Chapter 893 Surviving the Counterattack
Chapter 893 Surviving the Counterattack
"The realm of the blue land can't resist the explosion of the giant ship. Marshal, should I send out my giant ship again? Completely smash the blue land."

The cavalry will be praised by the marshal, excited in their hearts, and offer advice again.

Marshal Wo Kejie lowered his face:

"Exploding the giant ship can only be used to attack and dispatch when necessary. The Azure Land has been besieged by us, and it is only a matter of time before we capture it. Why waste the giant ship for this!"

"Yes, thank you Marshal for your reminder."

The cavalry general was still very unconvinced. He didn't agree with the marshal's words. Since the Azure Land is a cancer, it should be removed as soon as possible. Naturally, using a giant ship is the fastest and most effective way. It doesn't even take ten minutes to blow up the Azure Land. spaceship.

The marshal didn't let him use the giant ship, probably because he was worried that he would take his credit.

Anyway, the azure land in front of me has shrunk severely, and its defense power has been greatly reduced, and because there are too few god-winged tribes, the strength of the realm has weakened to the point where manpower can break through.

"Surround it up. After a few days, the Azure Land will be destroyed without attack. This nail will be completely pulled out. If the human race inside has not evacuated by then, it will be a good time to kill them."

After Marshal Vokejie gave the order, he hesitated staring at the stones outside the Azure Land.

These stones can indeed resist the evil energy, but they are not harmful to the Nether tribe themselves, so they can be used as props that they can use.

En~ That's right, don't destroy these stones, they will also be a usable prop after they are in the hands of the Nether Race.

After the Nether tribe surrounded the Azure Land, the scope of the Azure Land has indeed shrunk again.

Luo Yunsheng, who had already withdrawn from the realm, saw that the blue land was shrinking, so he had to ask the soldiers to withdraw the stones that had been deployed in advance for a certain distance. countless barriers.

Elite war repairers are stationed in the barriers, and the army formations are lined up between the barriers.

"Once the Azure Land is shattered, under the erosion of demonic energy, the soldiers between these barriers cannot bear it at all."

Xuan Mo looked at Luo Yunsheng's arrangement and felt depressed.Seeing the shrinking of the Azure Land, Xuan Mo and others speculated that it was because of the demise of the God Wing Clan that the Azure Land was affected.

Therefore, the God Wing Clan on that hill did not survive at all, and they all died under the explosion of the giant ship.

And after the Azure Land continued to shrink, it was no longer able to accommodate too many people. Luo Yunsheng and others had to reduce the army to 3, and all the wounded and monsters were sent out.

In the end, the people who stayed behind were also very pessimistic. They lacked the great power brought out by Emperor Yan, and their combat power had shrunk severely. They also encountered the shrinking of the Azure Land. No one knew how long they could last.

Only Qingying and Longchuan Mingwei firmly believed that Emperor Yan and others were still alive, and they wanted to defend the Azure Land and leave a retreat for Qin Wuge and others.

Also worrying was Sowo of the Nether Race, who arrived at the explosive hill with the Legion of Exiles. After a thorough investigation, Sowo did not find any traces or body fragments of the death of the great human race.

"General, it may not be certain that those powerful people of the human race have been blown into powder." The exile army under him comforted.

"Although the human body is fragile, it can reach the point of invulnerability after cultivation. Even if the giant ship is exploded, it is impossible to leave no body fragments."

Suowo is not planning for the worst, but looks at the human race with a normal and cautious perspective. The human race is the weakest among the creatures of the seven realms, but they can reproduce for thousands of years and have even been repelled many times The attacks of other realms naturally have their merits.

The human race not only has a strong ability to reproduce, but also has a strong willpower.

And Yanhuang and others are the best in the human race, no matter how they speculate on their strength, it is not an exaggeration.

After searching around on the hill again, Suowo sat on the top of the hill, thinking about where Yanhuang and others went when the explosion occurred.

He has every reason to believe that Yan Huang and others must have left before the explosion, and there are even tens of thousands of white cocoons!

"There are restrictions that have been set up underground, and there are my ancestors' bones. It is impossible to let them escape from the ground." Suowo grabbed a handful of black soil on the ground and crushed it in his hands. As the black soil disappeared, the roots were white The silk cocoon remained in his hand.

"This is the white cocoon that the God Wings lived in before they were born."

Suowo pinched the white cocoon and pulled it hard, but it was hard to break even a very thin silk cocoon.

This kind of white cocoon is a rare material that can be refined into a light and strong defense, and it is also the most precious defense material of the God Wing Clan.

In previous raids on the God Wing Clan when they were born, the Nether Clan obtained thousands of sets of materials, which can be said to be a huge harvest, and the combat effectiveness of the God Wing Clan was greatly reduced without this white cocoon material.

"That's right! White cocoon!"

Suowo suddenly became excited. Although the explosion that shattered the giant ship was powerful, it could not destroy this kind of white cocoon. There were tens of thousands of white cocoons here before, and it was only necessary to find out how many white cocoons there were.

The white cocoon had been shattered into silk in the previous explosion, and it was very difficult to find it, but Suowo still ordered the Exile Legion to search for it with all its strength.

In fact, not much time wasted looking for white cocoon silk, because there were not many to be found.

When his subordinates sent only a few white cocoons to Suowo, he was no longer calm.

"Sure enough, those white cocoons haven't been wiped out!"

Suowo almost tremblingly came to this conclusion.

"Look! Look for anything that can be found here, lock it up, and don't let anyone out!"

After Suowo gave the order, he roared towards the handsome tent of the Nether tribe army.

At this time, Marshal Wo Kejie was arranging a siege against the Azure Land, and stopped when he found that the Azure Land had shrunk to a certain extent. When he was a little strange, he saw Sovo rushing towards him.

"Sovo, what's the matter?"

As soon as Wo Kejie saw Sowo's anxious look, he had a bad premonition in his heart.

Suowo can be described as a typical general who is as immobile as a mountain, calm and calm, unmoved by external forces, what happened will make him so flustered.

"Marshal, the Divine Wings were not killed, they escaped, including Emperor Yan and those top human experts!"

As soon as Suowo finished speaking, the cavalry general roared angrily:
"You nonsense! How could they escape under the explosion of my giant ship, and this plan was made by the marshal himself. Are you questioning the marshal?"

Wo Kejie interrupted the cavalry general, but asked with a heavy face and surprise:

"How did you find out?"

"Yes, have you found the direction where they escaped?" The cavalry general also asked.

Sovo shook his head:

"I don't know where they went, but I think they should surround the hill, maybe they are still hiding there!"

Wo Kejie was silent. Just after the siege of the Azure Land was completed, are we going to send troops to the other side of the hill?Is it worth it to go to such great lengths?

And the cavalry opposed the first:
"Everything is just your one-sided words. Just because of your one word, the deployed army formation was withdrawn to the hills? Can you be responsible for any problems that arise in such a military transfer?"

I can't be responsible, because Suowo has already lost his status as a general. He is just the leader of the Exile Legion and has no integrity.

Wo Kejie also hesitated:
"Let's talk about your reasoning."

Suowo quickly took out the white cocoon he had found, placed it on the ground, and said:

"I found this on the hill. The white cocoons brewed by the God Wing Race are extremely strong. Exploding the giant ship will not destroy them, it will only blow them into countless filaments. There used to be tens of thousands of white cocoons on the hill. If If they are all wiped out, countless silk threads will be found on the hill, but there are only so many."

The cavalry will sneer and say:

"Hmph~ You took hundreds of exiles to search for silk threads, and naturally you can't find much. After the explosion, such light silk threads have long since drifted away. Based on this alone..."

After the cavalry general finished speaking, he was interrupted by the marshal:
"Deploy troops immediately and encircle the hills!"

The cavalry general is going crazy, Suowo is stupid, will the marshal also be stupid?

But as soon as the marshal's order was issued, before the troops could be dispatched, the mutation spread from the other side of the hill.

(End of this chapter)

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