Chapter 816
Chapter 816
The Azure Land has been strongly attacked by the Nether tribe.

This time, the Nether tribe dispatched an advance team of hundreds of people, and gathered almost all the demons to attack.

A large number of demons spread across the entire border of the Azure Land like a raging tide. The defensive barrier of the Azure Land itself had already been shattered, and the incomplete border enchantment could no longer stop the invasion of demons.

The only remaining Divine Wing clan struggled and fought in a group.

And the rest of the human race also occupy the position of the teleportation array, and they are overwhelmed, and they have no time to clone themselves to help those god-winged races.

"The humans have run away from the portal, they have abandoned us!"

The blood-soaked Shenyi tribe let out a cry of grief and anger. When the fight was in full swing, the most powerful elders among the human race escorted Emperor Tianlan away. Without the support of these human masters, the Shenyi tribe suffered from the enemy's back and body, with many casualties.

Today, there are less than a hundred of the God Wings left, and they will fight to the death for the Azure Land, but those human races who seized the Azure Land to practice when nothing happened, chose to run away at the most critical moment, which is naturally the most embarrassing. They are angry.

"There are still human races guarding the teleportation array, and there will be human races coming!"

Numerous white phosphorous forms formed from the body of the white butterfly, and the phosphorescence swayed, and countless butterfly shadows flew out, attacking and killing the surrounding demons, while approaching the direction of the teleportation array.

Bai Die couldn't guarantee that Qin Wuge would bring someone back, because he knew that Qin Wuge had gone to Tianlan Emperor Capital!He originally wanted to accompany her in the Tianlan Emperor Capital and watch the prosperity of the Imperial Capital together, but he felt the crisis in the Azure Land, so he had to return.

Under the absolute oppression and fighting of the demons and the Nether tribe, the human race and the God Wing tribe in the Azure Land suffered heavy casualties, and Emperor Tianlan and others even chose to escape, which caused the God Wing tribe who were still fighting hard to suffer.

If the reinforcements don't come again, Baidie and the clan will die here, and the Azure Land will also disappear.

The appearance of the God Wing Clan will be completely strangled.

"King, those human races have also been abandoned, and no one will come to rescue us!"

The number of God Wings who followed Baidie continued to decrease, and the mourning and screaming of the God Wings before they died made this bloody place even more ferocious. Facing the countless demons and powerful Nether Clan around them, the remaining The God Wings below are desperate.

"Hold on! Someone will come to save us. We are the vanguard of the clan. Only by defending the Azure Land can more clansmen wake up and join us! We will eventually defeat the Nether clan and win!"

Bai Die yelled to cheer up his clansmen, but he exhausted too much energy, and even the pair of wings on his back couldn't maintain it.

"As long as the teleportation array in the Azure Land remains open, someone will come to rescue us!"

With the last of her strength, Bai Die led the people towards the teleportation formation, and wanted to protect the transmission formation with the rest of the human race.

"King, please stay alive and leave from the teleportation array!"

However, the God Wings who followed Baidie didn't believe that anyone would come to rescue them at all, so they used their lives to open a way for Baidie to let their king escape from the teleportation array.

As long as the king is still alive, their Divine Wing Clan will not be extinct.

The Nether tribe who were still driving and besieging behind the demons, after seeing that Baidie seemed to be about to escape, they rushed towards the direction of the teleportation array.

A group of Nether race came from the sky, setting off a ferocious bloody storm.

The remaining God Wings rushed forward one after another, trying to use their last ray of life to buy time for the king to escape.

"King, let's go!"

"Human race, take our king and go, you are as pitiful as us, abandoned by your compatriots."

Amid the desperate roars of the God Wing Clan, the teleportation array blazed brightly. Just when they thought the teleportation array would take the king away, they saw a tall black figure bursting out of the teleportation array.

As he rushed out at an extremely fast speed, a bright but majestic killing spirit rushed out.

Using the black sword to open the way, and the crimson flames as the front, his whole body turned into a sharp blade, splitting the evil spirits that were surging like a black tide. Even more frightened, he generally retreated a little.

And the tide of black armored soldiers surged out from the teleportation array, and the black iron armor pushed forward like a wall, propping up the space around the teleportation array almost instantly. They were killed one after another by the sword, and the iron soldiers slashed around in the blood water up to their knees.

The most powerful force of the human race is in front of your eyes!

The surviving God Wings were all shocked by the scene in front of them.

And the human race who were still struggling beside the teleportation formation just now were relieved to see that it was Bei Mingye who came with Shurawei.Among them, General Su felt the strongest. He was once a good general of the empire and he was most familiar with the military formation. He was shocked by the iron soldiers in front of him.

As a general who leads troops, what shakes his heart the most is nothing more than the magic weapon and the powerful soldiers in his hands.

"I said, the human race will not abandon us."

When Baidie saw the person who came to the rescue, her big beautiful eyes were full of astonishment. Seeing again how powerful he was and the strength of his soldiers, Baidie was more worried.

But the other Divine Wing clansmen are happy because they can preserve the Azure Land.

After Xiu Luowei propped up the perimeter of the teleportation formation, the team led by Qin Wuge also appeared. Yan Guo's personal guards were only a few hundred people, but with her was the Nine-Tailed Fox and the monsters in the transformation stage. Under Qin Wuge's command, formed a layer upon layer of formations, and began to push and kill the surroundings, driving the demons out of the blue land.

However, the number of demons and Nether tribes that came this time was large, and Qin Wuge and others had little effect in counterattacking when the number was not dominant.

But after the Ji family army led by the old prime minister arrived, the situation changed.

The old prime minister with weak spiritual power led his people to charge himself, and almost died. Qin Wuge asked Jin Mao to entrust the old prime minister to his side, and shouted:

"Old prime minister, if you die, I can't explain to the third prince!"

Seeing that the old prime minister was in a mess, but his face was full of meaninglessness and tenacity, Qin Wuge said sincerely:

"Old Prime Minister, thank you! You have to take care!"

The old prime minister was indifferent:
"Anyway, I have already lived to this age, life and death are meaningless, but this azure land must not be lost, otherwise the Emperor's Forest will completely fall into the hands of the Nether Race, and we will completely lose power in the Emperor's Forest!"

Qin Wuge is very pleased that the old prime minister is aware of this problem, but I believe that Emperor Tianlan is also aware of this problem, but for Emperor Tianlan and most of the sects outside, Emperor Lin has buried their sins and problems. Secret right and wrong.

Therefore, they don't care what the Emperor's Forest will become in the future.

"Old prime minister Gao Yi, the third prince can use you as his assistant, which shows the third prince's foresight." Qin Wuge chopped down a demon that rushed up, and distributed a portion of Nine Heavens Profound Fire to surround the old prime minister to ensure his Safety.

Shenhuo is the nemesis of the demons and the Nether clan. She allocated a share to protect the old prime minister, but she couldn't help but move the old prime minister, and the monks of the Ji family who followed the old prime minister were not very high. The Nether tribe was in a state of being suppressed, but seeing the old patriarch being protected, they were willing to work hard.

With the elite soldiers led by Xuan Mo joining again, the situation in the Azure Land finally changed.

Baidie took the rest of the God Wings to disperse and began to repair the Azure Land.

"As long as the spiritual power in the Azure Land is sufficient, these demons and Nether race will naturally retreat!"

The white butterfly shouted loudly, while the human race provided cooperation, protecting the divine wing clan to maintain and repair the enchantment of the blue land.

At this time, the Shura Guards of Beimingye showed a powerful thrusting and strangling ability. The black iron pawns were like meat grinders on the battlefield. The demons were shocked by the murderous aura of the iron soldiers and were driven out.

The Nether tribe also knew the importance of this battle, so they pressed the demons forward, and hundreds of Nether tribe gathered to attack Shurawei in Beimingye.

"Yuanyuan, Moshui, it's up to you!"

When the Nether tribe assembled and charged, Yuanyuan, who had been suppressed for a long time and did not make a move, finally made a move. Yuanyuan, who was transformed into Qingluan, had a wingspan of tens of meters and was already a colossal monster. Huo Zhenyan also exploded like ground fire, engulfing and spreading in an extremely wide range, turning this side into a sea of ​​flames.

(End of this chapter)

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