Chapter 915 Burning Realm Controller

Chapter 915 Burning Realm Controller

Daiying was really worried that Mushen would leave him behind and run away by himself.

When Mushen grabbed him and fled, Daiying finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"The Promise Barrier can block the space crushing of Shenlong!"

While explaining to Daiying, Mushen tore apart the space and drilled in with Daiying.

Behind him, the roar of the Shenlong burst out, and the violent force that stirred up the space hit the infinite barrier, making a crackling sound, and everyone within a thousand miles was affected by the fury of the Shenlong, burning the ground for thousands of miles.

"Hehe, he brought the magic dragon out, and the mainland will suffer again. Now it becomes interesting!"

The space without Shenlong was crushed, and Mu Qingzhou took Daiying to evacuate safely.After returning to Zhushen Temple, Mushen seemed to be very interested, and kept explaining to Daiying:
"You know that divine dragon. After being suppressed in the abyss for so many years, he has already turned into a demon dragon, an abyss demon dragon. Moreover, the killing on that dragon is so heavy. After it is born, it will definitely cholera the mainland."

Daiying listened absent-mindedly, thinking more about Hayato's death.

But the wood god said:
"Don't think about that dragon."

Mu Shen's tone was unprecedentedly solemn, which made Dai Ying a little confused.Mu Shen explained:
"We can absorb the power of divine blood and divine beasts, but we will also be affected by their power. The power of the abyssal dragon has already been affected by tyranny and killing. We cannot bear the power. Once we are contaminated by the power of the abyssal dragon , we are bound to die."

Dai Ying nodded quickly, his mind was not that big, he just wanted to live for two more years.

Where did you think of shooting against the dragon?

Daiying raised his head and looked at the Zhushen Temple towering in the sea of ​​clouds, filled with emotion for a moment.Once, when he first came to Zhushen Temple, he thought it was a fairyland, a place that could only be reached after ascension, but now he knew very clearly that under the prosperous fairyland appearance of Zhushendian, it was the blood race that was being squeezed.

Relying on the bones and blood of the god-blood race, this seemingly sacred holy palace in the sea of ​​clouds was cast.

Countless great powers who should have fallen on the mainland a long time ago lived in this grand Zhushen Temple, fantasizing about immortality and attaining enlightenment.However, among the countless masters in the Temple of Zhushen, there has never been one who has ascended from the tribulation.

Even in the Temple of Zhushen, deep in the sea of ​​clouds, you can still hear the dragon chant from the Emperor's Forest.

Shenlong masters the most profound power, including the power of space, so the sound of dragon chant is extremely penetrating.

And in the Emperor's Forest, the sound of the dragon's roar also scared everyone.

The Nether tribe brought by Suowo was almost wiped out, only a small part escaped, and Nalan Yu and the Tianlan Empire army who came to help, joined forces with the Hades, and when they were cleaning the battlefield, they heard that The violent roar of the dragon.

"Is this dragon crazy?"

Bei Mingqing was being bandaged by Qin Wuge, and he couldn't help frowning when he heard the dragon's roar.

"I'll go and have a look." Qin Wuge quickly helped Bei Mingqing take medicine, and then searched in the direction of Bei Mingye.

Meng Haiyin hurried to catch up, but was pulled down by Nalan Yu:
"No, give the two of them some private space."

Meng Haiyin was impatient:

"What if there is danger?"

Nalan Yu shook her head:
"With Bei Mingye here, what danger can there be?"

Nalanyu had always looked up to Bei Mingye before, but after learning that he had brought back all the abyssal dragons, Nalanyu still found that she still didn't think highly of him enough.

Meng Haiyin, Su Dingfang and the others were still uneasy and quietly followed.But he didn't follow too closely.

After they found Bei Mingye, they were frightened by the scene of the destruction in the forest.

The tall towering giant tree that almost covered the sky was destroyed, allowing the light to shine down from above, making the space on this side look much brighter.

But the existence of the black abyss dragon makes this place look very depressing. Not only that, the crazy black dragon and the furious Bei Mingye are simply the two evils here. Their rage is like a storm, destroying everything around.

"Bei Mingye, what are you doing!"

Qin Wuge was also frightened by his actions. Bei Mingye no longer had the restless devilish energy on his body, which meant that he was no longer affected by the devilish energy, and this time his anger was entirely out of his mood.

Although there is no contract formed between the abyss dragon and Bei Mingye, the two seem to be able to draw emotional resonance.

Because of Bei Mingye's irritable mood, Shenlong's mood also became violent, and everything around him suffered.

After Bei Mingye, who was in a rage, heard her voice, he shone into the darkness like a ray of light, and the rage and resentment formed in the darkness were also softened by this ray of light.

The demon dragon, which was roaring furiously, felt the emotional change of the human standing above its head. It reluctantly withdrew its breath, turned its huge eyes up to look at the man, and sighed bitterly:
"My emotions are easily affected, so you should restrain your temper."

Listening to the tone of the giant dragon, it seems that it was angry and destroyed the surroundings just now, all because of Bei Mingye.

And it really thinks so, why does such a dragon, which is so particular about itself, do such boring things in the emperor's forest, destroying trees and ancient stones!
Bei Mingye did not respond to Shenlong, but got down from the dragon's head and came to Qin Wuge. Before he wanted to explain, Qin Wuge had already covered his mouth:

"I know, if you didn't kill Mushen, you need to vent your anger, why don't we find another way."

Her brisk tone and bright smile on her face made Bei Mingye, who was still angry just now, calm down immediately, and even made him feel a little ashamed, because he lost his composure just now!

Because seeing Mu Qingzhou escape, he was helpless.After experiencing those hardships in the abyss, becoming stronger like a transformation, and with the help of the giant dragon, he couldn't wait to kill Mu Qingzhou.

But under the huge expectations, he failed, so he was so angry.

It was because he was too impatient, because the hatred for Mu Qingzhou was too deep, and every time he saw him, he couldn't help being impulsive and wanted to tear him to pieces.

He also understands: Mu Qingzhou, as the strongest cultivator on the mainland, has exhausted all means to obtain the power beyond the blood of the gods. He is indeed a man close to God, and even his strength surpasses God. How can he kill such a man? Can be easy.

The thoughts in Bei Mingye's heart were quickly broken, because he was held by Qin Wuge's hand, and the gentle touch made his heart empty, and he was full of emptiness but only allowed her.

"Have you found the horned dragon's body? Your horned dragon's head is broken in a hurry."

Qin Wuge first released the horned dragon's head from the portable space. From just now, the horned dragon's head seemed to be crazy, and kept bumping into the portable space. It was because he felt the breath of Beimingye, or there was it The breath of the body.


Bei Mingye smiled and agreed, because he was angry just now, his face was still a little stiff, but after he laughed, it melted away as if the ice and snow on his face melted, and he beckoned and put the horned dragon head into his portable space.

Qin Wuge immediately said:

"I'll help you protect the dharma, let Qiulong recover."

Qin Wuge stared at the abyss black dragon for a long time, seeing that the black dragon seemed to be tired, and it had no ill intentions towards Bei Mingye, so he let Bei Mingye recover first.

Beimingye's horned dragon was decapitated and separated for too long, so it was a slow process to recover.

"The magic energy in my body has been burned by the flames of the burning environment." Bei Mingye told Qin Wuge the good news before helping the horned dragon recover, and then gave Qin Wuge an enchantment purification bottle filled with flames. Song.

"When you study the magic element in the future, you can use this deterrence."

Then he hesitated, and said again:

"But it's best not to be infected with the magic element, otherwise, if you want to dispel the magic element in your body, the flames in this bottle are not enough, and you can only eliminate the magic element in your body unless you go to the burning environment."

But to go to Fenjing, Bei Mingye had to take it with him.The hardships involved can be imagined, but Bei Mingye did not say anything to worry Qin Wuge.

As long as it is what she needs, he will try his best to satisfy it.

Therefore, she wanted to study Moyuan, just let it go, and he will have all the consequences.

After he had been to Burning Realm and released the abyss dragon, he already knew that place like the back of his hand.

(End of this chapter)

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