Chapter 985
Chapter 985
The black dragon beat very fiercely, the kind that completely vented its violence.

It's a pity that there are quite a lot of people watching, but no one goes up to persuade.

Su Dingfang and Meng Haiyin even felt an inexplicable pleasure seeing Yinfeng being beaten so badly.

The handsome and gentle Yinfeng was beaten miserably, and it was easy to arouse the compassion of others.It's a pity that the people on board are all highly cultivated and have deep concentration.

Only Xing Ran, who was driving the boat, was surprised and frightened.

"Black Dragon, throw him down."

Qin Wuge was worried that Xingran would be frightened, so he asked the black dragon to stop, but it was impossible to keep Yinfeng on the spaceship.

The black dragon picked up the broken silver phoenix with one hand, and threw it out of the spaceship. The white-robed silver phoenix flew out like a tossed and broken doll, looking pitifully abandoned.

But everyone on the spaceship felt relieved, and even smiled.

Yinfeng is a treacherous and hypocritical person, who knows what kind of conspiracy he has brought this time, so he needs to be beaten up to relieve his anger.

However, as for asking about Yinfeng?Kunpeng is enough.

Kunpeng is still in Qin Wuge's hands, so Yinfeng will definitely come back.

"Is it true that your primordial spirit was injured by the Dragon Bird King?"

Qin Wuge continued to communicate with Kunpeng, and after learning that its injury was indeed caused by the Dragon Sparrow King, Qin Wuge sighed.

"Then what about them? Those people who were caught and sealed by Yinfeng, were their souls also injured?"

Kunpeng shook his head, his eyes were full of sadness. Although he was attracted by Yinfeng, the relationship between Kunpeng and Yinfeng was not close, especially after Yinfeng caught the blood and brought it back to the secret room of the holy palace, Kunpeng was not qualified to enter the secret room .

Therefore, Kunpeng had no idea what Yinfeng had done.Kunpeng didn't even know whether the divine blood was released by Yinfeng or not.

Kunpeng felt aggrieved, it stood on Qin Wuge's shoulder, shaking its little head, its little eyes were full of sadness.It is a useless bird, and any useful information has not been brought to Yan Huang, so Yan Huang will not like him.

"It's okay, we can find out, you stay with me."

Seeing Kunpeng's sadness, Qin Wuge reached out and patted its head to express comfort.

After feeling that she really didn't mind, Kunpeng was a little surprised. Kunpeng tried to feel her spiritual power, and what he touched was the warmth and tolerance that made him fascinated. She was tough and tolerant, and her spirit did not have that kind of sharpness and dark.

The spirit of the light department seems to have the power of healing. After Kunpeng touched it, he didn't want to leave.

Kunpeng knew that even if he was of no use to her, he would not be discarded and disgusted by her like garbage.Only those who are her enemies are affected by her fierce ferocity.

She is like a clear stream in the cold monk world, different from others.

Kunpeng is the longest-lived divine beast. It is too aware of the cruelty of the cultivation world. It is cold, ruthless, intriguing, and human nature has long been weak in the cultivation world. It can be said that monks are a group of intelligent creatures who will do anything for their own interests and strength, and destroy their humanity.

As a war pet, Kunpeng is very aware of his value to monks, and he will not be disgusted by being helpful to his master. Kunpeng has experienced many masters in his life, and many masters have used it tragically and bloodily, because it The huge body is often used as a shield.

How many times he was beaten in battle, his body was covered with scars, and his limbs were broken.

But Kunpeng knew that that was his mission.

Compared with other beasts, Kunpeng's attack power is indeed pitifully small, and most of the time it is used as a meat shield and transportation, and its value is also squeezed out by its owner.

Yinfeng is considered to be a good master that Kunpeng has served. Most of the time, Yinfeng just lets it carry it and fly it all over the mainland. Occasionally, it is used for transportation. The only time it is injured is when it is facing the king of dragons and birds.

Longque's true flames were too strong, even Yinfeng couldn't stop them, and it was Kunpeng who voluntarily rushed up to help block Longque's true flames, which caused damage to the primordial spirit.

Now, Kunpeng felt that his damaged primordial spirit seemed to be showing signs of healing under the influence of her spiritual power. Although it was very slow, Kunpeng still felt it, and it screamed excitedly.

"What is it saying?"

Meng Haiyin only found it strange that when she got close to Qin Wuge recently, she could feel the aura around her body had changed, and she felt very comfortable after getting close, even the golden dragon on Meng Haiyin's forehead was a little ready to move.

Seeing Kunpeng's excited look now, Meng Haiyin only felt that it had something to do with Qin Wuge's aura.

"My spiritual power is Qin's powerful belief, and it can heal for it."

Qin Wuge explained Kunpeng's words, but he was still suspicious.She has always associated spiritual power with primordial spirit and divine consciousness, but spiritual power is a completely different existence. It is more like a person's spiritual outlook. The spiritual power of nothingness is more like the power of belief, similar to the power of Buddha. Home Nianli.

Qin Wuge let's just think it is the power of faith with spiritual attributes.

Reiatsu, Yuanshen, etc. are all invisible forces, but the power of belief is more difficult to perceive and uncertain.

Many monks don't have faith and belief, so naturally they don't have the power of faith.And a person's beliefs can sometimes be captured and felt, but they are all very weak.What Qin Wuge displayed now was a powerful force of faith.

Just when she led the Qin family back to the Emperor's Forest and started anew with the clansmen, she and the clansmen encouraged each other to have goals and beliefs, which produced a pure spiritual power.

When a person establishes a firm belief and goal, and goes all out to accomplish it, that kind of concentration and will will produce a kind of strength, a positive spiritual strength.

It is the power displayed by Qin Wuge now.

"Buddhist Nianli is enshrined by believers. What Yanhuang displayed should also be Nianli, which is the expectation and belief of Qin's divine blood." Bai Die came to her side, his eyes became more and more worshipful, he closed his eyes, and felt carefully. , followed by:
"There are also those god-blood races that died. They turned into dry bones and accumulated grievances for many years, but they were relieved because of Emperor Yan. You carried their hopes and beliefs. Therefore, Emperor Yan's mind power was generated at that time."

Qin Wuge thought about it carefully, Baidie's words were indeed true, it seemed that he had indeed started to feel this strange power in his body after the hundreds of thousands of dead bones fulfilled his long-cherished wish to die in battle.

The dozen or so high-ranking god-winged tribe brought by Baidie also looked at her with admiration.

In a daze, Qin Wuge felt that she was enshrined as a "god statue", and she was very uncomfortable.

"Is the mind power very rare?"

Baidie opened her eyes and said excitedly:
"It's not only rare, it's rare on the entire continent. Mind power is also the power that our Protoss has always admired. Unfortunately, it's very difficult for our Protoss to cultivate it!"

Qin Wuge was silent for a while, and asked:
"What is the use of this thought power? Can it improve cultivation?"

Since this strange power appeared in his body, his cultivation has indeed improved a bit.

But Baidie shook her head:
"This is the magical power of resisting demons. It can resist negative and yin demons. It has an absolute restraint effect on creatures such as dark spirits. It also has the power of recovery and healing. The healing range covers the mind and body."

As long as Baidie gets close to her, he can feel the gentle power that makes him feel comfortable.

After Qin Wuge listened to it, he was overjoyed. Isn't this the magical healing power?On this continent, the monk world only has recovery medicine, and there is no healing technique at all, and his own power is like the priest's healing technique.

It is simply a wonderful work!

"Oh, then the increase in my own strength should only be due to the fact that the clansmen have become stronger."

Qin Wuge suppressed the excitement in his heart, and found that everyone on the spaceship was approaching, and Bei Mingye occupied the nearest and most advantageous position, and was driving them out with a vicious aura.

The black dragon came closer with a strange face, but maybe the power in the black dragon's body was too sharp, even evil, and he felt uncomfortable after getting close to Qin Wuge.However, the power in Qin Wuge's body did not make him feel bored, but gave birth to a sense of guilt.

That inspiring gentle power made the black dragon feel ashamed, as if he had committed a great crime and was facing the pure saint. Even if she didn't have any action language, only her own sacred brilliance made the black dragon feel ashamed.

"Emperor Yan should put away his power, it's a waste."

Heilong smacked his mouth, reminding him rather "kindly".

(End of this chapter)

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