Chapter 841

Chapter 841

Regarding the fact that the Haisheng Empire owed the Zhenyuan Empire the city, it was a complete farce.

At that time, Emperor Meng of the Haisheng Empire was insane, but he released news to make a bet with Emperor Zhenyuan, using the city as a bet, and lost.

Everyone didn't take it seriously, after all, who can have the same insight as a lunatic.

But Bei Mingye took it seriously this time, and brought it up to Xuan Mo, the dog prince must go to take back the city. Thinking about it makes me troubled, but it is the emperor who is troubled, not myself!
Xuan Mo heaved a sigh of relief, watched Qin Wuge and the other four leave the Azure Land, and then suddenly remembered:
"If they go out like this, there are too few people."

The monks from Yan Kingdom were accompanied by Shi Wanfeng, so he was not worried:

"I, Emperor Yan, have the means to save my life, so there is nothing to worry about."

Xuan Mo, who was choked, remembered: Emperor Yan's Heavenly Thunder Armor Formation had a big chance change when Bei Mingye was crossing the catastrophe.

Therefore, the current Qin Wuge can completely rely on the mutated armor formation to walk sideways in the Emperor's Forest.

Presumably none of the basaltic beasts in the past did not have the defensive abnormality of her armor formation.

And the reason why Qin Wuge left the Azure Land with only a few people was because he had a mutated armor array as his trump card.

However, after walking in the Emperor's Forest, she found that there were a lot fewer demons in the forest, and the demonic energy in the forest still existed and even increased, but there were fewer traces of demons, and those who had stayed in the Emperor's Forest The corpses and blood stains are gone.

Stepping on the black steaming ground is as sticky as walking on a sponge soaked in blood, which is very inconvenient.

"The magic energy changed not only the air environment of Emperor Forest, but also the underground conditions." Miaoxuan squatted on the ground, controlled his spiritual power to dig out a handful of soil, and inspected it nearby, but the black soil turned out to be It can devour spiritual energy.

Let the spiritual power condensed by Miaoxuan slowly disappear under the swallowing of the black soil.

"Does magic energy still have such an effect?"

Miaoxuan was very surprised. Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye had never seen this kind of situation before. They only knew that demonic energy and spiritual power were incompatible. The existence of the two auras was a kind of conflict, but demonic energy could be swallowed directly. The spiritual power is too overbearing.

"This is the mud under the water of the holy lake."

Meng Haiyin dug a handful of soil with the magic weapon, and when he got closer, he smelled a faint earthy smell, and it was a strange smell, which is usually condensed when evil cultivators make corpse oil.The mud that exists at the bottom of the holy lake, because after the holy lake devoured humans, the residue rotted and condensed at the bottom of the lake to have this fragrance.

Looking around, it seems that this kind of black soil is paved everywhere, but in fact, only the outer circle of the Azure Land is paved with this kind of bottom mud, which makes the demonic energy here more intense.

"Haiyin, is this soil useful?"

When Qin Wuge was thinking about putting away the dirt, he heard screams from afar.

In the depths of the dark Emperor Forest, there was phosphorescence flashing, and the shrill screams should belong to the God Wing Clan.

"These soils are used to block the breath of divine light in the Azure Land, so that the newly born God Wings will not be able to find the Azure Land."

Qin Wuge instantly understood the function of the soil. After she sent a voice transmission to Shi Wanfeng and asked them to bring someone out to find and rescue the God Wing Clan, the four of them rushed towards the direction of the screams.

The first thing I saw was countless demons. The tide generally formed an encirclement circle, and the phosphorescent light filled the sky, while the corpses of the newborn God-winged tribe were flying in disorder. The demons were frantically strangling the newborn God-winged tribe under the leadership of the Nether tribe.

However, the newly born God Wing Clan was weak and unable to resist, and most of them had been slaughtered. The remaining God Wing Clan was only a few hundred people, who were huddled in a corner, resisting desperately.

"you again!"

The Nether tribe who led the demons recognized Qin Wuge at a glance. This sacred-blood human race had brought them so many failures that when they saw Qin Wuge, they felt the fear of failure in their hearts.

But when they saw clearly that there were only three people beside Qin Wuge, the Nether tribe suddenly realized that their chance to kill Qin Wuge had come.

After exchanging news with each other, dozens of Nether tribes attacked Qin Wuge together.

However, Qin Wuge did not retreat but advanced, and rushed directly towards the trapped God Wing Clan. Miaoxuan and Meng Haiyin opened the way ahead, the two demigods showed their might, and the evil spirits blocking the way were killed one after another.

"Hmph! So what if I let you kill all these demons! As long as there are living creatures on your continent, demons will continue to be born!"

"Kill this divine blood woman first!"

The Nether tribe gave up their control over the demons, but rushed towards Qin Wuge excitedly. It would be best to use these demons to hold back the power of the human race.If Qin Wuge can be killed, it doesn't matter how many sacrifices are made.

Because of General Suowo's failure, the Netherworld Clan has already placed a reward on Qin Wuge for killing him.

Kill her to get countless rewards and official positions.

"Be careful with that man! He's also hard to deal with!"

When dozens of Nether tribes surrounded them, the team leader started to remind them.

But as soon as he finished speaking, Bei Mingye left Qin Wuge's side, which surprised the Nether warriors, but also overjoyed them. This is simply a great opportunity to kill Emperor Yan.

Therefore, dozens of Nether tribes exerted their strength together, and all of them took out their trump cards, and rushed over without reservation. The power of the explosion was so powerful that I believe that even the mightiest of the human race could not resist it.

"If she doesn't get out of the way, then go to hell!"

Dozens of Nether tribe warriors were almost overjoyed, because Qin Wuge flew straight all the way, and had already arrived in front of those god-winged tribes. She seemed to be unable to see the attack of dozens of Nether tribes, but instead appeased the newborns. Divine Wings.

"I am your ally, I am here to protect you!"

Qin Wuge was worried that they would regard him as an enemy, so he explained something to them.

The surviving God Wings did not doubt Qin Wuge's identity, because their racial characteristics could feel the affinity of this human race and the aura of the clan's imprint.Know that she is his ally.

But none of them believed that she could save them!

Facing so many demons and dozens of Nether tribes, how can they escape?What's more, those dozens of Nether tribes launched an attack together, chasing and killing her, but she stopped in front of them, hovering in the air, and faced the attack of those dozens of Nether tribe warriors.

When the God Wings were terrified and desperate, the Nether Warriors attacked. Dozens of them gathered like black dragons and rushed over in a deterrent manner.

Qin Wuge, who was standing in front of the God Wing Clan, seemed too small, as if he couldn't bear the opponent's blow at all.


"Run away!"

Two different shouts came from the same direction.

Bei Mingqing and Nie Xi came running together, seeing Qin Wuge face such an attack, they were all in a hurry.

Bei Mingqing raised his hand and released the giant sky-swallowing beast, pounced on it, while Niexi turned into a beast and pounced on it together.

Qin Wuge was dumbfounded when he saw the two people rushing up to save him. The mutated armor formation he wanted to use - Heaven's Wrath and Thunder Punishment, would retaliate when attacked, and the stronger the attack, the stronger the retaliation. Nirvana and Bei Mingqing rushed up like this, I was really worried that they would accidentally hurt them.

However, seeing that Bei Mingqing was so worried about his own safety, Qin Wuge was still very moved.

"Stop it! Leave me alone."

Qin Wuge could only shout at them.

Meng Haiyin and Bei Mingye both went up to stop the two of them, Nirvana's Shadow Beast was deflected by Meng Haiyin, and exploded in the crowd of demons, while Bei Mingqing stared at Bei Mingye and roared:

"You are an asshole like Beiming Yuanfan, you are both cold-blooded and emotionless monsters! Don't you like that girl? Do you want to watch her die?"

Boom~ The sound of the explosion was deafening, and the huge energy shock covered Bei Mingqing's voice. Bei Mingqing turned his head in a daze to look at the direction from which the explosion came, which was the direction of Qin Wuge, and was even more stunned.

what did she see?
A huge thunder and light shadow shrouded Qin Wuge in it, protecting her from the attack of the Nether tribe just now, and she was unscathed!

What is this?Is it actually as strong as the prisoner of heaven and earth, stronger than the tortoise shell of the mythical beast Xuanwu?

On the other hand, the dozens of Nether tribes were miserable, and those who were injured fell down one after another, like moths flying to a flame, and their injuries were terrible.

Nirvana's mouth was even wider enough to stuff an egg.

Even though they had seen the armor formation resist the thunder calamity before, Bei Mingye and Meng Haiyin were still shocked when they saw the power of the mutated armor formation again.

Emperor Yan has this artifact, who else can hurt her?

(End of this chapter)

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