after losing heart

Chapter 129 [149] In my sight

Chapter 129 [149] In my sight
Qiancheng knows that the so-called rock climbing means climbing without tools, and only relying on the balance of the hands, feet and body to move upwards. The hands and arms must use various force methods according to different fulcrums, such as grasping, holding, hanging, digging, supporting, pushing, etc. Hold on, climb up the cliff to the top.

But she found that in this time and space, rock climbing is not the case at all.

Instead, a rope is lowered from the mountain, and everyone climbs the cliff along the rope. A group of three people, whichever group of three people reach the top of the mountain first, wins.

In modern times, rock climbing has a lot of protective measures, and there is no such thing here.

Pulling the rope, Qiancheng took a deep breath.

"Don't be afraid, I'm right below you, you're always in my sight." Seemingly understanding her nervousness, Su Mofeng patted her shoulder lightly.

Qiancheng turned his head to look at him, nodded, feeling inexplicably at ease.

It turned out that this was the reason why this man let her go first, she was always in his sight.

Although there are no protective measures, he knows martial arts, right?It should be okay to fly over the eaves and walls, right?
Just as she was about to turn her head back, suddenly, she felt a scorching gaze coming towards her. She raised her eyes to look for it, and saw Su Mo turned her face away, telling Xiao Qi something.

How can anyone watch her?
She bent her lips in a self-deprecating manner, she really was being self-indulgent.

Suddenly her hand became hot, she was startled, and when she came back to her senses, she saw Su Mofeng was holding her hand and wrapping a cloth strip around her hand.

"This is..." She didn't know why.

"After a while, all the power will be concentrated in your hands, you won't be able to bear it," Su Mofeng lowered his eyebrows, wrapping it very seriously, "However, you can't wrap it too thickly, it's not easy to bear the force, and If it is too thick, the hands will not feel and it is easy to be dangerous."

Qiancheng stared at him blankly, looking at his eyebrows and eyes somewhat similar to Su Mochen, with an indescribable feeling in his heart.

No, no, everything is wrong.

Wrong time, wrong person.

why is it like this?
"Third Master, I..." She felt a little guilty.

She didn't have any of the unforgettable memories Ran Qiancheng had with him.

"Okay!" Finally tied the cloth strip on the back of her hand, Su Mofeng raised his eyes and looked at her with a slight smile, like pear blossoms shining like water.

Qiancheng lowered his eyes and looked at his hands wrapped like a wounded man, with a crappy bow tie on the back of each hand. He couldn't help but burst out laughing, "It's so ugly!"

Su Mofeng raised his eyebrows, but he was in a very good mood, "Just make do with it!"

It seemed that there was another sharp gaze shot over, like a knife, Qiancheng was like a light on his back, he turned his head suddenly, and sure enough, he met Su Mochen's condensed gaze.

His face was calm, his thin lips were tightly pursed, but his eyes were full of coldness.

Oh, are you angry?

What is he angry about?
Isn't it because he didn't follow his wish and persisted in the game?

Qiancheng ignored it and turned back directly. At this moment, the high-pitched voice of the eunuch in charge shouted, and the game officially started.

Xu is that each group has its own strategy, so the first person to go up is male or female, strong or weak.

The person in the first group is the Seventh Prince, the person in the second group is Qiancheng, the person in the third group is Yun Kou, and the person in the fourth group is Su Moyi.

Both the Seventh Prince and Su Moyi are people with martial arts skills, so they are as light as a swallow while pulling the rope.

Qian Cheng and Yun Kou didn't know kung fu, and they were both women, so they were much slower. Of course, because of this, they also managed to attract the attention of everyone below.

Both Su Mofeng and Su Moyu stood straight under the two ropes, raised their heads, and looked at the woman above them without blinking.

The tightly pursed lips and slightly condensed brows did not conceal the worry of the two men.

Su Mofeng was in a state of mind, and felt that today was the happiest day for him in the past three years.

Su Moyu was overwhelmed with emotion, thanked God for the first time, and even drew lots twice, and did not separate from the woman in front of him both times.

The so-called fate is probably like this, right?

And the fourth group on their right also had a deep gaze, which fell on the two women who were struggling to climb the cliff.

It is estimated that the distance was almost widened, and the second person in each group also started to step up one after another.

The second person on the first group is Su Mohong, the second person is Su Mofeng, the third person is Su Moyu, and the fourth person is Su Mochen.

This row is all men, and they are all men with martial arts, so they are as light as swallows and as light as walking on flat ground.

Soon, the fourth group was far ahead, the first group was second, and the second and third groups were behind and evenly matched.

Su Mochen even surpassed No.1 Qiancheng and Yun Kou in the second and third groups.

He could have gone up in one go, but for some reason, he suddenly slowed down the pace, and just maintained a speed slightly ahead of the two women in a leisurely manner.

The people below were slightly stunned, not knowing why, Xiao Qi slightly frowned.

Perhaps Ran Qiancheng's body lacked exercise, and it didn't take long for Qiancheng to feel powerless. The sweat on his forehead flowed freely into his eyes, which were so astringent that he could hardly keep them open.

Reluctantly, she stopped slowly, trying to wipe off her sweat, but just as she left with one hand, the other hand holding the rope was overwhelmed, slipped suddenly, and she screamed and fell rapidly.

"A Thousand Cities!"

Two exclamations sounded at the same time, from different people's mouths, but with the same fear.

Su Mochen touched the cliff with his toes, and was just about to fly up, but found that the woman was firmly caught.

"Are you okay?" Su Mofeng held the rope with one hand, and hugged the woman tightly with the other. Due to the force, the two tightly attached bodies spun around the rope like this.

Qiancheng's face was pale, and he instinctively hugged Su Mofeng tightly.

The broad chest, the unfamiliar warmth, and the man's sunny and clean breath gushing in his ears, Qiancheng's heart trembled, and his body froze, unable to move anymore.

No one knows Su Mofeng's mood at the moment, and no words can describe his mood at the moment. If he was filled with fear just now, at this moment, he is only filled with happiness and satisfaction.

He holds her, and she clings to him.

It was as if there were only him and her left in the world, so close, so dependent, so inseparable from you and me.

Spinning, spinning, spinning non-stop, with the whistling wind in your ears, but only the woman in your arms in your eyes.

Nothing else.

Everyone's eyes were on the two of them, including the people on the ground, the people who were climbing, and Su Mochen.

He narrowed his black eyes slightly, and the reflections of the two people who kept spinning were reflected in his pupils. Red threads crawled up his pupils like spider webs, covering and twisting the shadows of the two people deeply.

No one knows his mood at this time, maybe only Yun Kou who is closer to him knows a thing or two, because when everyone is looking at Qian Cheng and Su Mofeng, Yun Kou inadvertently raised his head and saw the man grabbing The big hand holding the rope, the knuckles are white.

As for Fourteen's side, seeing Qiancheng like this, he was very worried about Yun Kou, and hurriedly climbed to her feet in two steps, and asked eagerly, "How are you doing? Can you hold on?"

Yun Kou lowered her eyes and smiled lightly, "I'm fine!"

Everyone finally came out of the shock just now, ready to continue the unfinished game.

However, the accident happened again.

Perhaps Qiancheng's slide just now shook the fixed point at the top of the rope, or maybe she and Su Mofeng kept spinning and loosening the fixed point at the top of the mountain, or the original fixed point was not fixed at all. , anyway, the accident happened just like that, and it happened like that when everyone was unprepared.

The anchor point of the rope came off.

The rope is useless.

The two bodies that were still spinning suddenly lost their support and fell straight down.

Things happened so fast and suddenly, it seemed that it was only in an instant, and many people hadn't reacted yet.

Su Mofeng's face changed drastically, and he quickly raised his inner strength, hugging Qiancheng with one hand, and stretched out the other, trying to grab the rock wall.

But the force of the two falling was too great, and the rock wall was too slippery, even if he had martial arts, he still couldn't catch it.

And even if there are not ten thousand feet below him, there are at least hundreds of feet. If he falls like this, even if he has lightness kung fu, he will either die or be injured.

"Qiancheng, don't be afraid!" He comforted the pale woman in his arms, among whom he was already extremely desperate.

Of course, the development of things is always dramatic.

Suddenly, their bodies stopped falling.

Thank you [mercuryxia], [Scented Matcha], [Snow Peak on Xuefeng Mountain] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [mvcp87] dear purse~~group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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