Chapter 921 Under the Devil's Nest
Chapter 921 Under the Devil's Nest
Seeing Xuan Mo talking about the black dragon, everyone realized that the black dragon did not follow Bei Mingye into the magic cave, but was still taking a nap.

As if human actions had nothing to do with it, the black dragon lay leisurely on the black land, and was not affected by the devilish energy in the Emperor's Forest.

"Well, this is indeed a problem, but Bei Mingye is not here, how can I use it?"

Nalan Yu frowned with a headache.

Others are even more troubled, they simply have nothing to do with the black dragon.

Just when everyone was at a loss, the black dragon suddenly got up from the ground. Its huge head looked towards the direction of the devil's lair, and a pair of eyes began to flash greedy red light.

Sweeping the huge dragon's power, after the black dragon plunged in, it seemed to set off waves.

"Follow in quickly." Nalan Yu's eyes lit up immediately, and he followed the black dragon and jumped into the magic cave.

Although I don't know what the black dragon is attracted to, this is the best way for them to enter the Demon Cave Realm Lake.

The black dragon was very irritable, and after entering the devil's lair, he breathed out the dragon's breath continuously. The demons who hid in the devil's lair and came out at this time suffered disaster. The demons like black clouds and tides were burned to ashes under the dragon's breath.

"The black dragon really helped us a lot."

Nalan Yu and others who followed behind should not be too happy, the black dragon opened the way ahead, and they were hardly threatened.Even those demons who were still hiding in the dark of the devil's lair and hadn't come out in time did not dare to show their heads because of Longwei's suppression.

Also because of this, the originally extremely long tunnel of the Devil's Nest allowed them to reach the end in a very short time in one go.

The white bones in front of his eyes were piled up like a mountain, even in the darkest depths of the magic cave, because there were too many bones, it reflected a gloomy cold gleam.

Bei Mingye and Qin Wuge had already stopped, and the black dragon had shrunk in half to pass through the magic cave. After reaching their side, the black dragon rolled its still huge body, and its tone was full of disgust and dissatisfaction:
"Is this what you said?"

The black dragon stared at the white bones in front of him. Among the bones piled up like a mountain, if they were still floating, they felt a bit evil.

Yin demon evil spirit is most likely to form in the bone pit, and this dark force can also form evil spirit beads.The evil spirit beads, which are very dangerous to other creatures, are the food of the black dragon. The black dragon just ate the ice umbrella grass, and there is a vacancy in the body that can digest the evil spirit. It would be better to eat some evil spirit beads.

This is also the reason why the black dragon pursued so persistently into the devil's lair. It heard Bei Mingye say: there are evil spirit beads here.

"Where are the evil spirit beads here?"

But besides the white bones, there is still a bit of evil spirit in front of him, where is the shadow of the evil spirit beads?
Asked by the black dragon with resentment, Bei Mingye did not answer, he walked directly to the pile of bones, turned the bones with the giant arm formed by spiritual power, and as the bones turned, countless black hidden underneath were exposed Come out, panic and hide,

These blacks are like ghosts, and they already have their own minds. When they felt that Bei Mingye and others had entered the magic cave, they hid under the bones, and as the bones turned, countless blacks seemed to be stripped. The spirit of the body is running around in a panic.

And the black dragon regained its spirit immediately, it opened its huge mouth, and sucked all the running black into its stomach.

Nalan Yu and others who followed were worried: The black dragon is already a demon dragon, full of rage and hostility, and you let it eat so much evil, is it really okay?

"There are better ones."

Amidst Bei Mingye's loud shouts, a phantom of a horned dragon condensed on his back, roaring and blowing out a storm-like airflow, instantly blowing away the pile of bones in front of him, and a huge magic circle was displayed in front of everyone.

The magic circle is composed of pure black fronts, and the ultimate black light flows on the fronts, but it is extremely evil.

Around the magic circle are several large eyes that are different from other magic circles. Countless white bones are piled up in the eyes of the circle, and those white bones are rotating slightly at a slow but visible speed. The reduction was actually absorbed and consumed by the power inside the formation eye.And in the center of the magic circle is a black hole, as if connected to the void, even the spiritual sense can't penetrate to the bottom.

Using white bones as the power source of the formation, a black streamlined magic formation was generated, which was condensed and transported to the center of the formation. Although there were no evil spirit beads to condense, the heavy evil spirit could not be ignored.

The black dragon's eyes widened, a little excited:
"Nine Serenity Evil Qi Formation!"

"Is this the Nine Nether Shaqi Formation of the ancient demons?"

Nalan Yu had only heard of the name and legend of this magic circle, but had never seen it before.

Moreover, the Nine Nether Shaqi Formation has been lost in the Seven Realms since the demise of the demons. How could it appear here?

"No, when I came here with you, I never saw this formation at all!" Nalan Yu suddenly thought of something, pointed at the formation and shouted.

Bei Mingye nodded:
"Indeed, it didn't exist back then. This magic circle came about later, so the Nether Race only appeared in the human world recently."

Nalan Yu looked at Bei Mingye with strange eyes:
"After the two of us came last time, you came here again by yourself."

Without Bei Mingye's promise, Nalan Yu affirmed his behavior, and said with contempt: "Crazy! You can forget about it, and you didn't even tell me!"

Bei Mingye was very solemn and said:
"Since you have been to the Netherworld, you have been exposed. If you appear here again, you will inevitably be noticed."

And the person who notices it is the one who wants to set up the magic circle.

Nalan Yu stopped talking nonsense with Bei Mingye, but went forward to study with Qin Wuge:
"The people of the Nine Nether Shaqi Formation can absorb the evil spirit power within a radius of ten thousand miles, and even convert it into demonic energy. Therefore, this magic circle is designed to attract the Nether Race."

"Still, this was set up by the Netherworld themselves, in order to absorb power from the human world and transform it into magic energy, and then transfer it to their Netherworld."

Nalan Yu was a little uncertain, but his guess also had a certain basis and tendency.

After all, who would be free to set up such an important and powerful magic circle here.

The Nine Nether Fiendish Qi Formation can absorb aura within ten thousand miles, and all the evil spirits in the Emperor's Forest will be absorbed, transformed into dangerous devilish Qi, and sent continuously to the deep hole in the middle.

"If it was made by the Nether Race, they should be protected by heavy soldiers."

Qin Wuge looked around the magic circle. There was no sign of destruction or discovery. Just now it was covered with a pile of bones. It seemed to be an exquisite hidden magic circle, which was pushed by Bei Mingye. This formation was formed only after it was opened.

Therefore, this should not be done by the Nether tribe, and the purpose of the Nether tribe's coming to the human world this time is also very simple, to seize the territory and transform it into the place they need to live.

"That's right. If the Nether Race made it, they wouldn't make it so small. It can be seen that there are a lot of evil spirits condensed on this magic circle." Nalan Yu pointed to the formation on the magic circle.

The hole in the center of the magic circle is also too small, so this is more like a lure magic circle. After the magic energy is produced, it is sent out. It should be connected to the Netherworld, so that the Netherworld can find that there is a surge of magic energy here, so it can be discovered. boundary lake.

In the Great War of the Three Realms thousands of years ago, the Alliance of Human Race and Protoss sealed the boundary lake after expelling the Nether Race.This kind of seal is very clever, making it impossible for the Nether Race to find the location of the boundary lake in their own realm.

Therefore, over the years, the Nether tribe must have tried to come to the human world again, but they couldn't find the location of the boundary lake.

With the guidance of this magic circle, the Nether tribe found the right direction and invaded the human race again.

As for the person who set up this circle, the only person who could think of it was Mu Qingzhou from the Temple of Exorcism.

Only Mu Qingzhou has such strength, which makes people wonder: What kind of bastard is Mu Qingzhou? ?

"I can eat."

The black dragon got impatient for a long time, opened its mouth and aimed at the center of the magic circle. Under its absorption, the magic circle collapsed, and countless evil spirits and demonic energy overflowed and raged, as if igniting the entire space generally.

The great powers present put up their spiritual barriers one after another, complaining in their hearts that the black dragon was violent, but suddenly discovered that after the destruction of the Nine Nether Magic Circle, a bigger secret hidden underneath was revealed.

(End of this chapter)

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