Chapter 989 Bei Ming Ye, You Lied

Chapter 989 Bei Ming Ye, You Lied

Everything you like can be obtained from me!
Hearing her words, Bei Mingye couldn't help but think of the "face change" that Luo Yunshan showed in front of him just now. Her face and facial features were fine-tuned on the spot in front of him.

It turned into Qin Wuge's appearance.

Then, she can also become her own appearance, Bei Mingye felt that she had found the murderer who pretended to be herself.

As for the temptation of Luo Yunshan's warm and charming voice before she left, he didn't take it to heart at all.In fact, he is a man who doesn't understand style, and he will not compare Luo Yunshan with Qin Wuge at all.

At this time, the monks in the sky also fell down.

That was the eminent monk of the Wanfo Sect brought by Miaoxuan. They saw the black body of Tian Cewei, who was dead and emitting a foul smell. The Tian policy guards are detached.

"I've never seen this approach before either."

Miaoxuan stood among these corpses, looked down at the horrible corpse, sighed, then looked at Qin Wuge on Kunpeng's back, like a figure looking up at the peak of a mountain, and sighed:
"Can't Kunpeng be smaller?"

"Kunpeng can become smaller without being injured, but after being injured, it can only maintain its original state. This is Kunpeng's weakness."

Bei Mingye saw Qin Wuge hanging cross-legged in the sky through the thunder formation, constantly releasing his thoughts, and there was a gentle look in his eyes:
"Her mind power can just heal Kunpeng, and Kunpeng will be hers from now on."

Miaoxuan followed and nodded:

"Kunpeng cannot be contracted, but can only be domesticated and suppressed to follow, and it is naturally better to follow it voluntarily."

Kunpeng stopped whining, and its eyes became clear and warm. It lay obediently in the canyon, filling the whole canyon, quietly waiting for Emperor Yan to heal its injuries.

After Bei Mingye was sure that Qin Wuge's spirit was still good, and that thought power would not damage her body, he said to Miaoxuan:

"What's on Luo Yunshan?"

Miaoxuan was staring at the thought power emanating from Qin Wuge's body in a daze, and when he heard Bei Mingye's question, he came back to his senses, thought for a while and said:

"I can't see it. It doesn't look like a monster, but it can control demons and exorcise ghosts. These days, the guards are fed by her with things that explode true energy, which can explode several times in an instant, but the maintenance time is very short."

Tian Cewei's corpses were scattered all over the place, and the leader Wei Baikai was still alive. After he suffered countless attacks from the Golden Light Buddha just now, countless black energy emitted from his body, but there was still black energy left in his body, and this black energy affected the body. His mind, he sat on the ground blankly, like a body without a soul.

Miaoxuan gave up studying Wei Baikai, stood outside the Tianlei armor formation and looked at Qin Wuge inside, saying:
"What's with the divinity in her?"

Bei Mingye didn't answer, just looked at Miaoxuan silently, apparently waiting for Miaoxuan to explain to him.

The clear Miaoxuan thought for a long time before saying:

"The breath on her body is different from our Buddhist mind power. Our mind power can exorcise demons and subdue demons. It is a kind of meritorious power that specifically restrains evil spirits, but hers is more inclined to healing. It is the healing light of divinity."

The gods save the world, the gods save the world, and the monks also believe in the existence of gods, but the gods of the monks are the gods, a race that is inherently superior to any living beings.

Just like a dragon, a born strong man.And gods have many talents that humans don't have, such as the magical power of thought shown by Qin Wuge in front of him.

"I see, it is not only the light of healing, but also the special effect of purifying the spirit, you see~" Miaoxuan pointed to the black dragon in the corner of Tianlan's armor formation.

Heilong sat on the ground blankly, his vertical pupils were a little empty.

It regrets so much, why did he follow in the Tianlei Armor Formation?Now it's all right, when Qin Wuge kept releasing the power of thought, the black dragon felt that the power of thought was a kind of torture to it.

But this kind of torture also gave it a kind of tearing pleasure, like some kind of perverted addiction.

The black dragon hid in the corner of the Tianlei Armor Formation, which was the furthest away from Qin Wuge's mind power, so that he could feel better.

Fortunately, the release of her mind power is almost over, because the wound on Kunpeng's back has almost healed.

The wound that was once as big as a gully, under the miraculous effect of thought power, healed quickly, and everyone was stunned.

After the wound on Kunpeng's back healed, its figure began to shrink, and finally became the size of a bird that could stand on Qin Wuge's shoulders.Qin Wuge also put away his mind power and removed the Heavenly Thunder Armor.

Bei Mingye hurried up, and when he was supporting her, he stared nervously at her face, fearing that she might make a mistake.

Qin Wuge winked at him playfully:
"I feel that releasing the power of mind to heal will not consume me. I just maintain the state of mind power, and the injured within the range of the state will automatically recover."

Qin Wuge thought for a while and said:

"Unlike the recovery of the internally injured in the Azure Land, they need to absorb spiritual power, but under my mental power, I don't need to consume my mental power. The effect of my mental power seems to only speed up their healing."

Bei Mingye nodded:
"It also has the effect of stimulating potential."

Said, Bei Mingye pointed to the black dragon not far away.The black dragon was still in a sluggish state, and its vertical pupils followed Qin Wuge's figure blankly. When it saw Bei Mingye pointing at him, it came back to its senses, and then showed a disdainful and unruly attitude, and snorted He got up and walked towards Wei Baikai, picked up the stupid Wei Baikai with one hand, and grabbed Wei Baikai's head with the other hand.

The black energy was "sucked" out of Wei Baikai's head, and the black dragon absorbed all the black energy into his body.

Under everyone's amazed eyes, the black dragon who had absorbed the black energy sighed contentedly, and threw Wei Baikai away, the vertical pupils in his eyes flashed fiercely:
"Heh~ These evil spirits are better for me."

He was purified by Qin Wuge's divine power just now, so the black dragon can't wait to absorb some dark power to make up for his badness?
Qin Wuge saw that Wei Baikai, who was thrown away by it, still looked so dull, it seemed that his brain was hurt and he was turned into an idiot.

"I think Luo Yunshan seems to have something on her body."

After Qin Wuge and others boarded the spaceship again, she expressed her guess.

Luo Yunshan is still the previous Luo Yunshan, but it seems that she has some terrible props or magic soldiers attached to her body.

Divine Weapons and Artifacts can allow people to gain growth power, while Magic Soldiers are destructive forces that can affect people's minds.

Most of the magic soldiers on the mainland are sealed, because the power that the magic soldiers bring to people is too destructive.Using magic soldiers is like making a deal with the devil, selling your soul and signing a contract.

The Luo Yunshan who appeared this time is completely different from before, the cold eyes are without any emotion, sharp and evil are the eyes of predators, and the predators are human souls, so when I look at Luo Yunshan, Her eyes seemed to eat people up.

"Indeed, from the eyes of my Buddhist school, Luo Yunshan is the embodiment of evil and coldness. I can't see the slightest trace of humanity from her." Miaoxuan paused for a moment, and seemed to cast Bei Mingye a meaningful look. And said:

"Also, Luo Yunshan showed the power of a succubus when she talked to Bei Mingye when she left."

Meng Haiyin, Baidie and the others all looked at Bei Mingye, clearly waiting for Bei Mingye's confirmation.

And Bei Mingye's face was slightly stagnant, as if he didn't understand the situation, until his face became hot when they saw him, he coughed and said:
"How to tell if it is the power of a succubus?"

Seeing his embarrassment, Su Dingfang laughed loudly:
"You don't need to be embarrassed, Qin Wuge won't blame you, isn't the power of the succubus still uncertain? Do you feel that you have been seduced? Or, do you think her words are attractive?"

Attractiveness is for sure, because everyone who was around Bei Mingye at that time felt the attraction in Luo Yunshan's last words.

The power of the succubus will impact your five senses, and the visual and auditory impact will be the greatest. The charming voice will seduce the deepest, most violent and dark human nature hidden in your heart, and no one will feel a little bit after hearing it.

Therefore, everyone thinks Bei Mingye, you are lying!
(End of this chapter)

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