Chapter 830 A Spiritual Race
Chapter 830 A Spiritual Race
When Jieyun appeared in the sky above the Emperor Forest, the demons were frightened.

Under the black cloud of thunder and electricity, all the demons trembled. The dark attribute demons were already afraid of this kind of holy thunder power, so most of the demons fled far away.Dare not continue to besiege the Azure Land.

But they didn't expect human beings to come out with black robbery clouds.

The demons' minds are chaotic and they have almost no thoughts. They only know how to kill and be cruel, but they have a strong survival instinct. Therefore, after feeling the threat of thunder, their first reaction is to run away.

"Did Bei Mingye want to bomb the Devil's Cave? That's a good idea. After all, after the tribulation thunders flow down, they will be burned and destroyed within a hundred miles." Nalan Yu watched Bei Mingye leave the Azure Land with a smile. Go, full of anticipation, no worries at all.

And other great powers also expressed their support.

Qin Wuge was speechless when he saw the relaxed appearance of these powerful people, because Bei Mingye had always shown himself to be too strong, so that everyone felt that he was strong enough to deal with any situation, and no one cared about him. up.

Looking at Bei Mingye who left alone, Qin Wuge felt distressed, so she hesitated a little and followed.

Qingying and Sihan could only come up to stop them:
"Emperor Yan, you have promised Your Highness just now, just wait here, the master can handle the tribulation."

Qingying casually nodded:

"Yes! This is the master's tribulation, he can naturally handle it."

Qin Wuge felt that Si Han's words were normal, and there was worry in his tone, while Qingying, like those powerful men, felt that Bei Mingye was omnipotent, so he didn't need to think about his safety at all!

Thinking of the past when these guards dealt with the crazy Bei Mingye, they were as ruthless as rounding up monsters.Qin Wuge was furious:

"How do you know that he can easily deal with the robbery! He has already accumulated spiritual power, and this time he has been promoted to three levels in a row. Jielei must be fierce, and he still has magic energy in his body. Tendency, will inevitably increase the strength of tribulation thunder. Even if you can bear it, it will be very hard!"

"As his guards, don't you worry about his safety?"

Faced with Qin Wuge's menacing questioning, Qing Ying and Si Han were very confused. As the master's guards, they naturally cared about the safety of the master, but the master himself is strong and has a strong personality, and he doesn't like others at all. Care, otherwise you will only get scolded and punished by the master.

Habitually, they no longer dare to care about the safety of their master. In their eyes, the master has always been an invincible and undead iron man!Even... monsters.

"Yanhuang, you can't go, there are still many Nether clan scouts outside, and their target is you." Seeing that Qin Wuge was about to go out, Si Han hastily stopped him.

Qingying quickly assembled the Shurawei scout department, and went out with Qin Wuge, she knew that Emperor Yan was a stubborn boy who would not listen to persuasion, and had exactly the same temper as his master.

"I'm just going to protect Bei Mingye so that he won't be attacked by the Nether tribe and demons. Even if he is not in danger when he crosses the tribulation, what if there is any danger after the tribulation? Someone must be by his side."

Facing those powerful people who came up to stop him, Qin Wuge hurriedly explained and ran out.

Miaoxuan and the others had no choice but to follow.Even Bai Die ordered a group of soldiers and quietly followed.

In the Azure Land, they didn't think it was too dark outside, but after they came out, they found that the Emperor's Forest was so dark that they could hardly see anything, and the devilish energy inside made it difficult for low-level monks to walk.

Among the Divine Wings who came out with Baidie, those with lower strength reacted the most strongly, and had no choice but to return to the Azure Land. Only a dozen or so high-level Divine Wings followed Baidie.

"Patriarch Bai, can you God Wings fight against demons only in the Azure Land?"

Nalan Yu had always been sick and listless before, but since he exposed his cooperation with Bei Mingye in the confrontation with Emperor Tianlan, he no longer pretended to be a bit cheap when he showed his true colors , is somewhat similar to Yi Wang's temper.

In the Azure Land, he also talked a lot. Seeing that the God Wing Clan could hardly leave the Azure Land, he chased Bai Die to ask.

"The newborn God Wings are weak, and they can enter the Emperor's Forest after cultivating in the Azure Land. Isn't it true that low-level monks of your human race cannot enter the Emperor's Forest!" Being polite just makes you think that's what he should be.

Nalan Yu clapped her hands happily:

"That's right! It turns out that your god-winged race is the same as our human race. When you were born, your strength was weak, but you can become stronger through cultivation. I'm curious, how strong your god-winged race will become in the end ?”

Baidie got impatient with Nalan Yu's question, and hastily replied: "As long as we don't die, we will keep getting stronger."

After Baidie finished speaking, she walked a few steps quickly and came to Qin Wuge's side, obviously she didn't want to walk with Nalanyu, so as to save herself from being questioned constantly by him.

Bai Die, who came to her side, felt a lot of excitement. He was so happy that the tentacles on the top of his head stood up. Bai Die exuded a cheerful and joyful atmosphere, but Qin Wuge never paid attention to it. After his side, Baidie began to feel disappointed again, her two tentacles drooping down touched her forehead, looking stupid and pitiful.

However, Baidie's tentacles stood up quickly, and he turned around vigilantly. His nails and teeth also grew longer in an instant, revealing a ferocious posture.

Qin Wuge didn't feel the danger, but Baidie's vigilance made her vigilant too. She immediately stopped and turned her head to see that Nalanyu and others were following. She breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Bei Mingye is ahead, let's disperse around."

Nalan Yu teleported to Qin Wuge, nodded in coordination, and said with a smile:
"Protect you first, otherwise Beimingye will trouble us after the tribulation is over."

The powerful people around laughed, and Bei Mingye, who is still going through the catastrophe, is indeed not in danger, and no one would be stupid enough to help him withstand the catastrophe.Therefore, Qin Wuge's protection target is Qin Wuge.

Bei Mingye has come to the sky above the devil's lair. The walls originally built by the Qin clan in the devil's lair have been dilapidated. Countless pale auras float above the devil's lair. After wantonly absorbing the surrounding devil's energy, they transform into a solid body. Horror monster.

Demons are born from the devil's lair.

The blood guards guarding the devil's lair for thousands of years, after being "polluted" and absorbing the devil's energy, became those high-level demons in human form.

It's just that, under the suppression of Jieyun, those transformed demons chose to escape immediately after gaining the ability to act.Those who have not yet completed their transformation are still struggling desperately, obviously they also have a premonition of the pressure and threat brought by the tribulation thunder.

There were already traces of Nether clan scouts around. These races that came and went like the wind wanted to protect the Demon Cave from being destroyed, but they didn't dare to rush up and bear the thunder that might fall at any time.

Therefore, the scouts of the Nether tribe were busy around, arranging a kind of pale stones. These stones were surrounded in a circle, layer by layer, around the demon cave.

"They want to use these stones to receive the scattered tribulation thunders, and after they are concentrated, they will cause secondary damage to Bei Mingye!"

Nalanyu and the others saw through the schemes of these Nether tribes, but Qin Wuge found it inconceivable.The Nether tribe is an intelligent creature, not a demon who only knows how to kill. It is impossible to set up such a simple and obvious trap.

Qin Wuge stared at the shattered outer city wall, exposing the dark and invisible magic cave inside, a flash of inspiration suddenly appeared in her heart, but when she tried to grab it, it disappeared again.

But the huge sense of crisis pressed towards him like a mountain roar and a tsunami, which made Qin Wuge break out in a cold sweat while being alert.

Almost subconsciously, Qin Wuge yelled at Bei Mingye in the sky:
"Don't go through the tribulation here, Bei Mingye, change to another place!"

When Qin Wuge sensed the danger, Bei Mingye in the sky also realized that something was wrong. When he wanted to move his position, he found dozens of Nether tribes standing up and surrounding him in the air.

(End of this chapter)

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