after losing heart

Chapter 127 [147] He is so fast

Chapter 127 [147] He is so fast

The regatta boats are all made of high-quality driftwood, and the hulls are all painted bright yellow, which represents imperial power.

The sixth prince, Su Mohong, was the first to board the boat, probably because he didn't want to be on the boat with them, his face was ashen and displeased, and as soon as he got on the boat, he flipped his oars loudly.

Su Mochen didn't take it seriously, and lightly hooked the corners of his lips, jumped onto the boat, and reached out his hand to Qiancheng.

Qiancheng knows water, so he has nothing to fear, but Concubine Mei is trembling, as if she dared not even board a boat, so Qiancheng did not give Su Mo Shen his hand, but reached out to help Concubine Mei .

Concubine Mei was stunned for a moment, and smiled gratefully at her.

Seeing this, Su Mochen was also slightly stunned, his outstretched hand did not retract, and he took advantage of the situation to help Concubine Mei.

Concubine Mei boarded the boat with the support of the two.

Each boat has two men and two women. The man is in charge of paddling in front, and the woman sits in the back to help out.

With a shrill "Start!", the five wooden boats rowed towards the other side of the lake like arrows leaving the string.

The shouts on the shore were also deafening and overwhelming.

At the bow of the boat, Su Mochen and Su Mohong put all their strength into it and waved their arms vigorously. Although the two of them were usually at odds, they were working together very rarely at this time.

Qiancheng bent her lips and smiled, thanks to Emperor Wen's good intentions, she thought, the so-called Tianlun should be like this!
It's just that she doesn't know, apart from today, how long can this kind of concentricity last?With such a status, after returning to the palace, he still has to be entangled by too many things, right?
Although it was summer, the lake breeze was very cool, and it was very pleasant to blow it head-on. Qiancheng raised his face slightly, closed his eyes and felt the package of this soft wind, and he immediately felt a lot more relaxed.

Many female family members began to shout excitedly. Xiao Qi is usually heartless and deeply loved by everyone. At this time, many people made her happy.

"Xiaoqi, you can't do it, look, your ship is behind!"

"Yeah, Xiaoqi, you can join us in the next round."

"Little Seven..."

Xiao Qi was not to be outdone, she turned red, sneered back, got up and kept pouring water at the other party with her hands.

Everyone laughed and avoided, laughing and laughing for a while.

Su Mofeng and Su Moyi, who were rowing at the bow of the boat, turned their heads from time to time and asked: "Xiao Qi, don't move, don't move..."

How can she listen to it.

So, the two of them had to have you look at me and I look at you, unable to sigh.

Ship No. [-] was the quietest, even Xilingxue, who was domineering and domineering on weekdays, sat there motionless, but her eyes never left the No. [-] ship next to her.

Fourteen, who was paddling at the bow of the boat, turned his head to look at Yun Kou behind him from time to time, and felt something called boldness was swelling in his chest. , the water eyes are deep and far away, and the eyes don't know where to fall.

When they first set off, the speed of the five ships was about the same, and they slowly opened up the distance. When the journey was almost halfway:
Ship No. [-] came first.

Boat No. [-] came in second.

Ship No. [-] came in third.

The second boat came fourth.

Ship No. [-] is fifth.

Qiancheng slowly opened his eyes, and found that the boat had already reached the center of the lake, surrounded by blue waves, and being in it, he suddenly felt that life was really insignificant, people, what else could we not let go of?

Concubine Mei was sitting quietly beside her, graceful and noble, but Qiancheng noticed that one of her slender hands was tightly grasping the side of the boat, with white fingers like green onions.

It seemed that she was extremely nervous.

Such a cold and indifferent person, and so afraid of water, also readily agreed to participate in the regatta?

Is it because of some people?
Qiancheng bent her lips, reached out and gently covered the back of her hand.

Concubine Mei was startled, looked sideways at her, and smiled lightly.

Qiancheng didn't ask, and didn't comfort her, because she didn't want to expose the woman's self-pretentious calmness, she thought, that's the minimum respect.

She just said, "Your Majesty, why don't we help Fourth Master and Sixth Master together?"

"How to help?" Concubine Mei was slightly startled.

Qiancheng bent his lips and smiled, raised the sleeve of one hand, revealing his white wrist, stretched out into the water next to the side of the boat, paddling back and forth, "Like this! In this way, our hand is also an oar .”

Concubine Mei hesitated for a while, then imitated her appearance, rolled up the sleeves of her robe, carefully stretched into the water, and paddled slowly and clumsily.

Gradually, it seemed that he got used to it, his movements gradually became faster, and his facial expressions became more and more relaxed.

"How is it?" Qiancheng looked at her with a smile.

In fact, the strength of making an oar by hand is very small. The reason why she does this is just to let this woman overcome her fear of water.

When she was learning to swim in modern times, her coach told her like this, if you are afraid of it, you should get closer to it.

"En!" Concubine Mei nodded while paddling, smiling brightly and happily, a look that Qiancheng had never seen before.

The two men at the bow naturally listened to the conversation and movement between the two of them. Su Mohong sneered and snorted;

Behind him, the laughter of the boats continued, and some people asked Xiaoqi to sing a song.

Xiao Qi said coldly, "It's all you guys, deliberately joking with me to distract the third brother and ninth brother, now it's all right, we're all counting down... Ignore you! You want to listen to the song, big brother You can tell your father, let your father allow you to go to the Red Painting Boat, where the girls are all beautiful, and everyone sings like an oriole."

The crowd laughed again.

Hearing this, Qiancheng couldn't help laughing.

The girl on the red boat is shuiling, her singing is better than that of an oriole!

She didn't know what kind of psychology Xiao Qi had when he said this?Anyway, when she listened to it, she just found it funny and ironic.

Are you talking about herself?

Su Mochen in front of him also turned his head, his gaze came over faintly, Qiancheng lowered his eyebrows, and was still having a great time paddling with Concubine Mei, but she could feel, feel his gaze hovering over her head , and seemed to look back over the top of her head.

looking at someone?
When the lottery was drawn just now, she deliberately fulfilled it, and he pretended to be serious, looking unhappy and angry.

Why bother?
The game is still in full swing.

Seeing Qiancheng and Concubine Mei like that, Xiaoqi also drew a ladle like a gourd, rolled up her sleeves and paddled desperately, but the movement was too loud, the water splashed everywhere, and the sound of the water was loud, making Concubine Li who was sitting beside her crying Not enough.

Hearing the movement, Qiancheng also looked back.

To be honest, if she hadn't seen the true face of this woman with her own eyes that night, she wouldn't have believed it if she was beaten to death. Xiao Qi equates with that woman.

Because, the usual Xiaoqi is really innocent and cute, really heartless.

Instead of the calm, black-bellied and wise Xie Yunxi.

How can a person hide so deeply?

Suddenly, there was a loud "plop", as if a heavy object fell into the water, and then a woman screamed, "Ah..."

overshadow all the noise.

Everyone was startled and turned their heads one after another, and Qian Cheng also turned his head.

How long is a person's fastest reaction to a thing, one second, half a second, or a few tenths of a second?
Everyone was stunned by this sudden scene, and before the two men on the No. [-] boat could react, they heard another loud "plop" and another heavy object fell.

It won't take more than a second before and after, Qiancheng is sure.

Because by the time she realized what had happened, Su Mochen had already broken out of the water with the woman in his arms.

It turned out that it was Xiao Qi who fell into the water.

It turned out that Su Mo sank into the water to save someone.

It turned out that one person's reaction could be so fast, it was so fast that the matter was resolved before everyone realized what was going on.


There are so many originals.

Su Mo held Xiao Qi in his arms, flew onto the No. [-] boat, and frowned slightly, "Are you okay?"

"It's okay!" Xiaoqi smiled embarrassedly, and gently broke away from his arms, "Thank you, brother four!"

If there was something wrong, it was just that his clothes were soaked through. He was so fast, and as soon as she fell, he held her up and barely choked on a sip of water. How could something happen?

Dear friends, don't worry, abuse is inevitable, and it will be soon~~
Thank you [mollywxm] dear, [Fragrance!Xinghua] Dear, [amyshanghai2006] Dear monthly ticket~~
Thank you 【Zhang Guilan】Dear Huahua and the monthly ticket~~~
I love you, are you crazy~~~
(End of this chapter)

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