Chapter 905 Like-minded
Chapter 905 Like-minded
Wang Jin felt that the ministers did not explain clearly, so he re-explained:
"Today's Emperor's Forest still needs our empire and sect to cooperate to resist the Nether Race, so we all contribute to the Emperor's Forest!"

At this point, there was still no response, so Wang Jin simply made it clear:

"Since the Emperor's Forest was protected with the joint efforts of all of us, everyone naturally has the right to speak."

After Wang Jin finished speaking, there was silence around him.Even the elite soldiers around the Third Prince didn't say a word.

Wang Jin just felt strange, what happened to these people?Didn't my words speak to their hearts?Didn't it meet their interests?

I believe that everyone's interests are common. We should reach an agreement on the matter of the Emperor's Forest. You must know that the Emperor's Forest is rich in treasures. In the case of the death of the spiritual material, the treasures and secret realms underground in the Emperor's Forest are also countless treasures.

"Third Highness, what's your opinion?"

What Wang Jin couldn't accept the most was Luo Yunsheng's silence.As the third prince of the Tianlan Emperor Clan, he should be the one who is absolutely on his side, but he didn't say a word. Could it be that he still supports Emperor Yan?Go crazy!

Luo Yunsheng did not respond to Wang Jin, but looked at Qin Wuge, who then said:

"Oh, do you still want to divide the emperor's forest?"

Wang Jin nodded immediately:

"If Emperor Yan can think this way, it would be best..."

"Fart! What are you, you dare to intervene in the distribution of my sacred blood territory." Before Wang Jin could finish speaking, he was interrupted by Qin Wuge.

Moreover, Qin Wuge scolded him aggressively, Yan Huang's superiors were all full of aura, completely regarded Wang Jin as a slave, and scolded him very fiercely.

As the leader of civil servants, Wang Jin felt that he had been greatly humiliated. He trembled when he pointed at Qin Wuge and scolded back:

"You're rude!" As Emperor Yan, he didn't care about his face at all. It's not polite at all to scold people so directly.

"Do you still need to be polite to something inferior to a beast like you?"

Qin Wuge sneered, although his tone was relieved, but it was contempt with confidence, contempt that did not see Wang Jin and others in their eyes.

"" Wang Jin was about to vomit blood out of anger, and after realizing that he couldn't scold Qin Wuge, Wang Jin wanted to pull Nalan Yu and others around him to attack Qin Wuge together.

"Sect Master Nalan, look! Emperor Yan is such a rude, vulgar, domineering and barbaric person, why do we still help her guard the Emperor Forest? She will also take all the credit for fighting the Nether Race, Sect Master Nalan ……What are you doing?"

Wang Jin wanted to draw Suzerain Nalan to his side and target Qin Wuge, but he saw Nalan Yu walking towards him with a sullen face. Wang Jin suddenly felt bad, as if Nalan Yu was going to beat him up.

Ah~!You've got it!

Nalan Yu slapped her back, a real slap.

As a super power at the pinnacle of the Mahayana period, Nalan Yu wanted to beat Wang Jin, but no one else could stop him. Those clan masters around Wang Jin could only retreat in fright when facing Nalan Suzerain.

Wang Jin was slapped to the ground by Nalan Yu.

Knowing Wang Jin's strength, Nalan Yu was merciful, and used his spiritual power to swell Wang Jin's face and hurt to the marrow, but he would not faint, so that he could hear his rebuttal and scolding: "Yan Huang said That’s right, no matter what you are, you dare to point fingers at Emperor Lin.”

Wang Jin couldn't believe his ears, what is Suzerain Nalan doing?
Wang Jin thought that his relationship with Nalan Yu was pretty good. After all, many of the nobles of the Tianlan Empire were in the Haoran Sect, and Wang Jin also had a personal relationship with Nalan Yu, so he kept going. Win over Nalan Yu and speak for herself.

But what happened?Instead of helping herself, Nalan Yu almost slapped herself to death, and then scolded so badly.

"Wang Jin, it's useless for you to study classics for many years. You are a well-learned person, but you don't understand the essence of the war in front of you? We came to the Emperor's Forest to fight against the Nether Race who wanted to destroy the mainland. The Emperor's Forest is just a battlefield, and it hosts the war. And the destruction brought about, this is the plunder of the emperor forest and the god-blood race, we should make up for it, not the reward you think!"

Nalan Yu's words are very similar to Qin Wuge's explanation of Shenyi City!

This is the thought that a person who understands righteousness should have.It is completely different from a narrow and selfish person like Wang Jin.

And the powerful people who came with Nalan Yu all had such ideas, so when Wang Jin clamored to carve up the Emperor Forest and wanted benefits, these powerful people had no support.

Now, these powerful people only have contempt for Wang Jin, including the third prince.

"I...I..." Wang Jin lay on the ground with his face swollen, and for a moment he didn't know how to answer.

Being insulted by Nalan Yu like this, he naturally understood some truths, but he was not reconciled in his heart, why?Why should they be treated like this despite their effort?Why can't we share some benefits?
However, the truth has already been made clear, if Wang Jin is still entangled in this matter, holding on to this topic, it will only damage his reputation.

Therefore, no matter how dissatisfied and unwilling he is, he must restrain himself, and wait until he finds the right opportunity to take revenge again. It is not too late for a gentleman to take revenge for ten years.

Luo Yunsheng pulled Wang Jin up from the ground:

"My lord, your thinking is indeed a little wrong. The emperor's forest carries the battlefield for us to fight against the Nether tribe, so the emperor's forest is the one who pays the most. After the war is over, the Qin family will restore their homeland. Our Tianlan The Empire should help too."

After finishing speaking, the third prince blinked at Wang Jin. This action misunderstood Wang Jin. He felt that the third prince must be reminding himself not to be impatient, and to be patient for the time being. Therefore, Wang Jin followed the third prince's instructions. Meaning, speaking insincerely:
"Third Highness... what you said is correct. It is true that I was wrong just now, and I have a problem with my thinking."

"That's right! Mr. Wang is the kind of stubborn person." Nalan Yu laughed and praised him.

But looking at Nalan Yu's smiling face, Wang Jin felt that his face hurt, it really hurt.

"Let's go!"

Qin Wuge had already taken the lead out of the realm protection range of the Azure Land. The moment he stepped into the Emperor's Forest, the endless devilish energy swept like a storm, and there was no need for special manipulation from the Nether Race.

The devilish energy in the emperor's forest has naturally formed and launched an attack on the human race.

"This is the world where the Nether race lives. After they invade the mainland, the human race will be extinct!" Miaoxuan clasped his hands together and spoke compassionately, causing everyone to fight coldly. The war we are facing is a life-and-death struggle, never ending.

Therefore, it is all nonsense to help guard the emperor's forest, and to help the Qin family's divine blood!This is a battle for survival about the Terran, about yourself.

After Wang Jin and the others came out, they quickly asked the guards around them to prop up the spiritual barrier to help them resist the attack and influence of the demonic energy.

Wang Jin, whose face was still hurting from the beating, was full of resentment, he couldn't wait to find the black skeleton, so as to prove that Emperor Yan's statement was wrong, so as to slap her face hard.

Therefore, Wang Jin was particularly active in finding the bones, and the civil servants and clan masters around him were surrounded by him.

The third prince also conscientiously surrounded him with the elite soldiers to protect the safety of these civil servants, and took the opportunity to gain a wave of goodwill.

However, the carpet search by Wang Jin and others lasted for a long time, and they did not find a single skeleton. Instead, they found a lot of human skeletons. These skeletons should be human adventure monks, or military scouts. Killed.

For this kind of loyal bone, Wang Jin and others can't ignore it. They spent a lot of time busy burying the loyal bone. Wang Jin was very angry when he saw that Qin Wuge was studying something with the powerful people.

Why did he come out of the emperor's forest? It was his side who did the work. Yanhuang probably led people to be lazy.

But there were still Nalan Yu and others following, and Wang Jin couldn't explain it clearly, so he said insinuatingly:
"I'm bringing a star disk. If you don't mind, come to my side. Let's use the star disk to deduce it together so that we can find some black bones."

"Looking for the black skeleton, still need deduction?" Qin Wuge's voice was full of surprise.

But to Wang Jin's ears, the sarcasm in her tone was obvious!
(End of this chapter)

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