Chapter 962

Chapter 962

Capture Luo Yunjian so that he can't contain the third prince Luo Yunsheng?
After listening to Qin Wuge's words, Emperor Zhenyuan sighed in his heart: Emperor Yan is still kind-hearted.

If you want not to restrain Luo Yunsheng, wouldn't it be more thorough to kill Luo Yunjian!

Emperor Zhenyuan admitted that he had been a great emperor for so many years. Although he appeared to be kind and benevolent on the surface, he was still murderous in his heart. As a great emperor, how could he convince the people and command such a huge empire without iron blood.

As the Great Emperor, he controls too many human lives.

"Actually, Emperor Yan doesn't need to be like this. Since Luo Yunjian is a waste, so what if you let him go? Since Luo Yunsheng is a great talent, he can definitely arrange it better. He understands the importance. I just need to help the third prince when he needs support. Alright, so that Emperor Tianlan can understand which of his sons we are afraid of."

Emperor Zhenyuan said so, and did so.

Because, the assassination and restraint of the third prince had already happened, and it had reached Emperor Tianlan's ears.

Emperor Tianlan had had enough of staying outside the Emperor Forest, so he originally planned to leave, but Emperor Tianlan had to pay attention to the information he sent.

"Someone wants to assassinate the third prince? Have you found out which side it is from?"

Emperor Tianlan looked at the report in his hand and hesitated. He didn't really care much about the third prince, but he was his own son after all, so he couldn't let others kill him casually. Besides, Emperor Lin's actions this time were indeed true. It was because of the three princes leading the army that the Tianlan Empire was able to save face.

After Tianlan Empire lost Emperor Lin and Vulcan Crow, the dignity of the empire was trampled. Some even said that the strength of Tianlan Empire was weakened and it was about to fall out of the ranks of the empire.

Fortunately, there is the third prince, who has proved the authority and strength of the Tianlan Empire with his strength.

However, the strength and wisdom shown by the third prince also made Emperor Tianlan feel scared.

Emperor Tianlan still has hundreds of years of lifespan, so it is impossible for him to watch the third prince grow up. He thought that after returning, he would lose the third prince's military power and give him a job with less real power.

However, this assassination against the third prince awakened Emperor Tianlan: those bastards outside are afraid of the third prince!And if he wanted to cut off his military power, wouldn't it be self-destruction of the Great Wall.

"Could it be that the third prince wrote and acted it himself?"

The captain of the guard beside Emperor Tianlan whispered a reminder.

Emperor Tianlan took a look at him, and the captain quickly knelt down and confessed, which is a major crime of provoking the relationship between father and son.But Emperor Tianlan didn't blame him, instead he said with a smile:

"Get up, I am very relieved, you are thinking of me after all."

The captain got up carefully, he knew that his status in Emperor Tianlan's heart must have improved again.It was precisely because he knew who Emperor Tianlan was that the captain said so.

"It wasn't the third prince who did it. He's so busy right now that he doesn't have time to do it. I suspect it's Emperor Zhenyuan!"

Emperor Tianlan overturned the captain's statement and affirmed himself:

"Emperor Zhenyuan, that bastard is my deadly enemy. He must be jealous when he sees that I have such a good son. Or else it's Bei Mingye!"

And at this time, the hidden guards under him did indeed send definite news:

"Although the master who assassinated the third prince was not caught, we have tracked down clues that it is the person of Overseas Mirage. Emperor Zhenyuan brought hundreds of Mahayana masters to the Emperor Forest to help in the battle. Overseas Mirage took the initiative to help Emperor Zhenyuan."

With this news, what's not to be sure about?
This is simply nailing the evidence of "refutation is invalid" on Emperor Zhenyuan.

Overseas Mirage is a group of lunatics who spurn the mainland and yearn for the sea, but they are different from the Haisheng Empire, and they are even enemies of the Haisheng Empire. They float in the sea all year round, and their whereabouts are hard to find, so it is definitely impossible to find them .

"Keep an eye on Emperor Zhenyuan, I'm sure he will make some moves." After Emperor Tianlan made his decision, he didn't go back, but ordered his subordinates to start building a palace outside the Emperor Forest.

However, the third prince came to dissuade him, and the official who was ordered to go out to build the palace came back with the third prince and complained very aggrieved:
"Emperor, the Third Prince won't allow us to build a palace outside."

Emperor Tianlan had a good impression of the third prince, but he didn't want him to show his "tail" so quickly and dare to take care of his own construction of the palace.

"Where to build the palace, do you still need your approval?" Emperor Tian Lan's tone was clearly threatening, and the tit-for-tat tone expressed his dissatisfaction.

The third prince immediately knelt on the ground and remonstrated:
"The crisis in the Emperor's Forest has not yet been resolved, and I just don't want the Emperor to stay here."

Emperor Tianlan was a little moved, but still stared at Luo Yunsheng and said:

"You want me to go back?"

Emperor Tianlan naturally wanted to go back, but because of the assassination of the third prince, he stayed.It wasn't for the third prince, but in the end he let himself go back!
Although resentful, but thinking about it in a blink of an eye, the third prince wanted to go back because he was worried that he would be in danger.

At this time, the old prime minister trotted in from the outside, seeing the third prince kneeling on the ground, the old prime minister asked worriedly:

"Your Highness, are you trying to persuade the Great Emperor to go back? I know His Highness's filial piety, but only when the Great Emperor stays here and sits in command can he deter those who want to harm you."

Although what the old prime minister Ji Yunhan said was unpleasant, he was clearly using the emperor's safety as a bargaining chip to protect the third prince.

But Emperor Tianlan admitted that what the old prime minister said was true, and Luo Yunsheng was his own child, so his safety should be guarded by himself.

"Emperor, only you are here to deter those villains! Only you have the most powerful masters in the empire!" Ji Yunhan knelt on the ground and begged Emperor Tianlan for mercy.

The old prime minister's words were meant to be flattering, but Emperor Tian Lan was very useful.

Although the imperial clan lost dozens of elders, Emperor Tianlan still has the strongest strength, and his side will always be the safest absolute area.

"Third Prince, do you know my painstaking efforts to stay?"

For the first time, Emperor Tianlan spoke to his third son in a gentle tone.

The third prince was flattered:
"For the emperor's safety, please go back to the imperial capital. My son is willing to guard here and prevent danger from stepping into the empire."

The old prime minister advised:

"The emperor is as safe here."

Emperor Tianlan said in an angry tone:

"Do you think I'm afraid? I'm going to stay here!"

Seeing that Emperor Tianlan spoke in such a willful tone, the third prince said helplessly:

"In that case, please ask Erchen to help you build the palace!"

The old prime minister immediately said:

"Could it be... the third prince wants to use those magic cave stones?"

Devil's Cave Stones, that is, the stones used to build the city walls around the Devil's Cave. These stones helped a lot in resisting the invasion of demons before, and were later used to repair the Azure Land. Except for the magic cave stone used as the foundation, there are still some leftovers.

The third prince came here to ask for it, for the purpose of setting up camp when the army is stationed.

But now that Emperor Lan wanted to stay, the third prince planned to use these stones.

Emperor Tianlan was naturally very happy, but he pretended to be angry and said:

"Why use such precious materials in the palace? Soldiers should use them to defend the front line."

The third prince immediately said:

"The emperor cares, the Moku stone will not be used much as a foundation, and the emperor's palace can be gifted to the soldiers stationed here in the future, wouldn't it be better."

Emperor Tianlan murmured, he could use the Moku stone as a palace, and after using it as a reward for the soldiers stationed there, he could kill two birds with one stone.

It was the third prince who handled it wisely, so that he could gain a good reputation and ensure safety at the same time.

"Then don't be extravagant and wasteful. I don't have many entourages with me, enough for a hundred people to stay!"

Emperor Tianlan made a very majestic announcement, but the third prince's heart skipped a beat. He originally planned to build a castle and palace enough for dozens of people to live in, but he didn't expect the emperor to say that there were hundreds of people, so he had to rush to accommodate 300 people size built.

It seems that I was wrong about Emperor Tianlan's extravagant budget.

"Don't worry, my lord, I will definitely not be extravagant and wasteful." After the third prince solemnly made his promise, he hesitated: Where should I get the funds for the construction of the palace?
(End of this chapter)

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