Chapter 946

Chapter 946

Emperor Tianlan was shocked by Emperor Zhenyuan's words.

On the surface, it seemed that Emperor Zhenyuan was just losing his temper at Emperor Tianlan.

But, in fact, Emperor Zhenyuan has made it clear that Emperor Lin does not belong to Tianlan Empire!
Who does that belong to?Qin?Or is it that the Zhenyuan Empire also intends to invade the Emperor Forest?

Emperor Tianlan obviously leans towards the latter, and they are both great emperors, so they understand each other and know better that as a great emperor, they should work for the benefit of the empire.

Therefore, Emperor Lin is the fat that the empire wants to fight for!
Although the Emperor's Forest is currently in crisis and the Nether Race is in chaos, the value of the Emperor's Forest is too great, and it has an incomparable reputation value. As a forest that gave birth to the top ten sacred blood races, how many mysteries are there? Can be fully developed.

"Hehe, what Emperor Zhenyuan said is right. Dihuanglin is indeed not the territory of my Tianlan Empire." Emperor Tianlan stepped back in front of Emperor Zhenyuan, and after admitting it with a smile, he changed the subject:

"The Emperor's Forest belongs to the mainland. My Tianlan Imperial Clan is willing to explore with everyone, and actively respond to all crises in the Emperor's Forest."

Emperor Tianlan thought that he had shown enough sincerity when he said this, but he didn't expect that Emperor Zhenyuan didn't appreciate it at all, but sneered instead:

"When did the Emperor's Forest become the mainland? This has always been the place where the god-blood race lived. Even if the top ten god-blood races have perished, there is still the Qin clan surviving, and it is the Qin clan's territory."

Emperor Zhenyuan fell to the ground with a sound.

Moreover, when the two great emperors were talking, they had already attracted the attention of everyone around them, and everyone's attention was on this side, so the words of Emperor Zhenyuan were enough for everyone to hear.

Emperor Lin belongs to the Qin family!
Emperor Zhenyuan admitted it himself, and this was also a kind of strong support. Everyone could feel how firm the attitude of Emperor Zhenyuan was on the issue of Emperor Lin's ownership.

Now it was Emperor Tianlan's turn to be shocked, what's going on?

The Great Emperor Zhenyuan must be crazy, why did the Qin family want to return this territory?Does he like Qin Wuge?

Should not be!

Emperor Tianlan felt that he couldn't understand, not only Emperor Tianlan, but most of the people around him felt that the relationship between Bei Mingye and Emperor Yan was inappropriate.

Everyone believed that Bei Mingye was the heir to the empire, and since he was the crown prince, he couldn't decide the marriage at all.It is also not in the interests of the two countries to combine with Yanhuang.

These two people are not some free gods and couples, how can they let them do what they want?
Therefore, even though Bei Mingye and Emperor Yan get along very well, everyone is not optimistic about their future, and even feels that Emperor Zhenyuan will stop the two of them.

But why did Emperor Zhenyuan help Qin Wuge at this time?Isn't helping the Qin family back to the territory just showing affection to Qin Wuge?

"Great Emperor, it may be that Emperor Zhenyuan is trying to make up for his guilt." Emperor Tianlan was stupefied when he heard the minister beside him remind him in a low voice.

Yes!Just because Emperor Zhenyuan disagreed with the marriage between Qin Wuge and Bei Mingye, Emperor Zhenyuan helped Qin Wuge fight for Dihuanglin's ownership, which could be regarded as compensation for her.

That explains everything!

Emperor Tianlan's heart was suddenly relieved. Although Emperor Zhenyuan admitted the ownership of Dihuanglin at this time, even if Dihuanglin was handed over to Qin Wuge, would Yanhuang be able to keep it?
This continent has always spoken with strength.

So, so what if Di Huang Lin went back, if he wanted to rob them at that time, the empire had the final say. At this time, Emperor Zhen Yuan's promise to them was like farting.Those who have control of power and strength can take back this promise at any time.

Emperor Tianlan suddenly felt that Emperor Zhenyuan was so insidious!I am afraid that the reason why Emperor Zhenyuan did this was also to coax his son, hehe~ It's hard for him.

Emperor Tianlan, who had figured out this relationship, felt much better in an instant, and even said with a smile:
"Emperor Zhenyuan's words are correct. In fact, regarding the issue of the ownership of Emperor Lin, the third prince Luo Yunsheng also proposed to return it to the Qin family, and I agree with it."

Now that the issue of Emperor Lin's ownership has been settled, Emperor Tianlan doesn't mind being a little more magnanimous on this issue, and even showing his support, so as to gain the reputation of being open-minded.

"Okay, then the issue of the ownership of the Emperor's Forest has been settled."

Emperor Zhenyuan didn't talk nonsense, seeing that the powerful people around him had already assembled, he said:

"It's not too late. The Nether Race in the Emperor's Forest has yet to be wiped out. Now that the legion is ready, let's go."

"Yes! Our two great emperors have one thing in common, send troops!"

Emperor Tianlan was not to be outdone, and made the [-] Tianlan imperial army gathered around the periphery of the emperor forest ready to advance.

Because there are too many birds, beasts and pterosaur knights in the Zhenyuan Empire, with a scale of thousands of people, so after seeing such a powerful combat force from the Zhenyuan Empire, Emperor Tianlan naturally does not want to lag behind.

Fortunately, the demonic energy in the Emperor's Forest has become much thinner, enough for ordinary soldiers to move in it, and then the [-] Tianlan Empire troops can march into the Emperor's Forest.This is not only about the glory of the empire, but also gives the [-] troops a chance to practice.

Emperor Tianlan always believed that the Emperor Forest would be returned to the Qin family now, but if the Qin family could not keep it, they would snatch the Emperor Forest back sooner or later. Therefore, let the army get familiar with the Emperor Forest as much as possible so that they can get it back in the future. Emperor Lin made preparations.

This time the mainland forces entered the Emperor's Forest on a very large scale. Hundreds of thousands of war repairers pushed into the forest, almost like a blanket search.The Longchen Empire was absent because of the rebellion, but those sects that did not enter the Emperor's Forest before all sent enough war repairers.

The forces of the human race are advancing both on land and in the air, and suppression on this scale can be said to leave no room for the Nether race to resist.

After Qin Wuge and the others saw this situation, they were completely relieved.

The situation in the Emperor's Forest, which had been in crisis for several times, was finally reversed, and the menacing Nether tribe was finally suppressed. Even Qin Wuge, standing outside the Emperor's Forest, could see the azure light in the center of the forest grow bigger. .

That is the blue land is growing.When the magic power weakened, the Azure Land took advantage and developed.

Such azure land is naturally very conspicuous, and many mainland monks are very interested in the azure land, because Qin Wuge previously suppressed and prevented unapproved monks from entering, so many people are interested in the azure land. The blue land is full of longing.

This time, when the war repairers advance in the Emperor's Forest, they will inevitably come to the Azure Land, and they will inevitably ask to enter.

And according to the temperament of the God Wings, they will naturally not accept it, so conflicts between the two sides are inevitable.

"Are you worried that Bai Die and the others will conflict with the human war cultivators?" Bei Mingye smiled and took Qin Wuge off the dragon boat.

Follow them off the dragon boat.The dragon boat started and flew towards the blue land.

"I'll just ask Hades to help defend the Azure Land."

With the Hades of Beiming Ye in the Azure Land, it can naturally prevent those people from entering the Azure Land.

It's just that Bei Mingye will be scolded.

Bei Mingye has long been called a dog by the monks on the mainland, so Bei Mingye naturally doesn't care about this infamy.

Qin Wuge had to admit that Bei Mingye's solution was the most suitable, but he had to shoulder all these burdens, and Qin Wuge felt a little guilty.

Too many things happened in the emperor's forest, but in fact she didn't bear much. As long as he was with Bei Mingye, he must have made all the preparations, and she didn't need to worry or prepare anything at all.

This kind of favor of sitting back and enjoying it made her a little uncomfortable.

In other words, Qin Wuge doesn't think she can enjoy such treatment now, after all, she has no substantive relationship with Bei Mingye.

"Actually, you don't have to do so much." Qin Wuge hesitated, or she didn't know what to say.

"It's my responsibility. I brought you to the Emperor's Forest." Bei Mingye felt guilty because he brought her to the Emperor's Forest. He originally wanted her to go back to her hometown and find out her background secret.

But I don't want to involve so many things.Because of the Nether Clan's appearance, his plan was also disrupted.He even eliminated the magic element by mistake, and recovered the horned dragon's body.

It can be said that he was a blessing in disguise, but isn't it all because of her support?
When he went down to the abyss for more than ten days, it was her support and help that allowed him to retreat unscathed.

The relationship between the two has long been unknowingly intertwined and inseparable.

(End of this chapter)

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