Chapter 888
Chapter 888
"Three hundred masters of the imperial clan, none of them were lost!"

The third prince Luo Yunsheng came back under the circumstances that everyone was watching. He threw the two boulders on his shoulders on the ground, laughed and looked at Qin Wuge boldly:
"Thank you Yanhuang for reminding, these iron stones really have the effect of blocking the evil energy, and we came back safely under the protection of these huge stones."

The three hundred great talents behind Luo Yunsheng put down the boulders on them one after another, and they carried more in the storage space.

Because they encountered the attack of demonic energy on the way, they took out the boulders and hugged them in their arms. After having these stones, the demonic energy could not enter the body.

Countless rocks for the walls of the devil's cave were thrown into the blue land. I saw with my own eyes that the third prince and others returned safely from the darkness with the stones in their hands. Everyone knew how useful these stones were. Therefore, what the third prince brought them was hope and courage.

"There are enough stones to surround the Azure Land, and the rest can be carried by Da Neng, so that you can fight without fear of evil energy."

The third prince spoke in high spirits, as if giving orders, and everyone responded one after another.

Although Luo Yunsheng is only the third prince of the imperial family, the courage and boldness he showed are enough to be a great emperor.

After Luo Yunsheng ordered everyone to start piling up stones, he said to Qin Wuge:

"I just saw that Bei Mingye's dragon boat has risen, and the magic energy can't affect them."

"Okay, the third prince has a heart."

Qin Wuge is not worried about dragon boats. The Nether tribe has a natural fear of dragon boats. Longwei has a natural advantage over any race. Moreover, after the dragon boat has been modified, it will be more powerful and can retreat at any time. It can also transport troops to various places. Tactics are flexible.

"Don't worry, Beimingye's Hades will not retreat. When you need it, his Hades will always cooperate with flanking attacks."

Bei Mingqing came back from the outside carrying a big flag. Just like the third prince, Bei Mingqing was safe and sound when she came in. The big flag she was carrying was three meters high, and it was automatic without wind. It was like a spiritual treasure with its own protection. The attribute is refined from dragon fins, which can suppress the magic energy to get close, and can even guide the position of the dragon boat.

Bei Mingqing and the third prince Bei Mingyue had jointly made decisions on the raid on the Nether clan before, but now when the dragon boat was temporarily evacuating, Bei Mingqing came over carrying the dragon flag to guide the dragon boat.

"I believe in Hades."

Luo Yunsheng didn't need Bei Mingqing to guarantee himself, because Qin Wuge was here, and Ming Wei would not sit idly by.

"Just now I saw Emperor Tianlan escaped, I was so embarrassed, Qin Wuge, well done!"

Bei Mingqing was carrying the dragon flag to joke with Qin Wuge. She wanted to come down on the dragon boat to deal with Emperor Tianlan, but when she saw Qin Wuge make a move, she gave up.In the end, she was so happy to see Emperor Tian Lan being chased away in such a mess.

Qin Wuge explained to Luo Yunsheng:

"Emperor Tianlan disrespected my mother just now, I kicked him out, sorry, the Azure Land is no longer open to Emperor Tianlan."

After all, Qin Wuge agreed to the third prince before, and letting Emperor Tianlan return to the Azure Land is also a kind of repayment for Tianlan Empire's efforts.Who knew Emperor Tianlan would do such a thing!

Qin Wuge really couldn't bear Emperor Tianlan's airs and self-esteem.

Luo Yunsheng blinked, and quietly approached Qin Wuge and said:

"I deliberately slowed down the speed of coming back just now."

There is no need to say the rest, so the third prince should have come back to support the emperor long ago. As a result, the third prince was a step slower and the emperor was kicked out.

It is not convenient to explain the "acts" in this, but it is enough for people to understand.

The emperor, the shit-stirring stick, was driven away, and the embarrassment of the emperor was just in stark contrast to Luo Yunsheng's domineering return. The third prince had completely compared the emperor to Luo Yunsheng, whether it was in the eyes of the soldiers or the war repairers. down.

"No wonder, I think the old prime minister has also guessed."

Qin Wuge smiled relaxedly on the surface, but he was already worried in his heart: Luo Yunsheng couldn't wait, he wanted to take advantage of the emperor Lin's turmoil, and take advantage of the military power to attack the emperor and force him to abdicate.

Boom~ The crashing sound of collisions continued to erupt in the realm of the Azure Land.

The Divine Wing Clan in the realm suddenly became nervous, and Bai Die stopped following Qin Wuge, but led the senior Divine Wing Clan to patrol the surroundings, nervous and anxious.

"The Nether tribe has begun to attack."

The third prince looked at the darker and darker demonic energy outside his realm, and his deep voice was filled with excitement.

The Nether Race is a disaster for everyone, but it has a special meaning for the third prince. It is precisely because of what happened in the emperor's forest that he was given a chance to rise, otherwise the third prince would be in the emperor's palace. Squeezed down without doing anything.

"Let all the teams who explored in the ancient battlefield come back."

Qin Wuge felt that the attacks launched by the Nether tribe this time were more powerful than the previous few times.

Bai Die was still walking around anxiously, Qin Wuge looked at his irritable appearance, and suddenly asked:
"Are your people waking up?"

Then Baidie returned to Qin Wuge's side and nodded:

"Yes, I feel that the birth point of the tribe is nearby, and the scale of rebirth this time is huge, there may be tens of thousands of people, it is the "divine light coming" of the tribe."

And the Nether tribe probably also had a premonition of the scale of the birth of the God Wing tribe this time, so they launched an attack in advance, and the scouts of the Nether tribe could already be seen outside, and a larger army was advancing behind the scouts, leaving a little light in the air. A huge army formation like a giant beast appeared in the dark.

Amidst the roaring sound of 咕咕~, the dark behemoth was pushed forward by the Nether tribe, and it has been exposed to the realm of the blue land.

The whole body of the dark giant beast is covered with black air, and its face cannot be seen clearly, but it has huge long and sharp horns, and the peaks of the horns seem to have dense clusters, which are sharp siege weapons, which can crush hard objects touched.

Can the realm of the Azure Land block the Behemoth Horn Peak?All the war repairers and soldiers were worried.

"Nine-tailed Fox, let your war beasts form a battle formation, go out with me to find the birthplace of the God Wing Clan, and guarantee their birth this time!"

After Qin Wuge looked around, his eyes fell on the Nine-Tailed Fox and other monsters.

Now, these war beasts are the only ones that can form a large-scale team. The number of teams of other sects has dropped sharply, and it is too dangerous for the imperial army to scale up.

Nine-Tailed Fox was a little hesitant, after all, monsters would be attacked by magic energy when they went out, and besides, going out in this environment, I don't know how many monsters will be lost.

However, Qiu Lao Lightning stood up with its huge Chou Wen ax and the remaining dozens of Qiu Lao. By the way, he glanced at Nine-Tailed Fox and gave it a disdainful look:

"If the emperor's forest is lost, we will lose our breeding ground."

Qiu Lao's words awakened the Nine-Tailed Fox, and it no longer hesitated to select high-level monsters, release the coercion of the holy beasts, and force the monsters to follow them into battle.

"Who will go out with me for those who are above the fusion stage? Each person will be given ten celestial beans."

Qin Wuge saw that Nalan Yu and the other great powers had returned, so she spoke to all the great powers.

Now that the situation outside is bad, and the Nether tribe has overwhelmed the territory, going out is undoubtedly looking for death, many elders of the sect shrink back, and everyone speculates: there must be not many people who are willing to go out with them.

But it turned out that the Zongmen War Cultivators headed by Nalan Yu came out one after another. Except for a few individual powerful experts who were afraid, almost all the powerful experts stood up.

Are these people crazy?
Are you afraid of going out with Qin Wuge and never returning?
Although Qin Wuge promised to give each of them ten celestial beans, they must be used for their lives. The celestial soldiers summoned by the celestial beans will immediately attract the attention of the Nether tribe and become the first targets to be attacked and killed. , These powerful people went out with Qin Wuge, to put it bluntly, to attract the Nether Clan and give the Shenyi Clan a chance to be born.

"We don't need so many people, and the blue land also needs to be guarded. Let me also explain that we will become targets when we go out, which is more dangerous than good." Facing so many people volunteering, Qin Wuge was embarrassed.

Just explain the situation to these people.And these people are also clear.

Bei Mingqing carried the dragon flag and laughed loudly:
"You are not afraid, what are we afraid of?" Moreover, Bei Mingqing wanted to follow Qin Wuge for protection. When the boy went down to the abyss and did not return, she naturally wanted to help her nephew take care of women.

(End of this chapter)

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