Chapter 938
Chapter 938
Bei Ming Yuanfan is a brave man, and when he saw Bei Mingqing coming towards him, he took the initiative to meet him.

Before Bei Mingqing opened his mouth, Emperor Zhenyuan opened his arms towards her, and his face was full of joy and excitement:
"Sister, are you really still there?"

Bei Mingqing suddenly felt that he was false, isn't this nonsense!The old lady is right in front of your eyes, and, as the Emperor Zhenyuan, he has countless intelligence networks. I believe that when Bei Mingqing first appeared on this continent, Bei Ming Yuanfan learned that she was still alive.

But Beiming Yuanfan didn't express anything before. Now that he saw someone, he became hypocritical. Is it interesting?

"Your son went after Mu Qingzhou, you know how dangerous it is."

Bei Mingqing floated in front of the Great Emperor Zhenyuan, and intentionally raised his head halfway in the air, so as to look at him with a condescending attitude, with a distinct sarcasm in his tone.

Beiming Yuanfan naturally saw the elder sister's deliberate actions. If he was young, he would naturally be dissatisfied. This kind of condescending tone when facing him is clearly a kind of provocation to himself.

But now it is different from the past, Beiming Yuanfan is already a centenarian, he has already passed the youthful vigor of his youth, and even now when facing Beimingqing, he still has the feeling of seeing a younger generation.

After Bei Mingqing was taken away, he was imprisoned in a sealed way for decades, so Bei Mingqing is still young and vigorous.

It is conceivable how complicated Beiming Yuanfan's mood was when he saw such a big sister. Even Beiming Yuanfan was a little thankful and grateful to Yinfeng. Powerful divine blood.

The fight back then wasn't sure what it would turn out to be, but now, with the overall situation set, Bei Mingqing was free, and Bei Ming Yuanfan could face her more calmly and tolerantly.

Therefore, Beiming Yuanfan didn't mind her facing him like this, even provoking him with his son's safety, he laughed:

"Since he is the prince of the Zhenyuan Empire, he needs to have the courage to face everything."

Bei Mingqing was quite surprised, and after a long silence, he said:

"I haven't seen you for many years, but you have become cold and heartless! You don't like your sons, haha~"

Bei Mingqing could remember how indecisive he was back then, and it was precisely because of this that Bei Mingqing felt that he was not suitable to be a great emperor at all.But now, after he became the Great Emperor, he has become heartless.

Regarding Bei Mingqing's words, Emperor Zhenyuan was noncommittal.

Suddenly, an accident happened at this time. When a master of Zhushen Temple was forced to blow himself up, he flew in the direction of Emperor Zhenyuan, hoping to die with him.

It is conceivable how harmful the self-explosion of the great power in the Mahayana period will be.

Seeing that Beiming Yuanfan was in danger, Bei Mingqing rushed up almost without thinking, and when he pulled Beiming Yuanfan away, he saw two black shadows flashing from his side, heading towards the dangerous place. The direction went.

"I forgot, there are contract monks around the emperor."

Seeing this, Bei Mingqing laughed self-deprecatingly in his heart.

As the leader of the empire, safety must be guaranteed. Therefore, every emperor has the most powerful monks to protect him, just like the current Beiming Yuanfan. He came here without hesitation, and he also has something to rely on of.

That was the contract monk who followed Beiming Yuanfan.

There are not many contract monks, but they are selected from the most potential cultivators in the Imperial Clan. They are cultivated to be the shadow guards of the Great Emperor. Everything is based on the safety of the Great Emperor. Under the conditions of absolute richness provided by the Imperial Clan, Let the contracted monk grow into a super strong man who is not inferior to his power.

When the emperor is in danger, these contract monks will take action.

Just like it is now, before the self-destructing cultivator of Zhushen Temple came to the emperor, he was stopped by two contract monks. They attacked with bare hands and suppressed the self-destructive energy of the monks in the Mahayana period.

"So, I'm being selfish."

Seeing that the emperor was not in any danger at all, Bei Mingqing laughed a little self-deprecatingly, and then said:

"Are you not afraid that I shot you just now? Killed you?"

Beiming Yuanfan laughed:

"Are you afraid that you will snatch my throne? Hehe~ You kill me now, and there is Bei Mingye! He is the qualified successor, so, I think your target now should not be me, but him That's right!"


Bei Mingqing was stunned for a moment before he realized how shameless his younger brother was.

Bei Ming Yuanfan just chuckled, although Bei Mingqing's actions just now were indeed useless, but it showed that she valued her own safety.It can be seen that she still cares about family affection and has a good conscience.

Beiming Yuanfan quietly let go of his bent little finger where she couldn't see it.

However, Beiming Yuanfan felt a certain gaze staring at him, which made him feel the inquiry in his sight. When he lowered his head, he saw Qin Wuge looking up at him. There was inquiry and strangeness in those big bright eyes. .

This made Beiming Yuanfan feel a little embarrassed, but he still smiled kindly:

"Hehe, Emperor Yan, I made you laugh."

Qin Wuge shook his head:
"The emperor is polite."

Was it because the Great Emperor pitted his son's actions that made her feel strange, and made Bei Mingqing go to Bei Mingye to snatch the throne?This way of transferring hatred is also weird, and the person who is still on the throne is Beiming Yuanfan. If you want to snatch the throne, you should also target the emperor.

Forgive Qin Wuge for being unkind, anyway, she feels that the person who has to deal with Bei Mingqing should be the Emperor, not Bei Mingye.

Her Bei Mingye has worked hard enough, she shouldn't be used as a shield by the emperor.

"This place has collapsed, let's go out first."

Meng Haiyin and Qin Xu guarded Qin Wuge on the left and right, and did not participate in the siege of those powerful people.

Seeing the people stepping down, the two wanted to take Qin Wuge out first.

Now they are in the underground boundary lake plane. After the boundary lake is closed, it seems to have lost the support of strength, and there are signs of collapse, especially when the golden dragon broke through the upper layer, allowing this place to connect with the outside world After that, the subsidence became more serious.

Accompanied by the rumbling sound, while the top collapsed, a vortex-like sand flow appeared at the bottom, as if it was going to collapse all of this place.

"Great Emperor, let's go out together, I think there is suction in this collapse."

Qin Wuge did not leave in a hurry, but shouted at Emperor Zhenyuan.

Although the great powers here can hang in the air, it seems that they are not affected by the collapse here, but if the collapsed underground produces a strong suction, under the action of the suction, even the great powers may be buried here.

"The elders of Zhushen Temple, hold on, our wood god has not abandoned us, he has set up a net here, if these people don't let us out, we will all perish if they surround us here, haha!"

When the collapse appeared, the powerful people in the Temple of Zhushen laughed crazily.

Although they are in a desperate situation and seem to be killed by these orthodox monks on the mainland, they also have the strength and opportunity to fight desperately. Now the collapse around them is their opportunity.

The collapse became faster and faster after it was triggered, and a huge pit appeared underground, and an abyss like a quicksand vortex appeared. The suction was indeed continuously entangled from the quicksand vortex. Get sucked in.

When everyone looked down, they saw a black vortex like a crack in the void.It is even more terrifying than the seabed cracks and whirlpools that appear in the sea.

"My lord, let's go!"

Qin Wuge couldn't care less, she rushed to the Emperor's side, dragged him away.

Among the many people here, Qin Wuge and Emperor Zhenyuan are undoubtedly the lowest in strength.Therefore, it is also most affected by the vortex.

Emperor Zhenyuan did not reject Qin Wuge's kindness, and when he left, he asked kindly:
"Is this the royal family of your Qin family, Qin Xu, the patron saint of the Qin family's weapon tomb?"

Qin Xu, who was guarding Qin Wuge's side, could not see, but after hearing the emperor's words, he turned his face to the emperor's direction precisely and nodded:

"Hehe~ Beiming Yuanfan, long time no see."

Beiming Yuanfan sighed:
"Hey~ Didn't we agree to pretend that we don't know each other?"

(End of this chapter)

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