after losing heart

Chapter 105 [123]

Chapter 105 [123]

Qiancheng nestled in the closet, not daring to move. Fortunately, there were only a few clothes in the closet, and the space was not bad enough to accommodate her.

It was dark inside, only a faint light came in through the gap in the middle of the cabinet door, so she couldn't see clearly inside or outside, she could only listen to the movement outside quietly.

The door opened, and someone rushed in.

"Fourth brother, why don't you open the door for a long time, is it the golden house hiding the beauty?" It was Fourteen's joking voice.

Qiancheng's face became hot, and he wondered if they heard the big commotion behind the door just now?Anyway, listening to this, I feel very guilty.

On the contrary, Su Mo could hold back, she heard him chuckle, "Golden House Cangjiao?"

She thought he had something to say, but in the end, there was no more text, just a low laugh.

Her face was even hotter, what did he mean by that?
Deliberately, absolutely deliberately.

Fortunately, Shisi is not a careful person, so he didn't notice it.

That's right, if he was careful, he wouldn't still not know about the affairs between Su Mochen and Concubine Mei, would he?
Thinking of Concubine Mei, her heart became agitated again.

Some people can't deny her existence whether you want it or not, the existence that will always be between them.

"Fourth brother, the situation is urgent, so we came here overnight." It was the voice of Ninth Prince Su Moyi.

It turned out that he also came.

"What happened?" Su Mo said in a deep voice, and instantly became the calm and steady fourth prince again.

"I heard that Su Mohong secretly invited Bian Guo to have a secret meeting at the Red Painting Boat tomorrow night. We thought it would be inconvenient to come over to look for Fourth Brother during the day, and we were afraid that it would be too late at night, so we rushed over tonight."

"About the secret meeting of the border country?" Su Mochen seemed a little surprised, paused, and then asked, "Do you know the purpose of the secret meeting?"

"do not know."

"Is the news reliable?"

"Of course it's reliable! Yun'er told us."

"Yun'er? Why didn't she come by herself?" Su Mo's voice trembled, and even Qiancheng in the closet could hear his strangeness, but when she listened carefully, he quickly returned to normal, "After all It is more convenient for her to come here than for the two of you to enter the palace."

"She has something to do and can't get away."

"What do you need to do in the middle of the night?" Su Mo's voice was cold.

"She said she was going to visit the post house of the border country ambassador at night!"

"What? Visiting the posthouse at night?" Su Mo suddenly raised his voice, and said sharply, "It's just nonsense! Don't you know how dangerous it is? Let her too?"

Qiancheng clearly sensed his anger and panic, and couldn't help but feel a slight twist in his heart.

Yun'er, why is another cloud popping up?
Who is Yun'er?

Su Mo Shen is not a person who is easily emotional, never has been.

But to make this quiet man so messy, you don't need to think about it, you know the weight of that man in this man's heart.

Could it be that she is the woman who lives on the tip of his heart?

Su Mochen, Su Mochen, how big is your heart?
How many women lived in it?

From Tong Suqing, to Concubine Mei, to this Yuner, is there any more?

Qiancheng smiled wryly in the dark, is there anything else?
The conversation outside continues.

In fact, rather than talking, it might be better to say that Su Mochen was giving orders alone.

"Until we figure out the true purpose and motivation of Su Mohong and Bian Guo's secret meeting, we must not act rashly! To prevent falling into other people's traps!"

"Old Ninth, hurry up and intercept Yun'er. Fourteenth, you go to the Red Painting Boat and secretly install a few of your own people. They are only allowed to follow, but not to act. Everything, wait for my instructions!"

Sure enough, he is wise, courageous and not procrastinating!

"Yes! But..."

It was Lao Jiu's voice, seemingly hesitating to speak.

"What's wrong?" Su Mo asked in a deep voice.

"It's not that fourth brother Yun'er doesn't know about his temper, I'm afraid I won't be able to stop her!"

"If it wasn't at five o'clock, and someone came to the stable to pick a horse, I would go to her in person. You just need to tell her, it's what I mean. If there is anything wrong with her, then all my hard work and persistence over the years It doesn't make sense! I believe, she will listen to you!"

The man spoke with certainty.

Qiancheng was shocked.

If there is anything wrong with her, all my hard work and persistence all these years will be meaningless!

If he hadn't heard it with his own ears, Qiancheng would never believe that this sentence came from the mouth of this man named Su Mochen.

There is no love story more beautiful than this!

There is no love story more shocking than this!

She, an outsider, was deeply moved.

It turned out that he actually loved so strongly!
It turned out that everything he did was just for a woman!
So it turns out...

Qiancheng lay down on the crack of the cupboard door, wanting to see the man's expression when he said this.

She thought, it should be very funny for such a quiet and introverted man to say such romantic love words, right?
Well, it must be very funny.

She laughed as she thought about it, and she burst into tears.

Amidst the tears, the lights and shadows of the three people in the room were fragmented.

In the broken light and shadow, she couldn't see who was who.

I only vaguely felt that Fourteen and Old Nine seemed to be ready to take orders and leave.

Maybe God thinks she's not miserable enough, or maybe God thinks she's not embarrassing enough, or maybe it's because the wardrobe is too old and I'm too fat. The cabinet suddenly shattered and collapsed.

Neither sooner nor later.

If she had collapsed earlier, she might not have heard such touching words from that man.

If it collapsed later, she might not be able to see the dumbfounded expressions of Fourteen and Nine.

It's a good time to collapse!

The three men in the room turned around and saw this scene.

The broken wooden boards are in a mess. In the middle of the boards, a person is sitting slumped inside. Who is it?Why is there anyone in the house?

It's a little eunuch!

Oh no it's not!Eunuchs don't have such long hair, nor such pretty faces.

is a woman.

The eye sockets are red and splashed.

Still a woman in tears!

"Fourth sister-in-law!"

Su Moyi and Su Moyu were dumbfounded.

Su Mo Shen's eyes moved slightly, as if he remembered that she was still inside, he pursed his lips slightly, stepped forward, removed the wooden boards pressing on her body and above her head, stretched out his hand, trying to pull her up.

Unexpectedly, she didn't give him her hand, but put her hands on the ground and stood up slowly.

Maybe she was numb from squatting inside for too long, or maybe she was injured by the heavy blow of the plank just now. She just stood up, but her feet suddenly went limp, and she staggered twice, almost falling.

Su Mochen reached out to support her, and she gently brushed his hand away.

"A Thousand Cities!"

who is it?

Whose voice is so low and sweet, so deceptive?

Qiancheng smiled and tried to take two steps.

Not broken, not dislocated, not disabled, fortunately, able to walk!

She raised her hand to pick up her hair full of black hair, twisted it around, then bent down to pick up the eunuch hat that was pressed under the wooden board, and slowly put it on her head. She smiled at the three of them and bowed slightly, "I'm sorry to bother you." !"

After finishing speaking, she walked out, her calf was numb and painful, but her back was straight and her steps were not chaotic.

"A Thousand Cities!"

It was as if she had never heard of it!
"Qiancheng, let Fourteen take you out later, it's very dangerous for you to leave the palace like this!"

Behind him was Su Mochen's slightly tense voice.


Qiancheng laughed, is it dangerous?Don't be afraid!How did you get in, and how did you get out?

Anyway, she doesn't affect his future and destiny.

She wasn't the one whose all his hard work and persistence would be meaningless if something happened.


She unbolted the deadbolt, opened the door, lifted her foot, and stepped over the threshold.

Suddenly, her back felt hot, and someone hugged her from behind.

She was dumbfounded.

what happened?

The door was slammed shut with a bang.

what's up?
She turned her head and quietly looked at the man who was holding her. She was stunned for a while before remembering what she was going to say, "Fourth Master, is it so difficult to give Qiancheng some self-esteem?"

Today's update is over, sorry, it's late o(╯□╰)o
Do you know who Yun'er is?Believe in Suzi, the truth will always be beyond your expectations~~
Thank you [晨光晓微], [Walk to be silly] for the monthly pass~~
(End of this chapter)

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