Chapter 917 Will You Be Bullied?

Chapter 917 Will You Be Bullied?

Qin Wuge was quite surprised that Heilong still knew about Lingwu tea.

"How many years have you lived?" Qin Wuge asked while shaking his head to indicate that there was no Lingwu tea.

The black dragon is arrogant, its lifespan is too long for human beings, so any human being is an insignificant existence in front of it, even the lifespan of the gods is far less than that of the dragon.

"Tens of thousands of years."

Shenlong inhaled while responding, and the huge airflow rolled up along with its nostrils, Qin Wuge let go of his hand, and after the ice umbrella grass in his hand reached its mouth with the airflow, the huge tongue rolled up The pile of ice umbrella grass rolled into the mouth and swallowed.

The pile of parasol grass was too little and too small for it, and it swallowed it without chewing.

However, the pile of ice umbrella grass still played a role in its body, turning into a clear stream to eliminate the hostility in its stomach, making the black dragon feel extremely comfortable.

"Since you have lived for tens of thousands of years, do you know where there are ice umbrella grass and spirit mist tea?"

Qin Wuge took out another pile of ice umbrella grass and gave it to Heilong, then asked.

The black dragon swallowed the ice umbrella grass, but did not answer, how did it know?Although it has lived for tens of thousands of years, it has been trapped in the abyss for thousands of years. It can be said that it has been trapped in the abyss most of the time.

Those damn gods not only trapped it, but also used it to suppress the evil in the abyss.

Therefore, the black dragon's most memories are the days when he was trapped in the abyss.

"Such a rare thing, you just want to exchange a few ice umbrella grasses."

Heilong smashed his mouth and responded in a rough voice, so he wouldn't say that he didn't know!Shenlong should be omnipotent and omniscient.

"It doesn't know."

At this time, Bei Mingye opened his eyes, and answered in a positive voice for Heilong.

The black dragon flicked its tail violently, flapped its huge nostrils to express its dissatisfaction, and hummed:
"Human race, you are too arrogant."

Bei Mingye stood up. Although he could only see the black dragon with his head up, his posture of looking at people contained the aura of the superior to the inferior.

The black dragon doesn't like his eyes very much. It feels that all human beings should look up and respect it, and this human race always shows a domineering attitude, which is too annoying.But even though he hated it, the black dragon didn't say much, but looked at him.

"If you knew where the ice umbrella grass was, you would have looked for it when you came out of the abyss, why wait until now to eat such a little ice umbrella grass?"

With a smile in his tone, Bei Mingye said again:
"I'm afraid this continent is different from the one you knew before."

The black dragon hummed and flicked its tail, it was indeed different!When it came out of the abyss, it didn't expect that the mainland would become like this. There were no god-blood races in the former emperor's forest, and there were bleak and thin spiritual power everywhere.

And, more importantly, the black dragon's relatives are all extinct, and it can't find a mate even if it wants to find a mate.

"Your horned dragon is okay?" Seeing Bei Mingye get up, Qin Wuge immediately ran to his side and asked happily.

"Well, I'm still resting in the space." Bei Mingye looked back, and the look in her eyes instantly changed.It was the blazing heat after not seeing him for many days, but because of the current situation, he still needed to be patient.

Some of the powerful people around noticed Bei Mingye's eyes, and instantly felt that these people were superfluous here, and they were making light bulbs.

But Bei Mingqing didn't notice her nephew's eyes. She stared at Bei Mingye with fiery eyes. As a monk who pursues strength, she really wanted to know what Bei Mingye's horned dragon looked like. It would be good to see it. .

"Go to the magic cave first."

After looking at Qin Wuge for a while, Bei Mingye made a decision.After going to the abyss for many days, he naturally misses her, but he is very clear about the situation in front of him. Only by solving the problem first can they stay together longer.

He has tenderness, but he is more aware of his responsibilities and missions.

"The reason for the gathering of demonic energy in the Emperor's Forest is the bones. Whether it is the bones of the ancestors of the Nether race or the bones of those who died, they will become the living place of the Nether race."

Hearing Bei Mingye's words, Nalan Yu immediately asked:
"Have you done in-depth research on the Nether Race?"

Knowing yourself and knowing your enemy can win a hundred battles.

With the invasion of the Nether Race, the monks in the entire continent are in panic, because many people have no information about the Nether Race, and many people are confused when they see these alien races invading.

If they could learn more about everything about the Nether Race, they wouldn't be so helpless when fighting against them.

But now, when I go to study the Nether Race, I find that there are very few records about them on the mainland, so there is too little information about them.

"Brother Nalan knows about these Nether tribes too." Bei Mingye smiled at Nalan Yu.That bright and familiar smile showed how close the relationship between the two was.

The two can be regarded as forgetful friends, Nalan Yu is over 200 years old, and Bei Mingye is only 20 years old, but the friendship between these two people is much better than others, and both of them know who the other is.

Nalan Yu knew that Bei Mingye must have studied the Nether Race, and Bei Mingye also knew that he had been to the Nether Realm.

"Yanhuang, send out a summoning order to let everyone come to the Devil's Nest. Let's talk about the Nether Race." Nalan Yu didn't rush to answer Bei Mingye's question, but spoke to Qin Wuge.

Qin Wuge didn't understand for a while, but Nalanyu laughed and said:
"It is to use the star plate that Emperor Yan gave us before. I believe they all hold the star plate as their treasure. Just send some messages on the star plate."

Qin Wuge suddenly realized that she made the star disks, so she only needs to make a related magic circle to link all the star disks, and Qin Wuge's information can also be contacted with them at any time.

"Didn't Emperor Yan think of this question?" Nalan Yu couldn't help being surprised when she saw her stunned look.

Bei Mingye snorted beside him:
"Do you think everyone is as cunning as you? Do you have any intention of doing anything?"

Nalan Yu looked innocent:
"That's not really true. Since all the precious star discs have been given away, it's reasonable to establish a magic circle that is connected with each other. It's not like there is no need to use this as a threat."

"That's right, do you want to give away such a precious thing to you for nothing?"

Bei Mingye stared at Nalan Yu, the meaning shouldn't be too obvious, it was clearly that they wanted them to pay a price.

Qin Wuge was easy to talk and gave them things for nothing, but Bei Mingye wanted to help her fight for benefits.

"Give it! As long as Emperor Yan needs any materials, just ask."

Nalan Yu laughed, he was not joking, but really wanted to give it away.Nalanyu likes Yanhuang very much, so as long as it is what she needs, she will not be stingy, and Nalanyu can't help reminding:

"Since you have to build a magic circle to connect all the star disks, why don't you use some restraint."

"What restraint?" Qin Wuge raised his head and asked Nalan Yu.

Nalan Yu smiled wryly:

"Naturally, it is restrained by the magic circle that can threaten the star plate. I know that the star plate you sent out has been given to people you trust, but the star plate may still fall into the hands of others, and people's hearts will change. What if you do bad things with your star disk? I think you should monitor those star disks..."

Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by Bei Mingye:

"Don't judge the heart of a gentleman with a villain's heart. You think that everyone else is like you, as long as the person she sends is reliable."

Nalan Yu laughed and said:

"Emperor Yan also gave it to me, so you trust me too."

Seeing the coquettish smile on Nalan Yu's face, Bei Mingye thought he was cheap, he was obviously an old man over 200 years old, and he was so hypocritical, he really wanted to call his father out and beat him up.

"I don't want to contain anything. I just want to establish a contact circle. In the future, those who hold the star plate can remind each other when they are in danger. Of course, after they all come, they need to take out the star plate Disk, implicated on the spot with the magic circle."

Qin Wuge had already prepared the magic circle, and waited for those who held the star disk to arrive.

Nalan Yu approached Bei Ming Ye:
"Emperor Yan is so kind, won't he be bullied if he follows you to the imperial palace?"

Any imperial palace is a place that eats people without spitting out their bones.

(End of this chapter)

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