Chapter 903

Chapter 903

The minister was very aggrieved by Qin Wuge's words. Does this kind of criticism apply to himself, do he want to destroy his future and everything?

"Emperor Yan, you must speak with evidence!"

The minister's voice was still very thin because of his excitement.

Qin Wuge laughed: "Evidence? Did you talk about evidence just now?"

While Qin Wuge was speaking, she glanced at the people around her. When Wang Jin and the others were caught by her gaze, they were stunned at first, and then felt ashamed and embarrassed.

After all, the people on my side are too embarrassing, they kept yelling, talking about evidence, and the result?It's not that the people on my side first said the words that were condemned without evidence.

"You said that the black bones I brought back would bring disaster, but you gave the evidence, let me see!"

Qin Wuge took a step closer, and was suppressed by Bing Bing Huangwei. This kind of royal majesty displayed on top of people has fatal pressure on people in the officialdom.The minister was so frightened that he took two steps back. If it wasn't for the support from the people behind him, he would have fallen to the ground.

"I just feel that this kind of skeleton is unknown." The man still wanted to quibble.

Qin Wuge shut him up with a shout:

"I think you are the unknown person! Passively deal with the enemy's intelligence information, don't think about how to deal with the enemy, don't think about the difficulties of soldiers fighting, but you like to talk nonsense with me here?"

The minister was scolded miserably. In front of so many people, he was put on such a big hat, and his reputation was ruined. He looked at Wang Jin for help, and wanted him to help him out.

Wang Jin looked confident, gave him a calm look, and then faced Qin Wuge and said:

"Yanhuang, let's continue the topic just now. You said the black color of the skeleton is its original color?"

Qin Wuge just thought it was funny, what are these ministers doing when they are full?Why do you have to hold on to this issue?Just to slap yourself in the face?
Take it easy!
"What do you want to say?"

Qin Wuge didn't answer Wang Jin's words, but asked back.

"I want to say..."

Wang Jin subconsciously wanted to answer, but then he reacted and looked at Qin Wuge in a little astonishment:
"No, Yanhuang, you seem to be very repulsed to discuss this issue. Although this issue seems insignificant, it involves a very important issue. I think the color of this skeleton is not originally black, but it should be made of a certain material. If this is the case, wouldn’t this skeleton pose a great threat to us?”

Seeing the seriousness of Wang Jin and the others, Qin Wuge understood that they would not stop until they made this topic clear.

It's just asking for trouble.

"I believe what Emperor Yan said, the bones were originally of this color." The third prince spoke, still clearly defending Qin Wuge.

When Wang Jin and others heard this, they were not happy, and even felt a little responsible:

"Third Highness, we must pay attention to principles and evidence in our work. You can't trust Emperor Yan so subjectively. Does Third Highness not believe in the old minister's research on ancient books for so many years?"

Wang Jin was very angry, thinking that the third prince must have been confused by Emperor Yan.

Emperor Yan is good-looking, but the third prince can't be unprincipled just because she is good-looking. Even if she wants to support her, shouldn't the third prince also support him?As the historian of the Tianlan Empire, I represent the majesty of the historical facts of the Tianlan Empire!

"I believe Emperor Yan is not subjective." The third prince replied seriously.

That serious attitude made it difficult for Wang Jin to entangle. Are you going to force the third prince to support him?I am a relative of the ninth princess, and from a standpoint, I have no interest in the third prince.

Even because of the discord between the nine princesses and the third prince, Wang Jin had to stand on the opposite side of the third prince and give him some flair.

Wang Jin is different from Ji Yunhan. Wang Jin represents the civil servants of the Tianlan Empire. Therefore, when facing the third prince, Wang Jin is very tough. In a continent where martial arts are respected, civil servants also play a large role. They represent A class of art, astrology, alchemy, and art inheritance.

It has a high prestige in the empire and has a great effect.Governing the empire, developing inheritance, etc., all need to rely on people like Wang Jin.

Therefore, if the third prince wants to gain the ruling power of the empire, he still needs to put in a lot of effort in dealing with civil servants. Naturally, it is not easy to be serious with them at this time.

Therefore, Wang Jin and others will stand up at this time and confront Qin Wuge, which can be regarded as a conflict and contest between traditional forces and new rising forces.

"Yanhuang, you still insist that this kind of skeleton was originally black, right?" Wang Jin faced Qin Wuge again, and his tone of voice was obviously gunpowder.

"Do you have to worry about this problem?" Qin Wuge's attitude towards Wang Jin was also quite indifferent.

"That's natural, and it's not that I want to entangle this issue, but what this issue represents. Since the blackness of the bones is formed by some means of treatment, then it is the means used by the Nether Race to control the Emperor Forest Yes, only by thoroughly researching this issue can we find a way to crack the Nether Race!"

What Wang Jin said was straightforward and not very inspiring. People around him applauded after hearing Wang Jin's remarks.

Faced with Wang Jin's questioning and instigation, Qin Wuge couldn't ignore it.

Originally, they were discussing the next strategy with Luo Yunsheng, but Wang Jin and others came out and insisted on entangled in this issue. To put it bluntly, they still have opinions on Qin Wuge, or after reducing the harm of the Nether Clan, They turned to their own people.

The human race has strong resilience and perseverance. In the face of disasters and threats, they will burst out with unimaginable resistance and unity. But once the threat is lifted, the human race will expose their despicable humanity and fight among themselves.

Just like now, as soon as the threat of the Nether Race becomes smaller, the human race begins to fight. This kind of fight involves the distribution of their own interests, political status, and so on.

Wang Jin and others targeted Qin Wuge because Qin Wuge's recent rise threatened them.Moreover, Wang Jin and others added a nice motive to their actions: the purpose of studying the black bones is to deal with the Nether race.

A typical whore wants to set up a memorial archway.

"Okay, one skeleton is not researched or representative. Since you want to study it, then go get more skeletons and study it together."

Qin Wuge did not reject their provocation, but put forward different opinions.

But Wang Jin and the others got scared and went to get more bones?Do you mean go out and search?What should I do if I encounter an attack from the Nether tribe?Too dangerous!Therefore, Wang Jin said cheekily:
"Let's study this one first."

Qin Wuge just laughed:

"Doesn't Master Wang like academic rigor? Then you should also know that there must be one-sidedness and narrowness in studying only one skeleton. How can you do it without studying hundreds of skeletons?"

Wang Jin was speechless because he blamed himself for being too impassioned in what he said just now, from an academic and rigorous point of view, so that he couldn't even refute what Qin Wuge said. Oh.

"That's right, since we want to solve this problem, I think it's better to get more bones!" Xuan Mo also spoke beside him, his tone was obviously sarcasm, and he was as bad as watching the excitement.

Xuanmo has fought against the Nether tribe many times, so it is very clear that the Nether tribe attaches great importance to the skeleton. When they encountered this kind of black skeleton outside, the Nether tribe would desperately snatch it. If Wang Jin and others were asked to go out, they would look for this kind of skeleton , will definitely be strongly opposed by the Nether Race.

It's also time for these "talkers" to experience the fighting power of the Nether clan.

"For the sake of academic rigor, let's go out together to find the bones, and it will be convenient to study at any time." Qin Wuge added.

Wang Jin and the others didn't want to go out at first, but now that Qin Wuge wanted to take them out to study together, wouldn't it be more likely to be attacked by the Nether tribe?

This is an adventure to die!
Wang Jin and others refused, but Yan Huang said again:
"Don't you dare to go out? You have such a backbone, civil servants, when you talk about the black bones, you swear by it. Since it is confirmed that the bones were dyed black by magic and prohibition, then only by studying the location where the bones were found can we be sure." What caused the bones to turn black."

A "dare not" is the greatest insult to all civil servants.

(End of this chapter)

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