Temporary workers for the Pokemon system

Chapter 14 The Boss Sakagi Is Not At Home

Chapter 14 The Boss Sakagi Is Not At Home

After repeatedly emphasizing in their hearts that they did not envy Xiaomao, Xi Tong and Gao Yue were hit hard by Xiaomao, but on the surface they were holding on.Park the luxury car and head to the sleeping room.

After a comfortable night's sleep, Xi Tong and Oki Satsuki got up early to wash up.They had already decided last night, and they were going to challenge at Changpan gymnasium today.

First go to the elf center to take back his elves, but the elf center in Viki City has become ruins.According to Joey and Ms. Junsha, the trio of the Rockets came here to make trouble last night, and they were finally beaten by Xiaozhi.

Still sitting in the modified car, the two soon arrived at the gate of Changpan Gymnasium.Looking at the gymnasium that looks like a palace in front of him, Xi Tong felt that only someone as domineering as Sakagi was eligible to live in it.

There are many stone pillars around the Viridian Gym, just like the temples of ancient Greece.The guards outside the gymnasium are a group of people in silver and white armor, as if they were the most powerful knights in the Middle Ages.

Xi Tong and Gao Yue discussed it, and decided that Xi Tong would visit the gymnasium owner first, and then ask the other party to fight against the two of them.So Xi Tong got off the car and walked slowly into the Viking Gym.To be honest, this Viki Pan Gym is indeed full of momentum.The closer Xi Tong got to this building, the more he could feel the majesty and grandeur it exudes.

Soon Xi Tong arrived in front of the gate of Changpan Gymnasium. Regarding the steel knights in front of the gate, Xi Tong didn't know how to talk to them for a while.

"Hello, is the owner of Changpan Gym here? My friends and I want to come to this gym to challenge." Xi Tong gritted his teeth and said to the guard wrapped in iron.

The guard dressed as a knight gave Xi Tong a faint look with his eyes hidden in the armor.Then he said without emotion: "I'm sorry, Mr. Sakagi is not in the gym again. Also, since Mr. Sakagi is very busy, please come here to challenge after you have at least seven badges."

After being rejected, Xi Tong returned to the luxury car in a sullen mood.After relaying the situation to Gaoyue, Gaoyue was not dissatisfied.On the contrary, I feel that the Viking Pan Gym with many rules has its own strengths.In my heart, I am looking forward to the scene where I will challenge here after obtaining seven badges.

Since the owner of the Viking Gym was not there, Gao Yue took Xi Tong and left Viking City.After all, if you want to participate in the alliance competition, you must collect other badges.If you want to achieve good results in the competition, you must have powerful elves.So the next stop for the two is Viridian Forest, a beautiful and mysterious forest.

If the forest on Route [-] is a paradise for birds and mice, Viridian Forest is a paradise for insects.Satsuki was driving in the Viridian Forest, so she had to be more careful.

Green caterpillars and unicorn beetles, iron chrysalis and iron chrysalis are all over the Evergreen Forest.Slow crawling, even motionless sprites.If one accidentally lets them get run over by a wheel, it can cause big trouble.

The strangest of them all is Mentor Jin, who is afraid of bug-type elves with a system projection.He tightly hugged Gaoyue who was driving, for comfort.Xi Tong really wanted to ask Jin Glitter if he was afraid of bugs, or simply wanted to take advantage of the host.

Since there were hardly any other people in the Viridian Forest, Xi Tong did not transmit the voice in private, but said directly: "Mr. Jin, what are you doing sitting on the lap of someone else's Oki Satsuki?"

Instructor Jin lay on Gaoyue's lap, and upon hearing Xi Tong's words, he slowly raised his head and replied, "I'm afraid of insect-type elves, so I hide by the host's side."

Xi Tong suddenly felt a chill, and continued with disgust: "You are just a projection of the system, what kind of elf are you afraid of. You don't want to eat the host's tofu, do you?"

Teacher Jin shook his head quickly, and said coquettishly, "I'm really just afraid of bugs, so I don't have other thoughts."

Xi Tong changed from feeling chills to feeling nauseated, and said sharply: "Then why don't you ask me for protection, but hinder the host from driving."

Jin Shining eyes widened, looking at Xi Tong's face watery: "You are too ugly, so I refuse. The host is handsome, of course I want to find the host."

A cold light flashed in his eyes, and Xi Tong said coldly: "You golden fly, let go of my Gaoyue." And while talking, Xi Tong made a gesture of wanting to hit the fly.

Listening to the weird remarks of the two systems, watching them fooling around.Oki Satsuki said that she has no temper at all, she just wants to hehehe.However, from the corner of his eyes, Xi Tong saw that Damu Gaoyue's face seemed to be slightly reddish, but Xi Tong didn't know the specific reason.

Just as Xi Tong and Supervisor Jin were fighting each other, there was a faint movement behind a bush not far away.Immediately, Xi Tong and Supervisor Jin stopped arguing.Gao Yue and Xi Tong were staring at that place, but they didn't dare to go forward to find out.

After a few seconds, a figure sprang out from the swaying jungle, which shocked Xi Tong greatly.Although Gao Yue's expression was calm, his fingers holding the steering wheel were trembling.

The person who came was a young man dressed in strange clothes, and even Mr. Jin and Xi Tong felt that they had no place to complain.Oki Satsuki also had a wry smile on his face, what happened today was full of strange things.

The boy was wearing ancient island samurai armor with a sharp samurai sword.Originally, this was fine, and it could even be regarded as a dress that could add points.

But Xi Tong really wanted to ask the other party what the hell was wearing an expensive samurai costume with a net bag for catching insects stuck on his back.

"Young man! Are you out of your mind, or are your views broken?" This is the only thing Xi Tong thinks at this moment.

The samurai boy didn't know what Xi Tong was thinking, so he took a samurai sword and pointed at the 'car of various countries' and Xi Tong on the car.Then he asked, "Are you trainers from Zhenxin Town?"

'Why is this sentence so familiar, I seem to have heard it somewhere'.Xi Tong did not answer the boy's words immediately, but let his mind wander to the sky.

Gao Yue turned her head to look at Xi Tong who was in a daze, knowing that the other party was useless.After thinking roughly for two seconds, he replied: "We are indeed from Zhenxin Town, and I am a trainer from Zhenxin Town. But the person next to me is also from Zhenxin Town, but he is not a trainer from Zhenxin Town."

The samurai boy was dazed by Satsuki's words, and forced himself to give up studying the other party's words.The samurai boy continued: "It's good to be a trainer from Zhenxin Town. Today I played against four trainers from Zhenxin Town, and you are the fifth."

Then, the young man honestly revealed his shortcomings: "However, I lost to three people and tied with one person. You are the fifth person I have met, and I will definitely defeat you."

(End of this chapter)

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