after losing heart

Chapter 120 [140] A woman

Chapter 120 [140] A woman

"Su Mochen, you deserve it!"

Suddenly, a clear female voice pierced everyone's ears, coming from the entrance of the lobby.

Everyone was shocked.

Especially Su Mochen and Su Mofeng couldn't believe their ears, they thought they were hallucinating for a moment.

It's just that the former doesn't believe she's back, and the latter doesn't believe she's alive.

Everyone turned their heads to look at the door.

A woman stood gracefully at the door, wearing a light apricot-colored rhombic brocade dress with soft and wide sleeves, her black hair was gently tied with a headband of the same color as the dress, and her hair hung down smoothly. The daylight, the light and shadow are in reverse, suddenly like a dream.

"Thousand cities!" Su Mofeng stood up suddenly from his seat excitedly.

Su Mo's eyes flicked slightly, he narrowed his eyes slightly, looked over, and looked over quietly.

How staggering the heartbeat is, only he knows.

Under the watchful eyes of everyone, the woman walked in slowly, bowed down to Emperor Wen, "See Father!"

Emperor Wen's dark eyes swept over her from top to bottom, wringing his doubts and exploring, "Get up!"

"Thank you, father!" The woman smiled sweetly, "I also thank you, father, for helping my son and minister to vent their anger!"

Emperor Wen frowned deeply, "What's going on?"

"Didn't Fourth Master say anything?" Qian Cheng smiled, and looked at Su Mochen lightly, "It's all because of a woman!"

Su Mo's heart skipped a beat.

Su Ningshuang's face turned pale.

The crowd groaned.

"What woman?" Emperor Wen said in a deep voice, a little impatient.

Qiancheng did not answer immediately, but slowly looked at the people in the room, Lao Jiu, Shi Shi, Su Mofeng, Su Mohong, Su Ningshuang, Su Mochen...

Personal eyebrows, she just felt funny in her heart, "What? Fourth master, a man dares to act bravely, don't fourth master dare to speak?"

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, he stared at her, and pursed his thin lips tightly.

Qiancheng smiled again, and turned to look at the emperor above the hall, "Father, this is what happened. Everyone knew that day that I was not in good health and suddenly fainted. I didn't wake up until night , but the fourth master was not there, I inadvertently learned that the fourth master went to the Red Painting Boat, which is known as the number one brothel in the capital."

Qiancheng paused there deliberately.

There was an uproar.

Emperor Wen's face turned cold, and the corners of Su Mohong's lips curled slightly, not knowing what it meant.

Su Ningshuang's face became paler.

Su Mo's thin lips were tightly pursed into a cold straight line.

Qiancheng slightly hooked the corners of his lips, Su Mochen, go crazy!

"Continue!" Emperor Wen ordered in a deep voice.

Su Mo stopped with a deep and sharp voice, "Thousand cities!"

"Yo! Father, did you see that it's the fourth master who doesn't want my son to talk about it!" Qian Cheng looked aggrieved.

"If he wants to die, you don't have to say it!" Emperor Wen's face became more and more ugly.

Qian Cheng looked very embarrassed, and after a few hesitation, he continued: "Then, in a fit of anger, I disguised myself as a man and went to the Red Painting Boat. As a result, I saw..."

She paused, and then said: "I just saw him, drinking flower wine, and being with a woman from a brothel at the same time, I think..."

She shook her head sadly, "Then, I was angry, I was dying of illness, but he really wanted to drink flowers and wine here, so he rushed up, slapped him, turned his head and left. He just I chased him out. I told him, I'm going to find my father, and I want my father to make the decision for me, how can a dignified prince go to a place like a brothel?"

When he said this, Qian Cheng glanced slightly at the tip of his eyes, and glanced at the Sixth Prince Su Mohong. Sure enough, the other party's face was also pale.

"Actually, I was just angry in my heart, and I said angry words to him! Who knows, he took it seriously and became angry. I was very sad, so I told him, what should be said and what should not be said, I have a sense of proportion, let He really doesn't believe it, so he can kill me to silence it! But he is still angry and ignores me!"

It was so!
Everyone suddenly realized!

Su Ningshuang's face turned pale, and the corners of Su Mochen's lips sparkled.

"What about the bloody clothes and silver needles?"

The Minister of the Ministry of Justice who had been silent all this time suddenly spoke.

Everyone was taken aback, yes, they almost forgot about this.

Qiancheng was stunned, the tip of her eyes slightly raised, she looked at Su Mochen, just in time to meet his looking over, she quickly looked away.

"Of course I lied. I just wanted to scare him! Who told him to treat me like this! If it's true, how can I appear here safe and sound with so much blood?"

There was an uproar!

It turned out that it was a farce between husband and wife.

Emperor Wen's face darkened again, "Do you know that because of your nonsense, I almost killed him?"

"It's my son's fault! I didn't expect that things would turn out like this. I thought it was just a matter between me and the fourth master, and it was just a family matter of the fourth prince's house. I just had a quarrel with him. But I didn't expect to be taken advantage of by someone with a heart, and I reported it to my father!"

The implication is obvious.

It was a trivial matter, but being deliberately framed became a major event!

Some people nodded, some sighed, some suddenly realized, and some had ugly faces.

Emperor Wen pursed his lips and remained silent for a while, before sighing slightly, "Since this is the case, the truth is revealed, and this matter will come to an end! Fourth brother, please calm me down a little bit, you said that you are a dignified prince, and you don't talk about it all day long. Keep things down to business, come up with something for me every now and then, and it’s all because of women, so if it spreads out, you won’t be afraid of being laughed at by the world! Can’t you be more successful?”

"Father taught me the lesson! I know I was wrong, and I must remember it!"

Su Mo lowered his eyebrows and bowed in salute.

"Remember, remember, tell me to remember every time, when you meet a woman, you will commit the same crime again and again! Although this matter has gone to extremes this time, I think it is just a lesson for you. I hope you can really realize it and really keep it in your heart!"

"Yes! Father!"

Emperor Wen glanced at him, raised his hand and squeezed the aching brows, "Then it's all gone!"

Everyone was about to get up when a male voice suddenly sounded.

"Father, this matter can't be left alone!"

It's Su Mohong.

Everyone was stunned.

Su Mo's eyes narrowed slightly.

Emperor Wen took his hand away from the center of his eyebrows, and slowly looked at Su Mohong, without saying a word.

Su Mohong pursed his lips, looking desperate, "The fourth sister-in-law is back, but what about the envoy from the border country? There is no news about the envoy from the border country yet!"

Everyone was shocked, that's right, Bian Guo is still waiting for Xi Cang's statement!but……

"Does Lao Liu think there is a relationship between these two incidents? Or, does Lao Liu hold any evidence?"

Emperor Wen spoke casually, but after each word was paused, the voice came out from deep in his throat.

Su Mohong's heart trembled, unexpectedly he would have such a reaction.

A heart goes wild.

Could it be, did he already know that he ordered someone to report the incident in Qiancheng this time?

As his son, he knew that what the emperor had always hated the most was the struggle for the throne between siblings, could it be...

His complexion changed, and he hurriedly bowed and explained: "No, I didn't mean that! My son said that the matter of the fourth brother and fourth sister-in-law is over, but the matter of the envoy from the border country has to be investigated. ?”

"That's natural!" Emperor Wen's face softened slightly, "This will be handled by the Ministry of Punishment! Give me an answer within three days! Otherwise, it is not a solution to delay the frontier country like this! I am not afraid of other countries, but if we really want to fight with each other, it will be the common people who will suffer! I don't want that!"

"Yes!" The Secretary of the Ministry of Punishment broke out in cold sweat.

Three days!

There is no news for seven days, will there be an answer in three days?

But he is the emperor, and he can't say no.

"Okay, let's all step back!" Emperor Wen got up.

Everyone kneel down!

Su Mochen narrowed his eyes slightly, to be honest, he did not expect that Emperor Wen would let him go like this, especially when Su Mohong pointed the finger at him, Emperor Wen actually resolved it for him.

Emperor Wen left in the sound of respect from everyone.

Before everyone got up, Qiancheng couldn't wait to get up and strode out.

"A Thousand Cities!"

The two men yelled out at the same time.

One Su Mo Shen, one Su Mo Feng.

Qiancheng was stunned for a moment, and kept walking, as if he didn't hear it, he went straight out of the door of the punishment department lobby.

Thank you [880226] dear, [Silent Place] dear, [Matarui Baby] dear, [syf7608] dear monthly pass~~
Thank you [Walk to be silly] dear, [hanzr99] dear Huahua~~
Thank you [Su Su Qian Sing] Dear purse~~group~~
(End of this chapter)

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