Meiman's extraordinary journey

Chapter 67 The Winter Soldier Appears

Chapter 67 The Winter Soldier Appears
A precise bullet whizzed past, penetrated Luo Yang's battle suit, and shot into his shoulder!
At the wound, there were bursts of severe pain like flesh and blood being torn apart!

There was a reason why the mercenaries aimed at Luo Yang, he had already killed many of his men with fire spells!After adjusting the secret energy, Luo Yang still had flames burning in his hands, and the target was extremely obvious.

Luo Yang, who had never been shot, felt the breath of death in pain.
Without the protection of the ice body, it is extremely fragile.

Moreover, the special bullets used by this mercenary are so powerful that the battle suit is almost useless in front of his special bullets.

Luo Yang struggled to hide in the dark place on the roof, his breathing became short of breath, blood seeped from his shoulder
After all, he is still a mortal.

Everyone fears death.

At this time, Luo Yang even heard the sound of mercenaries approaching, just like the footsteps of death.

The opponent climbed up the stairs with a hook, ready to chase him down!
Luo Yang turned his head and saw a man wearing sunglasses and a black mask.His short and medium black hair hangs down, and on the silver mechanical arm, there is a huge red star.

He came out of the darkness on model steps.

This mercenary killer of the Reconstruction Society is actually a handsome Winter Soldier, known as Hydra's number one male model - Bucky Barnes.

Labor and management don't want to be killed by the Winter Soldier!

Luo Yang rolled out with his last strength and hid behind the concrete wall!

The Winter Soldier reacted quickly, and a burst of assault rifle fire struck.
Da da!

Two bullets grazed his legs again, causing Luo Yangsheng pain.

The pain eroded Luo Yang's nerves, and also devoured his fighting spirit and mental strength!

If at this time, Luo Yang had a set of frost skills, he could freeze the Winter Soldier with his backhand, and then turned the defeat into victory, but Luo Yang used Kael'thas. Not only could he not relieve the pain with the freezing air, but he also had no way to limit the opponent.

It seems that this Prince Kael'thas with limited skills cannot be used as a common hero card.

Dragging the injury, and a battle with the Winter Soldier, cannot be avoided!

Luo Yang opens [Avatar of the Gods]!Purifier Luo Yang instantly gained enhanced skin armor and powerful strength bonuses.

Due to the addition of recovery power, Luo Yang's pain gradually eased.After Luo Yang the Purifier condensed the secret energy, he shot two arcane missiles from the Winter Soldier's blind spot!The two arcane missiles rushed towards the Winter Soldier's position.

The Winter Soldier raised his mechanical arm and blocked the two attacks, then the Purifier stood up and immediately hit the Winter Soldier with [Flame Blast]!
The Winter Soldier's combat equipment is not afraid of flames, and this blast of flames did not have much impact on the Winter Soldier!
At the same time, Luo Yang made a flash, reached the back of the Winter Soldier, drew out the Tang knife and stabbed fiercely!
The Winter Soldier firmly grabbed Luo Yang's Tang Dao with his mechanical arm!He held the blade of the long knife made of fine steel in his palm.

With a little force from the Winter Soldier, the Tang knife was bent!The middle section of the Tang Dao is bent at least 30 degrees and is no longer straight
Royan then threw a left hook at the Winter Soldier, who dropped the assault rifle from his right hand and caught it with his palm.

The Winter Soldier is also a reformer injected with super soldier serum!It's just that his serum may not be as pure as Captain America's serum.

Even with the bonus of [Avatar of the Gods], Luo Yang's hands still feel the power to contend!

The strength of the Winter Soldier is also amazing!

The strength of his right hand is more than one level higher than that of Daredevil and Punisher, and he also has a perverted mechanical unicorn arm.

The power of [God descends to earth] is still increasing!Luo Yang felt endless power coming from his body!
The Winter Soldier couldn't support his hands gradually, and retreated step by step. He flipped his hands upwards forcefully, no longer fighting against Luo Yang!
Immediately afterwards, Luo Yang poured his anger on the scimitar.

After Luo Yang made a false attack, he immediately hit [Cleave]!
The knife was cut quickly, and the winter soldier was caught off guard, and his right arm was scratched by the vigor of the cleave
The injured Bucky immediately changed his strategy and attacked Royan's foot!
The effect of God's Avatar gradually faded, and at this time the Winter Soldier's continuous leg sweeps made the injured Luo Yang tired of dealing with the Winter Soldier's attack!
After forcing Luo Yang back, the Winter Soldier picked up the gun with great speed and aimed it at him.

"Mutant, stay still."

How could Luo Yang bear the situation of being threatened with a gun, and the other party thought he was a mutant again.

He flashed behind the Winter Soldier and stabbed Tang Dao!

And the Winter Soldier has figured it out!He blocked it with the butt of his gun!

The two stalemate again!

While the Winter Soldier was confronting Luo Yang, a bright light flashed in the night sky, like a meteor piercing the sky, and a flying steel mecha appeared on the top floor platform!

Iron Man suddenly appeared on the roof where Royan and the Winter Soldier fought!


With a hand cannon, he knocked out the Winter Soldier in front of Royan
Iron Man——Tony Stark finally drove his Mark2 to the battlefield!

Iron Man's long-range fight against the Winter Soldier and transforming people is simply crushing!Regardless of power, his mobility is probably only comparable to Thor's!

In the MCU, Thor has to turn the hammer to fly.
"Purifier, you're injured, don't move around, I'll take you to treatment right away." Tony said through the mask.

Due to the struggle just now, more and more blood flowed, and Luo Yang already felt his body become weak.

blah blah blah!
The Winter Soldier raised his gun and immediately started shooting at Iron Man!
All the bullets hit the surface of the iron armor, and the shell casings were scattered on the ground.

This attack is useless against Tony's armor.

Tony raised his hand and shot the hand cannon. The Winter Soldier had already tasted the power of his hand cannon, and he had to dodge!

It seems like a no suspense battle
After Tony became Iron Man, it seems that he has conducted many experiments, and now he is very proficient in manipulating the Iron Armor.

When the Winter Soldier was hiding in the corner, he shot a hook from his hand, hooked Tony's armor's leg in an instant, and then pulled hard, almost dragging Tony to the ground!
Tony reacted and immediately went up!
His armor is powerful!And Bucky also relied on the powerful pulling force of the mechanical arm to fight against the power of the mech.
Tony soon realized that it was pointless to fight for power, he turned around, aimed at the Winter Soldier, and locked the Winter Soldier on his screen!

The shoulder of the battle armor protruded from the muzzle of the machine gun, and it shot out bullets, just like McGrady's "It's Noon", knocking down the Winter Soldier!

The Winter Soldier who was shot chose to give up the attack and left the battlefield immediately.

And after Iron Man forced the Winter Soldier back, he immediately lifted off to assist Gambit in dealing with the reformed leader!

The battle between the Reinvented Man and Gambit has been going on for a long time!

The boss of the reformer has been injured, and several of his subordinates were killed by the playing cards of the king of cards!As a reformed agent stronger than ordinary people, he does not have the strength to tug-of-war with the mutant Gambit.

Tony quickly joined the battle on Gambit's side, locked on the subordinates of the Reconstruction Society in sight, and easily eliminated the members of the Reconstruction Society with bullets!The reformer leader was also killed!

All the remaining Reconstruction Society members have no leader!They evacuated the scene in desperation...

The battle is over.Tony Stark immediately flew back to Royan's side.

"Are you all right, boy."

Due to blood loss, Luo Yang's lips were slightly pale, and he shook his head.

Amidst the pain, a terrible thought flashed through Luo Yang's mind: If there is no system and secret power, can he survive in this cruel world?
"You are too brave. You have to confront that killer even if you are shot." Tony looked at Luo Yang helplessly.

Iron Man picked up Luo Yang and sent him to a private hospital, and this private hospital was the advanced treatment center exclusively owned by Stark.

After entering this private hospital, the doctors immediately provided treatment for Luo Yang.

When Royan woke up after a night's rest, the first person he saw was actually a good friend of the Defenders—Midnight Nurse Claire.

 Thank God for the reward that cannot be completed.

(End of this chapter)

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