Chapter 864 Personality Charm
Chapter 864 Personality Charm
Exploration of the secret realm, everyone depends on their ability, whoever discovers it first will win it!

This is an unwritten rule on the mainland.

This also ensures that conflicts are avoided when exploring the secret realm. Of course, the party with fewer people in the secret realm will suffer. For example, there are only seven of them in the current Zhushen Temple, so naturally they cannot compete with Qin Wuge.

But Qin Wuge actually took the initiative to divide thousands of people into several teams, and each empire and sect formed a group of their own, and used it as "one person", which gave Zhu Shendian a great opportunity.

"Zhenyuan, Tianlan, Haisheng Empire, Haoran Sect Wanfo Sect and Xuanzhen Sect, plus your Yan Kingdom, it seems that you only have these seven teams."

Dai Ying laughed, with a sarcasm in his smile: Qin Wuge wanted to kill himself, so he can't blame others.

Qin Wuge shook his head:
"We also have the World of Warcraft team, the God Wing team and the Free Hunters. In addition, several other small sects can also form teams, so give us the quota of twelve teams. You can also find more people, the number is equivalent to ours to explore the secrets."

Dai Ying sneered:

"Okay, even if we agree, but will the people behind you agree?"

Just now, these people showed their trust in Qin Wuge, but that was without touching their own interests, they simply believed that Emperor Yan did not collude with the Temple of Zhu Shen.

But it's different now, the team division proposed by Qin Wuge has affected the vital interests of those people.

Exploring the secret realm is based on one's own ability, so why should you listen to Qin Wuge's mercy?
"Emperor Yan, I think you regard yourself as the master of the empire and the sect, giving orders but not caring about other people's ideas and...interests..." Hayato also laughed, but couldn't continue at the end of the sentence.

Because Hayato saw that the people behind Qin Wuge started to form a team automatically.

Thousands of people were withdrawn from the battlefield. They were very embarrassed, but they were still very organized and disciplined. The wounded rested in place, and those who were able to move spontaneously formed a team. Some even asked Qin Wuge for advice. Ask about the appropriate size of the team.

It was as if they all regarded Qin Wuge as the leader of the alliance.

So weird!

Dai Ying and Hayato looked at each other, and both saw shock and disbelief in each other's eyes.

"Are you acting like this, do you regard Emperor Yan as the leader?"

Daiying couldn't help but speak, but no one answered him.

Qin Wuge is the link between the sect and the imperial forces, or a bridge.On some decision-making issues, everyone is willing to listen to her opinions, even orders, because her starting point is to echo the interests of the public, and she is also for the sake of everyone.

So, what's wrong with following Qin Wuge's words?

Anyway, everyone knows very well that if there are trade-offs and entanglements, Emperor Yan will not stand out, and will explain the whole story to them clearly, and even let them make a decision.

The people in front of them also believed in Qin Wuge the most, so they followed her to the Azure Land.It can be said that these people have been Qin Wuge's supporters and advocates from the very beginning.

"Yan Huang, we are ready." Ten teams are ready. Each team has a dozen to twenty people. Yan Jiawei and Warcraft form a team with the largest number.

And after Qin Wuge checked the team composition, he even dismantled the team of Xuanzhen Sect and scattered the formation masters to other teams.In this regard, the members of the Xuanzhen Sect did not complain, and even cooperated very well.

Something is wrong!The monks of Zhushen Temple on the opposite side were dumbfounded. Daiying looked back at Mushen with shock on his face and asked:
"Mu Shen, we don't need to prepare. The few of us are enough."

Mu Qingzhou shook his head:
"Ten teams of them correspond to ten of us. Call someone."

Dai Ying felt that it was unnecessary, pointed to the opposite team and said:

"Although all ten of their teams have Mahayana leaders, their strengths are uneven, and it is inevitable that they will be dragged down when they act. It is not as good as us moving freely, and we will not be our opponents when looking for materials." Especially those formation masters, actual combat Those with low abilities are the burden on the team.

Dai Ying and other demigods are very confident, and feel that the other party is stupid. There are thousands of people coming in, but they are cautious and stingy and only send a small part of them to explore the secret realm. This is like a pack of wolves preying on their prey. , how can you beat others?
Dai Ying and other demigods could sweep away the secret realm of the ancient battlefield before them.

Mu Qingzhou's eyes were cold, and his voice became cold:
"Call someone."

Enough is enough, Mu Qingzhou only now realizes how stupid Dai Ying and others are!
I didn't think it was because I didn't find Yanhuang such an interesting and intelligent person.

Emperor Yan offered to form a team and act in unison because she foresaw the danger in the secret realm of the ancient battlefield.And Dai Ying and others have already searched the ancient battlefield, and picked a lot of materials, and even got injured because of it, so why didn't they find the danger of this secret place!

When these demigods disperse and act alone, there may be danger of falling.But Dai Ying and others didn't know it.


On the other hand, Qin Wuge's team was well matched, and the formation master she deliberately arranged would definitely play a decisive role in the subsequent exploration.

"Okay, how many people are called?" Seeing that the suzerain was angry, Dai Ying could only agree to call people bitterly.

"You can call as many as you want. Since Emperor Yan can form nine teams, we can also form nine teams. Right? Emperor Yan."

What Mu Qingzhou said later was to Qin Wuge, but Qin Wuge ignored him and set off with his team instead.

After forming the team, the remaining people did not stay in the secret realm for long, but returned to the Azure Land under the leadership of the God Wing Clan.

The victory of the Azure Land defense battle allowed them to return to their homeland, and the [-] troops of the Tianlan Emperor Clan guarded the periphery, making the Azure Land much safer.

After the nine teams dispersed, the primary goal was to find materials for immortals and demons.

Only enough fairy and demon materials can be refined to produce enough golden beans to complete the counterattack against the Nether tribe.

"Sovereign, Emperor Yan is a serious problem." Seeing that Qin Wuge and others had already gone to search for materials, Dai Ying spoke carefully to test the suzerain's attitude towards Qin Wuge.

Mu Qingzhou nodded slightly, and even replied:

After confirming that the suzerain is still hostile to Emperor Yan, Dai Ying breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Why don't you take this opportunity to weaken the strength of the Yan Kingdom. And those Divine Wings."

Daiying and others have long been eyeing the Divine Wing Clan, the divine blood is too attractive to them, and this is a secret ancient battlefield suitable for hands-on, it would be a pity not to catch some.

"You are not allowed to do anything here, the secret realm is our place of truce."

Mu Qingzhou closed his eyes, and left a sentence that made Daiying and the others extremely frustrated and depressed, but there was nothing they could do.

Only Niexi and Meng Haiyin followed Qin Wuge's team, Bei Mingqing went to lead the Zhenyuan Empire team, and Miaoxuan also went to Wanfozong.However, Su Dingfang and Fu Hongxue, whose strength gradually recovered, also became the pillars of the Yan Kingdom.

The two let Meng Haiyin and Nie Xi protect Qin Wuge, while they opened the way ahead.

"The materials of gods and demons are in the depths of the ancient battlefield. We just need to move forward and retreat when we encounter danger." Qin Wuge reminded the surrounding teams while he was on his way.

The nine teams are not too scattered to cope with any situation that arises at any time.It is also because everyone has no goals. After all, the ancient battlefield is too big, and it is a problem where to find it.

"Yanhuang, if our team doesn't disperse, the search area is too small, like finding a needle in a haystack." Luo Yunsheng led the team to the left of Qin Wuge, and he fully supported Qin Wuge's decision.

But it is really unwise to look for materials in the vast secret realm without dispersing them.

Originally, when more than a dozen people formed a team and acted in unison, the search area became smaller, but now the nine teams are not too scattered, and the search area is even smaller.

"Let's separate in front." Qin Wuge led the team to stop in an open place, ready to disperse the nine teams.

Xuan Mo complained:

"The nine teams are scattered, and the search range is not very large. It's better to search alone, as long as the team members can be contacted."

"No, as long as our team has goals."

Target?Where is the goal?Act like you know it all.

(End of this chapter)

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