Chapter 995
Chapter 995
Meng Haiyin was very angry when she saw the timid behavior of these orcs:
"Are you planning to hide here for the rest of your life? Don't ask about the situation on the mainland, or the crisis in the cultivation world?"

Niu Huang's face turned pale. Their orc race was originally a race abandoned by the mainland race, and they belonged to the excluded existence. Therefore, they didn't want to deal with any continental crisis, let alone pay so much casualties to deal with it.

Besides, Niu Huang felt that if their orc race were exposed to the human race, they would definitely be hunted down.

The top ten blood gods back then were full of malice towards them, and now the human race is also hostile towards them, otherwise their orc race would not be arrested by the human race.

"Emperor Yan, we rejected your request, and we are embarrassed to ask you to help us find our clansmen, so we are leaving now."

When Niu Huang faced Qin Wuge, he was still very embarrassed. After finishing speaking in a very low voice, he hurriedly wanted to take his clansmen away.

"Wait a minute." Qin Wuge said in a low voice.

Niu Huang and the other orcs stopped. They felt very embarrassed standing where they were. In fact, they could just leave without paying attention to her words.However, Niu Huang and the others felt guilty towards her, and also had some inexplicable expectations.

Even Niu Huang and the others had a natural affinity for her words, and they couldn't help but want to obey them.

Therefore, they resisted the urge to run away, turned around, faced Emperor Yan facelessly and lowered their heads, and asked:
"Emperor Yan, do you have any other orders?"

Qin Wuge shook his head:
"I still want to search for the clansmen with you. I was too abrupt in inviting you to the Emperor's Forest just now. Since you don't want to go, let's talk about it later."

Qin Wuge could see that these orcs rejected returning to the Emperor's Forest, and continuing to talk would only make their rejection more thorough.

She understood the reason why these orcs were so resistant. They were almost exterminated and survived. The will to survive prevailed, making them dare not take any more risks.

Just now when Niu Huang said that hundreds of members of their ethnic group were arrested, Qin Wuge guessed that their ethnic group should be quite large, perhaps tens of thousands of people. The result of surviving in the cracks.

In order to maintain such a life, it's okay for them to be greedy for life and fear death.

Qin Wuge doesn't blame them, because they have always been the persecuted party, expecting the oppressed "slaves" to help you fight the war, first let them taste the sweetness and see their own future.No one is foolish enough to die for a future they cannot see.

"Yanhuang, are you really willing to help us find our tribe?" Niu Huang felt guilty, but he was also really worried about his tribe. Qin Wuge had already received information from ancient beasts and insects, so if he wanted to find his tribe , naturally it is best to follow her.

It's just that Niu Huang and other orcs felt shameless for rejecting him just now and asking for help now.

"Of course, it can be regarded as making up for the debt that the sacred-blood race owed you before." Qin Wuge paused at this point, and then said:

"I understand your situation. Before the status of your orc race is recognized by the mainland and the human race, if you are asked to fight to protect the emperor's forest, even after victory, you will not enjoy any results."

What she said thoroughly touched the heart of the orc race. They are the lowest level of the mainland race. They live in hiding and being hunted down. If the situation has not changed, they have successfully defended the Emperor Forest. Who can look down on them? where are they?

Even, because of their exposure, they will attract more hunts and kills.

The dark and difficult life has caused many orcs to even have dark thoughts: Even if they perish together with the mainland, they, the lowest races that are bullied and hunted, are willing to accompany the races that bully and oppress them perish.

This is the cry and struggle of the weak, a desperate resistance in desperation.

"Emperor Yan..."

Niu Huang was moved to tears, he never thought that the girl in front of him was actually his bosom friend, no~ she was a friend of their race.

Meng Haiyin and the others looked guilty. They had been blaming the Beastmen for their lack of effort just now, but they had never thought about the situation of the Beastmen.

They have always asked the orcs to show the attitude of a gentleman protecting the continent and contribute their efforts, but they never thought that the human side should do well first.

If you want others to treat you like a gentleman, you should first be a gentleman yourself.Otherwise, you are demanding yourself with the standard of a slut, and demanding others with the standard of a saint.

"Beastmen, I apologize for insulting you just now!"

Meng Haiyin is a straightforward person. After realizing her mistake, she apologized without hesitation.

Fu Hongxue also expressed his apology, but when Niu Huang and others were moved, Qin Wuge said:

"Because you have been hunted and squeezed all the time, you must take action in this crisis in the Emperor's Forest, otherwise how will you reverse your position in the human race!"

Niu Huang and the others were shocked by Qin Wuge's reversing statement, but thinking about it, it seems that this is indeed the case. If they made great contributions to the Emperor's Forest crisis, then who can say that they are despicable What about the orcs?

However, Niu Huang still has worries in his heart:

"My ethnic group is only 3 people, and the entire orc clan has more than a dozen tribes, and the total number is only a few hundred thousand. Can our small population reverse the situation in the Emperor's Forest? Even if it is reversed and becomes a hero, it will not be able to withstand the human race. The siege and slaughter of the wicked."

The orc race understands the greed of the human race very well, and even more knows how many despicable people there are in the human race.Most of the human races are good, but as long as there are one ten-thousandth of bad people, there will be too many bad people under the huge human base. Once these bad people unite against the orcs, how will they protect themselves?
The orcs also know that those who represent the bad guys of the human race are the evil sects, and those sects are very powerful.

"I am Emperor Yan, and I have more than [-] soldiers in control of Yan State. I am the blood of the king of the Qin family. Thousands of divine blood of the Qin family have awakened. Tens of thousands of Vulcan crows and hundreds of thousands of monsters can all help me."

When Qin Wuge said this, he pointed to the Nine-Tailed Fox beside him:
"It is the Lord of Warcraft in the Emperor's Forest, and now it has cooperated with me."

Then he pointed to the white butterfly:

"He is the king of the God Wing Clan, oh~ you orcs call them elves, no matter what, the elves are also very powerful, there are already more than 2 elves, and there is also the God Wing City that is always full of divine power."

Niu Huang had already half-opened his mouth, and after listening to her explanation in astonishment, he realized how powerful this girl could be.

Bei Mingye smiled and said:
"You seem to have forgotten me. Did I do too little in Emperor Forest? Make you ignore me?"

Hearing Bei Mingye's voice with a bit of coquettish rebuke, Qin Wuge gave him a white look, and introduced to Niu Huang:
"He is the prince of the Zhenyuan Empire, one of the four most powerful empires on the mainland. With us protecting your orc clan, are you still worried about others' persecution?"

Niu Huang shook his head, Qin Wuge said again:

"Actually, it's not just you who are being persecuted. My Qin family was massacred more than a decade ago, only a few thousand people are left, and now I am also being targeted by the Tianlan Empire, and even the Longchen Empire will join hands with the Tianlan Imperial Clan , against me and the Qin family."

Niu Huang was stunned again, considering her current situation, the enemy was going to kill her.But in such adversity and danger, she can still maintain such optimism, with a dazzling spirit, which really makes the orcs feel ashamed.

When the moved Niu Huang and others were about to make a decision, they were stopped by Qin Wuge. She said directly from a distance:
"Here we come! There is a villain who captured your people there, we will capture him and interrogate him now."

As soon as they heard the news that there were members of their clan, Niu Huang and the others immediately became nervous.

After Qin Wuge's eyes and ears determined the number and strength of the visitors, she began to arrange strategies:
"Niu Huang, come with me, the others should spread out, pay attention to concealment, and see if there is any hidden power behind this team."

There are more than a dozen people in the opponent's team, most of them are monks above Nascent Soul, and there are two powerful leaders in the fusion stage.Such a team is strong enough to take risks in the wild, but it is obviously not enough to come here to capture orcs.

Therefore, Qin Wuge suspected that this team was just an advance team to lure the enemy, and the real masters were hiding behind.

Then Qin Wuge naturally couldn't reveal his strength.

(End of this chapter)

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