Chapter 850 Divine Dragon Comes to the World
Chapter 850 Divine Dragon Comes to the World
As the group continued to go deeper, sporadic dark spiritual materials began to appear around them. The power contained in this material was negative and irritating and dangerous.

But this dark stuff is extremely useful in certain narrow ways.

And it is difficult to find this material in the outside world, which makes the material precious and expensive.

It is no exaggeration to say that these dark spiritual materials are materials that Miaoxuan and other great powers covet.As a demigod in the Mahayana period, what kind of materials cannot be obtained from the outside world. In order to please the demigod, his own sect and other sects will collect various rare materials and give them away.

However, these spiritual materials such as Mingluo Grass, Yinfengxian, and Earth Binding Spirit are hardly seen outside.

"These spiritual materials will make those old monsters of the mainland sect envious."

Miaoxuan, as the ancestral master of the Ten Thousand Buddhas School, was in a lively mood. He was picking spiritual materials with a smile on his face.

For Meng Haiyin, these materials are even more rare. The Meng family's blood of the Nether Ten Thousand Snakes needs this kind of dark spiritual materials even more. Even Bei Mingqing, who has always looked down on these things, couldn't help picking more.

When Bei Mingqing was picking a jagged spiritual grass, he felt pain in his finger, and the sharp edge of the grass cut his finger.

"how come?"

As a monk in the Mahayana period, Bei Ming was already pure in the early morning, and she was invulnerable to swords and guns. The attacks and weapons of ordinary monks could not hurt her, let alone a spiritual grass, and the level of the ground spirit was not high.

"what happened?"

Qin Wuge saw Bei Mingqing staring at a spirit grass in a daze, so he leaned over and saw a black jagged spirit grass with stems and leaves growing prostrate, it was a rare ground-bound spirit grass, this kind of grass could not only Refining "poison entanglement", and its tough rhizome is also a very tough and hard-to-break material.

"This grass is too ugly. I don't want it. Give it to you." Bei Mingqing shook his hands and snorted coldly, bending his cut index finger slightly and hiding it.

"Unexpectedly, senior is still a face control."

Qin Wuge bent down to put away the earth binding spirit, and Bei Mingqing saw her easily pull up the stems and leaves of the earth binding spirit, and her delicate and white fingers directly pinched the zigzag leaves without any damage.

Bei Mingqing frowned, is there something wrong with his body?

"I'll look to the left."

Because her personal space is not suitable for the growth of dark spiritual materials, Qin Wuge didn't pick much. She turned her head and looked around, seeing clouds and mist rising to the left, and explored carefully.

Accompanied by Bei Mingye, the horned dragon was released to explore the way ahead. The horned dragon, which was supposed to be very repulsed by the dark and gloomy environment, seemed extremely excited.

"What happened to your battle pet? Did you find anything?" Qin Wuge could already see the abnormality of the horned dragon.

And the corner of Bei Mingye's mouth, who felt the emotion of the battle pet, had already evoked an arc of joy, and he nodded:

"Well, maybe there is a part of its body here."

The horned dragon was dismembered, and the other parts of the body have not been found. How can you not be happy to feel the call of a part of the body here?

Qin Wuge was so happy that she almost jumped up, she called Miaoxuan and the others loudly, and couldn't wait to share the news.

Because he likes Bei Mingye, and naturally cares about his pet horned dragon, Qin Wuge shares this news while being happy, and also wants them to help.

"A part of the horned dragon is here? It must be suppressed by the seal, and there are guardian beasts. Let's go there together!" Miaoxuan is a knowledgeable person and takes the lead.

The one that seals the horned dragon must belong to the dark seal, so Miaoxuan's Buddhist sect skills just restrained it. Among the several powerful people present, no one is more suitable than Miaoxuan.

At the end, there was a cliff, and the horned dragon's head stopped on the edge of the cliff. It stared at the endless abyss of the cliff, with humanized despair in its eyes.

The spiritual power here is limited, but it is not impossible to use any spiritual power, so it is possible to go down the cliff.The reason why the horned dragon's head was so desperate was because the cliff was too dangerous, and the natural vigilance that belonged only to the divine beast made the horned dragon shrink back on the edge of the cliff, not daring to move.

Even Qiu Long took the initiative to restrain his excitement, pretending that there was nothing below.It was as if it had misperceived and ran in the wrong direction, and hadn't noticed its own body breath at all.

The horned dragon's mind is connected with Bei Mingye's, so it doesn't want its master to take risks.

Even when the master came over, Qiu Long rubbed his master's arm and pulled him to walk in the opposite direction.

"This is a secret place, and there are dangers everywhere. It is meaningless for you to take us to other places. Since your body is here, you must find a way to get it out. Not now, but later, I will not take risks."

Bei Mingye held the horned dragon and communicated with it in his heart.

The horned dragon was stunned to hear that its master was so knowledgeable about current affairs. It had been with its master since childhood, and knew its master's temperament very well.
But now the owner has changed!Qiulong stared at his master with wide eyes, and then turned his gaze to Qin Wuge. Even a beast, it knew that the change of its master was because of this woman!
It was this woman who made the master worry, so he wouldn't be doing stupid things like taking risks.

In this way, Qiulong was relieved, and Qiulong ran to the edge of the cliff again, screaming.

"Did it say that there are dark creatures guarding it below? So doesn't it suggest that we go down and check? What kind of creature scares the horned dragon?"

Qin Wuge could understand Qiulong's words. She walked to the edge of the cliff and looked down. The whole abyss was covered with a layer of faint black mist. She couldn't see through it, let alone her spiritual sense, so she didn't know what was underneath. thing.

"The horned dragon is not afraid of the Kunmo transformed by the three fierce beasts. Could it be that the creatures below are more terrifying than the Kunmo?"

Meng Haiyin and the others knew about the biggest demon, the Yin Shaman, and thought that the Yin Shaman was the greatest threat on the mainland, but they didn't expect there to be creatures that even horned dragons would fear.

hang up~

Qiu Long hesitated for a moment, then roared towards the bottom of the abyss.

The horned dragon's voice was extremely penetrating, and the thick voice echoed under the abyss, rumbling.

Just when everyone thought it was the echo of the horned dragon below, the sound of the dragon's chant changed from small to loud, coming out from the bottom of the endless abyss, infinitely magnified, until it swept over the edge of the cliff like a sonic storm, and the voice standing on the cliff The people on the side took a few steps back before stopping.

The coercion brought by the heavy dragon chant also instantly suppressed all the momentum of the crowd. In front of such a dragon, it seemed that all living beings would prostrate.Even Qin Wuge and other divine blood became small and vulnerable in front of the divine dragon's divine power.

And the faces of the people also became extremely complicated at this moment.

Dragon Yin?

Is the dragon under the abyss?The real dragon?Or a dragon!
This kind of creature that dominated the mainland in ancient times caused headaches for the real gods. There were few gods who tamed the dragons, but the dragons continued to make trouble, causing the gods to besieged and killed, but also suffered heavy losses.

Shenlong has always occupied the top position in the list of beasts and has never wavered.

Even in the era when the dragon has been extinct on the mainland, the skeleton of the dragon is still an existence that many gods and beasts fear.

The divine beasts horned dragon, cangluan, dragonfinch, etc., which belong to the divine beasts and still exist on the mainland, are scum in front of the real divine dragons!
No wonder the horned dragon was afraid to move forward when it reached the edge of the cliff just now. As a beast, Shenlong has formed an essential and natural coercion over all living beings.

No matter how the protoss of the ancient times boasted, Shenlong has always been a creature stronger than the protoss.

"There are real dragons here?"

Bei Mingqing's complexion became very complicated. As a strong woman, she naturally likes creatures like dragons very much, but the dragon's chant just now almost frightened her out of courage.

She wanted to see the Shenlong below, but instinctive fear also arose in her heart.

Qin Wuge remained silent, she didn't release Yuanyuan just now, she was still in her portable space, but after Yuanyuan felt the dragon's breath, she also felt fearful.

What kind of creature is the dragon?
Qin Wuge wanted to go down and have a look!But it would be extremely dangerous to go on like this rashly, and their great powers also seemed weak in front of Shenlong.

(End of this chapter)

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