Chapter 9 System Store
Xiaomao hugged the Squirtle, and couldn't calm down for a long time.But on the surface, Xiao Mao was silent for a while.

Oki Shigeru was thinking about what went wrong.He knew that there was a certain gap in strength between the Jenny Turtle and the Marsupial, but he also knew that the gap between the two was actually not that big.

Although the marsupial was born a month or two ago, due to personality problems, it has not undergone formal systematic training.Although Xiaomao's own Squirrel was born recently, Xiaomao has formed a light bond with it and has given it special training.

But in the end it was Xiaomao himself who failed, and the marsupial Xi Tong who had just formed a combination won.This result made Xiaomao unacceptable, and he was very unwilling.More importantly, Xiao Mao made a bet with Xi Tong, and he really didn't know what to do at this moment.

Xiao Mao raised his head in a daze, and looked at him with complicated eyes.But I found that the teacher with a baby face and a short stature didn't pay attention to himself.

Oki Satsuki, who noticed Xiao Mao's abnormal situation, suddenly walked up to Xi Tong and said, "Mr. Xi Tong, it is enough for you to have me as a student, there is no need to accept Xiao Mao as a student at all."

Then Damu Gaoyue sent a voice transmission to Xi Tong in private, saying: "Look at what my younger brother has become, I won't give you a step down, teacher. You should reject this bet, Xiaomao is different from me .He was brought up by his grandfather himself, and he taught elves to fight hand in hand."

"If you really accept Xiaomao as a student, the old man will definitely be impatient with you."

Xi Tong nodded, and replied: "I didn't intend to accept Xiaomao as a student, and the system must not be discovered by a third person."

"And this, why didn't you tell me earlier." Xi Tong suddenly panicked when he saw Dr. Damu looking at him with an unkind expression.

So Xi Tong hurriedly said seriously: "Xiao Mao, although I won the bet, I don't want to accept you as my apprentice."

"Your mind and strength still need to be tempered, and you will soon be ten years old, you can travel to various regions. To see all kinds of things in this world, to broaden your horizons. This is far more than It's better to learn the theory behind closed doors, being taught by me at home."

Hearing Xi Tong's words, Dr. Oki looked a little better.But Shigeru Oki has a new question at this moment.

"Isn't my brother's situation similar to mine, but aren't you also my brother's teacher?" Oki Shigeru asked puzzled.

His elder brother Oki Satsuki was in the same situation as himself, at least he was also a newcomer in terms of elves.But the mature young man in front of him who doesn't know why he became his brother's teacher (Huh?), has a different attitude towards himself and his brother.

"Ahem, this is Xiao Mao." At this moment, Oki Satsuki stood up to answer Xiao Mao's question.

"Teacher Xi Tong will go on a trip with me, and he will continue to teach me about elves during the trip. But you are different, you are going to travel with a group of big sisters."

For Oki Satsuki's words, Xiao Mao said that he could not refute.So he snapped his fingers coolly and said, "Yes, I will go on a trip with my girlfriends. If I really let this man be my teacher, it will lower the value of our team."

In his heart, Xiaomao gritted his teeth reluctantly and muttered, "Damn it, I can't go on a trip with brother Gaoyue."If Brother Gao Yue can travel with me, I don't need the company of those girlfriends at all. '

Xiaomao looked at Xi Tongtong, smiled and said: "It's a pity, you are not blessed to accept me as a gifted student, this must be the worst decision you have ever made."

Then Xiaomao pointed to Xi Tong, who was not much taller than himself, and shouted: "Wait, I will definitely defeat you. Wash away my shame and make you regret it."

Hearing Xiaomao's declaration, Xi Tong laughed three times "hehehe", then turned to look at Oki Satsuki: "Xiaomao, it's not that easy to fight me next time. Wait until you defeat your brother Only then will you have the qualifications to fight with me."

Originally silent, awkward atmosphere.It was resolved in the agreement between the child Shigeru Oki and the old child Xi Tong.Seeing this scene, Dr. Oki couldn't help but smile. Since Xi Tong is so knowledgeable, he naturally wants to thank Xi Tong well.


When it was almost evening, Xi Tong said goodbye to Dr. Oki on the grounds that he wanted to go home.At the same time, Teacher Jin also helped Xi Tong to create the corresponding illusion.Let Dr. Oki and Oki Shigeru have no doubts about Xi Tong.

The fictitious projection and materialized Xi Tong were revoked, and once again attached to Oki Satsuki in an invisible form.After Oki Satsuki finished dinner, Mentor Kim would reward Oki Satsuki.

Back in Oki Satsuki's bedroom, Xi Tong couldn't wait to see the reward.After all, Xi Tong is only an intern, and there are many things that Mentor Jin will not tell him.

As for Oki Satsuki, he seemed very calm. His grandfather was Dr. Oki, and he himself was a top student.Many things are nothing to him.It's just something that belongs to him, and he won't refuse it.

Next, Oki Satsuki and Xi Tongbian accepted the guidance of Mentor Jin to relax their minds and quiet their minds.Then the scene in front of Oki Satsuki and Xi Tong changed, as if the two had come to a high-tech store.In Xi Tong's impression, this store seems to be a combination of the department store and research institute in the Pokémon game.

There are many items in the store, but when the two look at those items.But it became a blur again, and Supervisor Jin was sitting in front of the cash register.At this moment, the innumerable golden lights that originally radiated from Teacher Jin's body disappeared, and he was simply wearing a pair of golden armor.

Xi Tong regained his body in the store, but he was still baby-faced and short.After seeing Supervisor Jin, Xi Tong immediately stepped forward to talk to her.

"Mother, why are the items in the store blurry?"

"Because the store function has not been opened, and the products in the system store are as many coupons as the host has, and the products in the coupons can be seen. Products that exceed the number of coupons owned by the host cannot be displayed."

"Tsk, you are really a profiteer," Xi Tong said in admiration.

Instructor Jin ignored Xi Tong's ridicule, but turned to look at Oki Satsuki who was wandering among the shelves.Then he shouted to him: "Host Oki Satsuki, please come here."

Damu Gaoyue, who heard Jin Tutor's yell, quickly came to Niang Shining.He quietly looked at Supervisor Jin, ready to see what she was going to do.

Teacher Jin didn't make Oki Satsuki wait any longer, and took out a stack of paper similar to banknotes from the drawer of the counter.Xi Tong glanced at it and was speechless.All of them are printed with the head portrait of Mr. Jin, with different denominations.

"Host, please keep your gold coupons." Instructor Jin said in an official tone.

At this time, Xi Tong picked up a coupon with a denomination of 10, and asked: "Didn't it mean gold coupons, obviously the color and material have nothing to do with 'gold'."

 Ask for a recommendation ticket, ask for a collection


(End of this chapter)

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