Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 101 Kathmandu

Chapter 101 Kathmandu

If Luo Yang wanted to save Xingchen, he had to accelerate towards his left front within a few seconds!
Luo Yang thinks about it
He controls the ice element and forms an ice skateboard with a smooth bottom on the sole of his feet!

Later, Luo Yang stepped on the skateboard and froze his feet with the skateboard!
The Purifier slid out on the ice skateboard he made!And try to control the direction.
Luo Yang drove [Hot Speed], and at the same time used the rebound force of Arcane Shock to accelerate!
When a leap is needed, Luo Yang will also use arcane shock to bounce himself up!

At the same time, he also perfectly controls the skateboard under his feet!The skateboard has been frozen with my feet, and the difficulty of natural control has been greatly reduced.

In a Kathmandu world tilted at a 45-degree angle, step on a skateboard made of ice.
Luo Yang felt like he was in an absurd dream!

And the mirror space is indeed very similar to Inception.

Using this weird acceleration method, Luo Yang successfully approached the falling stardust!

He is very close to Stardust!The distance is only two meters at most!But the two are still sliding downwards!
Luo Yang concentrated the arcane energy on his feet, and decisively shattered the ice skateboard under his feet!
Then he flashed to Xingchen's body, hugged her firmly, and stood on the box keeping a horizontal position.

Miss Xingchen was already in a mess, her perfect long black hair was scattered in all directions.

"Thank you, Purifier."

Stardust smiled.A little of the frosty arrogance was removed from her eyes, revealing a subtle change.

Luo Yang grabbed the black chains on Xingchen's body with both hands, trying hard to free Casillas from the chains.

At this time, Luo Yang and Xingchen were already far away from Casillas.

hiss! !

A portal suddenly appeared above the mirror space.

Master Ancient One, wearing a yellow robe, jumped out of the portal.


The Ancient One mage stood between Casillas and Modu.

"Gu Yi. You are finally here."

Casillas looked at his former mentor with disdain.

"Your forehead." Gu Yi looked at the dark rune mark between Casillas' eyebrows.

Casillas just smirked.

"The imprint of Dormammu's followers. It seems that you really believe in Dormammu's set of logically chaotic theories."

The Ancient One mage showed his summoning weapon!A half-circle like a fan.

Also really like a protractor.

"Yes, his theory is much more reliable than yours!"

Casillas yelled, but his eyes were blurred, obviously thinking about how to get out.

Just when the Ancient One was about to subdue him, Casillas summoned a disc and threw it at Modu!

The Ancient One mage immediately collided his semi-circle with Casillas' summoned object to resolve the crisis!

Casillas also took advantage of this opportunity to open the portal and escape.

After Casillas left the mirrored space, the entire mirrored space became unstable, and everything began to collapse!
Master Gu Yi gently waved his hand, stabilizing the mirror space.

Then the supreme mage leaped to Modu's side, and with a flick of his fingers, he lifted his chain blockade.

Stardust's chains also became fragile after Casillas left, and Luo Yang managed to untie the chains on Stardust with a bit of luck!
Miss Xingchen was already sore from being tied up, although she was uncomfortable, she still bit her lip and persisted.

Luo Yang stretched out his hand at the right time to support Miss Xingchen.

Looking up, Master Gu Yi opened the portal and was waiting for Luo Yang and the others to come over!

Even walking back to Karma Taj from the square in Kathmandu is not too far.Anyway, Master Gu Yi doesn't need money to open the portal, so it's a luxury.

Luo Yang supported Miss Xingchen, and finally walked to the portal opened by Gu Yi.

A moment later, passing through the circle of sparks, Luo Yang and Xingchen returned to the place where they started, in the main hall of Kama Taj's main hall.

Modu and Ancient One talked about Casillas, the former apprentice under Ancient One.

And Luo Yang happened to sit on the bamboo chair in the corner with Xingchen in his arms.

"Is it better?"

Stardust smiled: "It's all right."

This beautiful Hua country girl, her pupils are almost black, she is delicate and energetic.The eyes are especially beautiful when she smiles.

Gu Yi, where did you recruit this female disciple?
"Stardust, how long have you been in Karma Taj?" Luo Yang asked softly.

"I came here when I was 6 years old. I have been here for 15 years." Xingchen's age was originally slightly older than the current Luo Yang.

Xingchen smiled and said, "Master Wang Ming remembers my surname, Su. I only remember my surname."

"Oh oh. Sue"

"You remember coming from New York." Xingchen smiled.

"Well, my father is a Chinese from America, and my mother is from New York."

The corner of Xingchen's mouth raised slightly: "I know. You can see that you are a mixed race."

"Well. I used to live in the countryside of New York. After I came to New York, I met many interesting people there." Luo Yang said indifferently.

Xingchen suddenly became interested: "What interesting person? Is he a famous vigilante in New York?"

"Yeah, one of them is a guy in a red and blue pajamas swinging around the city on a thread."

Stardust clapped his hands and said softly, "Spider-Man."

"You know Spider-Man?"

"Spider is famous. And Iron Man."

However, if it was the devil and Uncle Punishment in Hell's Kitchen, I'm afraid Xingchen might not know each other.

"I have fought with him," Luo Yang said proudly, "There are many other superheroes."

"Really? That young Spider-Man, who often dominates the front pages of New York news."

Luo Yang: "You Karma Taj are not isolated from the outside world."

"That's right, many practitioners who come to us think that Karma Taj and Kunlun are places that are isolated from the world. This is because Europeans and Americans always portray Huaguo and Qianzang as mysterious places. "Xingchen smiled brightly.

"There is internet, wifi, no worries about food and clothing, and it is basically isolated from the outside world."

Luo Yang feels that this is not the life that many people imagined in the previous life?
"However, the people of Karma Taj will not waste time on the Internet all the time. The books in the library are more interesting." Stardust said seriously.

On the other side, the supreme mage Gu Yi and Modu have been talking about Domamu and Casillas for a long time, and they finally finished.

The ancient master disappeared in a blink of an eye, and Modu walked over stroking his scepter: "Luo Yang, Xingchen. You can go back and rest."

Luo Yang and the black-haired girl reached out and prepared to leave, but Mo Du added: "Don't tell anyone what happened today."


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