Chapter 819: The Rebirth of the God Wing Clan
Chapter 819: The Rebirth of the God Wing Clan
In fact, Baidie didn't want Bei Mingye to help.

But his own strength was seriously depleted, and Shurawei was indeed the best combat power under the best choice, so Baidie reluctantly agreed.

At least, the master will follow him there, even if he only follows from a distance, it is satisfying to see the figure of the master.

"Don't go, you still need to preside over the work here."

Just when Baidie was harboring such good wishes, Bei Mingye spoke again, shattering Baidie's only thoughts.He almost suppressed the anger in his heart, so he didn't refute or do anything out of line.

In the end, Shurawei from Beimingye accompanied Baidie out of the Azure Land, and went to the Emperor's Forest to wait for the birth of a new batch of God Wings.

Because it is not far from the Land of Azure, Qin Wuge didn't need to go out to see the shocking scenes of the birth of the God Wing Clan. Phosphorescent and dreamy.

The people in the Azure Land looked up one after another, fascinated by the fantasy scene like a fairy hatching.

The newly born God Wings have a mellow and elegant breath, their breath is gentle but not sharp, like a group of fairies who have fallen into the world, most of them have white wings, only a few colorful senior Divine Wings.

When they were born, the God Wings possessed impressive strength. When they flapped their wings, more phosphorescent light scattered out, as if gathering into a galaxy.

Against the background of the dark and ferocious Emperor's Forest, their births appear more ethereal and ethereal. Their slender and beautiful bodies seem to be out of tune with everything around them, and even carry a sense of ascetic beauty.

Accompanied by [-] high-ranking God-winged tribes, Baidie waited, and after feeling the power of the king, the newborn God-winged tribes flew over one after another, prostrated themselves in front of Baidie, and followed the God-winged tribe More and more, the power around Baidie also began to become stronger.

Bei Mingye led Shurawei to divide into four sides and guard the surroundings. He saw that when the divine wing group became stronger, the power of the white butterfly also increased, and there was even a faint pattern on the wings behind the white butterfly.

However, before Bei Mingye could see it clearly, countless demons were rushing from the surroundings roaring.

This time it was just a pure demon attack, and their target was the newly born God Winged Clan.

Shurawei began to suppress the surroundings, while Bai Die returned to the Azure Land with the newly born God Winged Clan. Azure Resurrection strength and readiness.

When the Queen of the God Wing Clan was born last time, countless God Wing Clan were attacked and killed. This time because of preparations, most of the God Wing Clan were protected and survived. After they entered the Azure Land, There were as many as 2000 people.

Bai Die has the power of his people as the cornerstone, and his own strength has also increased. He returned to the Azure Land with a radiant face, and thanked all the people who made the move just now:
"You are friends of my God Wing Clan, and the Azure Land will be open for you."

Under the guard of all the clansmen, Baidie took her own phosphorescence and condensed it into a stone, and handed it to Qin Wuge:

"Emperor Yan, this is the pass order of my Azure Land, and it can be opened anytime, anywhere."

Any token on the King of the God Wing Clan can become the key to the Azure Land.

Qin Wuge, who received the passing order, was looked up to and envied by everyone, because everyone felt that the divine power in the blue land they were in was much stronger than before.

Originally wrapped outside the Azure Land was a layer of transparent air barrier similar to an enchantment, but after the divine power in it became abundant, the barrier began to condense into a substance, like blue transparent glass, someone tried to press it, That level of realm remained motionless.

The raging demons outside collided with the boundary wall and smashed into pieces, which shows how strong the boundary wall is.

"When the number of our Divine Wing Clan reaches [-], the boundary wall here will become a barrier. I will leave a door here for Emperor Yan. You can enter from the teleportation array or the gate."

Bai Die followed Qin Wuge attentively, and pointed him to draw a gate shape on one side of the boundary wall.

"Is this kind of gate okay?" When Baidie tapped his finger, the phosphorescent light emitted from his finger, forming a gate shape on the boundary wall. Compared with the human gate, this gate is much smaller, only enough Four people in parallel.

"This is your place, so naturally you have the final say."

Qin Wuge didn't intervene in the design of the door. Facing Baidie's attentive and careful company, Qin Wuge always seemed neither cold nor indifferent. She felt that it was just right to keep such a distance.

But Baidie lowered her head silently, but her heart became more and more impatient. Was it so difficult for him to say a few more words to her?
"The boundary wall is still in the process of taking shape, so Emperor Yan won't mind if you can't break it open to make a door? I will definitely make a door here after the boundary wall is fully formed."

Baidie's tone was filled with pleading and eagerness, which caused the high-level god-winged people around him to look sideways.

Qin Wuge interrupted him:

"I see, this is your place, you are the host, I am the guest, the guest can do as he pleases."

After Qin Wuge finished speaking, he wanted to practice, but Baidie still followed her and said:

"Now is the time when my God Wing Clan is constantly being reborn. I think the Nether Clan will definitely not let go of this opportunity to crush us. Therefore, Emperor Yan will stay here with these humans for a while. Our God Wing Clan has always been I am working hard to restore and maintain the Azure Land, and I believe that the sufficient divine power here will allow you to improve your strength."

Qin Wuge also saw that since those reborn God Wings entered the Azure Land, they automatically repaired the realm of the Azure Land.

The Azure Land is improving and becoming better because of the addition of these god-winged races.

"Well, I'll open the teleportation array now to let more troops in." Qin Wuge had already discussed with Xuan Mo that he could bring in more troops from the Haisheng Empire.

At present, there are less than 5000 troops in the Azure Land, which is still too small, and Qin Wuge also gave Ji Yunhan a quota of 5000 troops.

The old prime minister was naturally very cooperative, and he had to go out in person to select officers and elites above the general level from the 20 garrisons.

The moment the teleportation array was opened, the external entry request was linked. After Qin Wuge agreed, he saw Elder Ming Jie from the Haoran Sect came in with a few powerful sects.

"You really kept it, are you all right?"

After Mingjie came in, he saw the stumps all over the place. They were the stumps left by the human race after they died in battle. They were left on purpose when they were cleaned up just now.

Although the battlefield in the Azure Land had already been swept away, Ming Jie knew how tragic the battle was when he saw that less than half of Qin Wuge's 7000 men remained.He said angrily:
"When you were fighting, we went back from the Emperor's Forest. We wanted to come in to help, but Emperor Tianlan blocked it. Long Jue also said that the exploration in the Emperor's Forest was too exhausting and we needed to rest, so we delayed."

Mingjie was followed by a few people he was familiar with, as well as several masters of Wanfozong.

Originally, they brought a lot of disciples and insisted on entering regardless of other people's obstruction. However, the teleportation array was closed for a while before, and they saw that the light of the teleportation array dimmed, thinking that the land of azure had fallen.

After seeing that the teleportation array had recovered, Ming Jie hurriedly brought a few people to observe the situation.

"Old Ming, I have taken back the right to open the Azure Land. Currently, the Azure Land is only under the control of the Yan Kingdom. To enter here, I must obtain my consent, but I will give Haoranmen and Ten Thousand Buddhas Sect permission to use it."

"It should be like this, this kind of secret place should be decided and controlled by only one person." Having said this, Ming Jie approached Qin Wuge, and said in a low voice:
"Long Jue led us into the Emperor's Forest to avoid the demons and Nether tribe on purpose. Instead, he went to investigate the holy lake and found something by the holy lake."

The matter related to the holy lake naturally aroused Qin Wuge's vigilance, Mingjie continued:

"The power of the holy lake water seems to have disappeared. I saw Long Jue touched the holy lake water, but he didn't suffer any harm."

(End of this chapter)

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