Chapter 852 The lingering ghost
Chapter 852 The lingering ghost
"Okay! I'll wait for your return!"

When Qin Wuge said these words, his voice was obviously much lower, even very soft.

Because she knew what this sentence represented, it represented a promise, a separation, and their future.

He may not come back here, but he still wants to go.

Qin Wuge supported him, no matter what happened, he would face it with him.

The two looked like they were saying goodbye, but they were extremely straightforward. During the short time they looked at each other, the two had calmly and ordered everything with a tacit understanding.


Bei Mingqing, who still wanted to mock Bei Mingye for a few words, suddenly sighed and said nothing. She also felt the long-lost touch from the separation between the two.

Both Miaoxuan and Meng Haiyin took a step back to give them enough space.

Nie Xi had a complicated look on his face. He was not satisfied with Bei Mingye, but Bei Mingye's personal charm really made him applaud. Therefore, Nie Xi decided in his heart: wait for Bei Mingye to successfully escape from the dragon abyss. Come back, let them be together.

"Go! I'll wait for you here." Qin Wuge poured out all the pills in his portable space to him, and the Holy Lake Spirit automatically followed him.

"You..." Bei Mingye wanted to say not to let her wait here, but before she finished speaking, she saw a bright smile on her face, and her voice was clear:
"Don't worry, I will take care of myself. If there is danger, I will leave immediately. If you can't find me on the edge of the cliff, you can just come out of the secret realm. I will wait for you in the blue land."

Bei Mingye was still worried, Qin Wuge said again:
"I know that since Mu Qingzhou discovered this place, he will probably come back again, and I will be wary of him."

Bei Mingye nodded, and after looking at Aunt Bei Mingqing for a long time, he smiled calmly:
"Go back to the imperial capital and have a look. If you still want the throne, I will give it to you."

Bei Mingqing was stunned for a moment before she understood what he meant. He meant that when he didn't come back, a feeling that she had never felt before spread from the bottom of her heart. She grinned and said:
"Who cares about the throne? What I enjoy is the process and feeling of successfully competing for the throne! I won't compete with the younger generation for the throne!"

Meng Haiyin spat:
"You haven't gone down yet, and you're starting to explain the funeral?"

Bei Mingye smiled, and looked at Qin Wuge again. Seeing Qin Wuge nodding at him, he turned and went down the abyss.

It doesn't matter if Meng Haiyin doesn't know what she thinks, she knows, she has always known that she is not someone who is obsessed with the throne, and if she comes back safely, if Auntie still wants the throne, then just give it to her. When my aunt did something wrong, she intervened forcefully, even as a regent.

It's nice to have a woman who understands herself!

This was what Bei Mingye thought when he went down to the abyss. It was because of this woman that he had to come back.

Qin Wuge and others came to the side of the abyss, watching Bei Mingye's figure climbing down, extremely vigorous.

"He was able to train a body of Asura Guards because he is a master of physical training, so among us, he is the only one who can go down." Miaoxuan couldn't help but look at him who was agile and vigorous. sigh.

Until Bei Mingye's figure was submerged in the thick fog, the dragon at the bottom of the abyss did not move at all.

Maybe Shenlong didn't find him, or maybe even if Shenlong found him, there was nothing he could do, because Shenlong was really trapped, facing the human beings climbing down the cliff, there was nothing he could do.

After waiting by the cliff for a while, Qin Wuge couldn't help but came to the place where Bei Mingye climbed down the rock, ready to move.

"Emperor Yan!"

Meng Haiyin and Bei Mingqing stepped forward together and stood beside her, one on the left and one on the right. Obviously, as long as Qin Wuge made any moves, the two of them would stop her.

"I'll wait here for him."

Qin Wuge silently glanced at the two of them, and sat down quietly on the edge of the cliff.

Meng Haiyin squeezed out a white tendon-like rope, one end was tied to her wrist, and the other end was tied to Qin Wuge's wrist.

"Haiyin, it's useless for you to act like this. When there is danger, we..."

When Qin Wuge said this, he suddenly felt a strange movement from below the abyss. Amid the thick fog, the entire abyss shook. The dragon seemed to be hitting the cliff crazily below, and its huge tail was thrown out. , The black scales that waved away the thick fog shone with a cold and sharp metallic luster.

The high-pitched dragon chant then broke out, and everyone on the edge of the cliff was shocked, only feeling that their bodies were blown backwards.

Shenlong is indeed trapped under the cliff, its attack may not be able to reach the people on the cliff, but its roar and dragon breath are long-range weapons, even people on the cliff are shocked by its dragon breath Injury and shock, not to mention the Beimingye who went down.

Beiming Ye is more ominous than good.

Qin Wuge rushed to the edge of the cliff frantically, wanting to see the situation below, but was held back by Meng Haiyin.

Miaoxuan and Niexi also rushed over, pulling her back.

"Let me go, I'm just going to see the situation below the cliff, I won't go down."

No matter how Qin Wuge explained, Miaoxuan and Niexi would never let go.

"With thick fog blocking it, you can't see through it at all. The past is useless, just wait with peace of mind."

Even though she knew what Miaoxuan said was right, Qin Wuge couldn't help it, even if she just took a look.

Although the promise was good before, but at this time, Qin Wuge still couldn't help it, couldn't help but want to see it, it turns out that when you are really worried about a person, it is difficult to control your reason.

Another dragon chant came, but the voice of this dragon chant was much softer.

The dense fog in the abyss boiled, and a black figure leaped out of the dense fog.


Bei Mingqing hurried forward, but felt a familiar aura.

She was shocked to find that the one who came out of the thick fog was the horned dragon head that had followed Bei Mingye down earlier.

"How did you come back? How did he find your body without you?"

Bei Mingqing was surprised, but also suddenly figured it out: Because Bei Mingye guessed that Qin Wuge would not be able to bear it, so he sent his natal battle pet, and let the horned dragon head stay with Qin Wuge, then the horned dragon head No hindrance proves that Bei Mingye below is no hindrance.

It's all for Qin Wuge's peace of mind.

Qin Wuge also thought of this, and felt ashamed in his heart. She failed to help, and made Bei Mingye unable to go on exploring with peace of mind. He was too slow.And the horned dragon head must not stay with him, it should be with Bei Mingye.

"I know, I know that you stayed here to let me know that he is fine, but you should be with the master, and you go down with my magic circle, so that I can know if you are safe."

Qin Wuge drew a magic circle on the top of the horned dragon's head on the spot, and quietly passed on the power of the scroll.After finishing, let Qiu Longshou go down quickly.

Qiu Longshou was at a loss for a moment, but finally he was obedient.

And Qin Wuge also heaved a sigh of relief. The magic circle she gave Qiu Longshou is her own armor array. As long as Qiu Longshou and Bei Mingye receive an attack, they will automatically prop up, even if the armor array of Tian Fu Lei Punishment The formation cannot block the attack of Shenlong, but as long as it can resist part of the attack is also good.

It can save Bei Mingye's life when necessary.

"someone is coming!"

Meng Haiyin suddenly became alarmed, and pulled Qin Wuge to quickly retreat to a hidden place.Bei Mingqing and the others also scattered and hid themselves.

"Huh~ It turned out to be broken."

A gentle voice came slowly, as well as the sound of footsteps stepping on the rotten leaves and bones.

No need to look, the person who came was Mu Qingzhou.It's really haunting.

And it wasn't just one person who came, the demigods who followed Mu Qingzhou were very happy:
"Sure enough, it's the wood god's calculation, knowing that girl might open up this secret realm."

"Looking at the traces, they should be around here, let's look for them separately."

When he was outside before, Mu Qingzhou had already let Qin Wuge go, but now he returned with the demigods, is this to continue hunting?

"Emperor Yan, show yourself." Standing in a clean place, Mu Qingzhou raised his voice and shouted:

"Since you have broken my Burning Realm Illusion Technique, then you know that I can use Burning Realm again. If the scenery here changes, you will be exposed. Why don't you come out by yourself, everyone still has a good attitude to talk."

(End of this chapter)

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