Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 17 The Judge in the Shadows

Chapter 17 The Judge in the Shadows

At the same time that Royan and Peter rescued Daredevil last night.

The Shelson Building across the parking lot.

A sniper in black, with a black coat and a T-shirt, has an extremely strong figure!
He was holding a shotgun.In his coat, he hides at least one butterfly knife and one military dagger.Above the ankle, there is also a glock22 pistol hidden.

Inside his coat, there is a large white skull imprinted on his T-shirt
He is a notorious anti-hero in the Marvel Universe.Some people think he is a knight, others define him as a devil.

He is Frank Castle, the future Punisher.

The moonlight illuminates the entire top platform of the Shelson Building.The orange shimmer of the cigarette butt gradually fades under the moonlight.He stubbed out the cigarette in his hand and stepped on the ground.

Beside the cigarette butt he discarded, lay five thugs who were armed with guns, sticks and knives, all of which had been dealt with by him alone.

The five Tehekai members were all dressed in black formal attire, typical of Japanese gangsters.

When the five Japanese rushed forward with weapons in hand, they were aggressive.It was Yoshioka Shinobu who sent his hands and people to come up to deal with the snipers on the roof of the Sherson Building.

But what they didn't expect was that the sniper they were going to face was a reconnaissance sniper with extremely comprehensive qualities and almost a perfect soldier.

Frank heard the footsteps and was already ready. Five people went to the roof. Frank held his position. When gunshots rang out, the five gang members were easily eliminated.The five of them were basically hit in the legs by Frank and survived.

After the time for a cigarette, the Punisher returned to the sniper position in the Shelson Building and raised his sniper rifle.

Luo Yang and the little spider have already escaped from the parking lot!
There were about three ninjas from the hand and club chasing behind Luo Yang.These ninjas are extremely fast, and they are about to catch up with Luo Yang!
The punisher raised his sniper rifle and aimed at the three ninjas.

One_Shot, One_Kill. This is his basic principle and the basic quality he cultivated in the army.

After three shots, Frank shot and killed the three ninjas, allowing Luo Yang to escape the hand and society's pursuit smoothly.

Turning around, Frank walked up to one of the Japanese gangsters.

The gang member was shot in the knee and only half fainted from the pain, playing dead in front of his punisher.

Frank grabbed the gang member's shirt collar and asked in pure English: "Tell me the stronghold of the Irish. Otherwise, I will send you on the road with these people."

"What Irishman? I don't know what you're talking about." The Japanese gang member spoke the most standard English in his life, and he could hardly hear the Japanese accent.

"The Irish Gangsters of Hell's Kitchen."

"Don't kill me. I know!"

"Don't talk nonsense. Talk."

"The lair of the Irish is at the southern end of Hell's Kitchen. It's easy to find out the location of their lair at the Weir Bar on Eighth Avenue! Those black people will definitely tell you!"

Frank knew what he wanted, and he raised the shotgun in his hand and pointed it at the gangster's head in front of him.

The Japanese closed their eyes in fright: "No! I've already said it!"

Frank put away the shotgun, then kicked the Japanese's pager back to him: "If I knew you were guilty, you would definitely die. Now, I spare your life."

Frank Cassel put away all his firearms and equipment, and quickly left the Shelson Building.

Next, he was getting closer and closer to his goal, and finally, he could complete his goal of revenge.

He doesn't have the title of Punisher yet, but soon, he will become the real Punisher.

It all comes from his hatred.

Originally, he was a soldier who dedicated himself to his country, participated in wars, survived the hail of bullets, and made illustrious military exploits.

Frank was a senior scout sniper, a meritorious soldier, and a fighter with all qualities.Whether it is agent skills, firearm skills or fighting skills, they have all been trained to a level that ordinary fighters cannot surpass.

However, when he returned from the battlefield and returned to his happy family, a sudden disaster destroyed everything.

One night, Frank and his family of four left New York in the evening to travel to the middle of the United States.

The car carried his beautiful wife, lovely daughter and young son.

While passing a gas station on a New York suburban road, Frank drove into the gas station.

But at this moment, Frank's youngest son went into the woods. He just wanted to chase some small animals, but he brought an unexpected disaster to his family.

He and Frank's wife, who followed him, witnessed a gang's underground gun trade.
Frank's wife and young son escaped from behind the woods. Frank didn't say anything and didn't even close the gas gate, so he took his family of four on the road and fled.

However, those gangsters refused to let Frank go. They believed that the Frank family had left photos and evidence, and the gangsters chased after them in faster sports cars.

They follow with powerful machine guns!

Sparks splattered and bullets flew everywhere. Frank couldn't escape these demons after all.
When Frank woke up later, he found himself alone in the hospital bed.

A bullet to the forehead flew out the side, failing to cause fatal damage.However, none of his family members survived.

The cold corpses of his wife and children lying in the morgue of the hospital made him extremely sad.

A sudden disaster destroyed everything about him, and forged a demon who would judge evil—the future Punisher.

It took Frank a long time to recover from the gunshot wound, and then he tried everything he could to trace back what happened that night. Who was it that wanted him to die?Which organization did such a dirty thing?
After a long period of investigation and tracing, Frank tried all means, and finally found that the perpetrators of that night should be Irish, that is, the British gangsters from Hell's Kitchen!

He came to New York and tried various methods to inquire about the stronghold of this group of Irish.

On the night when Daredevil and the Hand were fighting, Frank indirectly helped Daredevil Matthew, and at the same time got the news he needed.

Leaving the Shelson Building, Frank walked through the night in New York dragging heavy boxes, which contained his various heavy firearms and light weapons.

His back and his steps are also so heavy.The street lamp illuminated his resolute face, his angular features were full of melancholy and numbness.

Just a week later, Irish gangsters will hold an all-hands meeting at their stronghold.

Frank was ready when they came together for a feast of carnage.

 Punisher, come out!

  (Bullseye's appearance is delayed, there is a typo here, the error has been fixed)
(End of this chapter)

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