doesn't like those ordinary monks anymore, what you care about is the Temple of God!"

Qin Wuge's words immediately attracted everyone's attention. The third prince came to the city wall in person to chase after those people from the Temple of Punishment. The Haoran Sect did come to trouble Qin Wuge, but I heard that even Emperor Tianlan had people from the Temple of Punishment appear. , They came to the city wall to help.

The Temple of Punishment has become the enemy of all forces on the entire continent.

Anyone who got in touch with them was ostracized and killed, and the relationship between the Tianlan Emperor Clan and the Temple of Zhu was very delicate. Now that Qin Wuge said to the face of Princess Nine and the Temple of Zhu, this kid became even more serious. up.

Even the soldiers stationed on the city wall couldn't help looking back at Princess Nine.Before Luo Zhenqiu easily escaped through the air crystal wall of the imperial capital, their city defenders were under tremendous pressure, and they were accused of colluding with the Temple of Death.

It seems that the crime of colluding with the temple should not fall on the city defenders, but the nine princesses.

"Qin Wuge, you spout blood!"

The ninth princess blew up and refused to come back almost immediately. It is absolutely impossible for her to have any relationship with the Temple of Zhu, otherwise even the emperor would not be able to save herself.But the ninth princess is still guilty, because she has indeed been in contact with Zhu Shendian.

The reason why Qin Wuge said it at this time was naturally something to rely on, and the evidence was in his own hands.

(End of this chapter)

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