after losing heart

Chapter 148 [170] I Killed

Chapter 148 [170] I Killed
The two big men scolded each other again.

One said that the other was useless, and he didn't even look down on the individual; the other said that the other was not qualified, and if he hadn't gone back to find some broken jade, such a thing would not have happened.

Su Mo smiled wryly, he and this elder brother seemed to be natural enemies forever.

Once for a woman, now that woman is gone, and for another woman.

Thinking of this, Su Mo was shocked.

For another woman? !

What are you doing?
However, he didn't have time to think too much. He didn't know where he was yet, so the most urgent thing was to find someone.

The two parted ways to find.

For some reason, Su Mochen always had a bad premonition in his heart, which made him suffocate.

Running and searching in the bustling crowd, scenes of past events about another woman unknowingly appeared in his mind.

That night at the Red Painting Boat, the woman got hit by a silver needle and suddenly disappeared after returning. As a result, he found her with white hair under the bridge hole;

On Tianlun Festival that night, the camp caught fire, the woman was shot with darts, and the blood flowed all over the place, and she disappeared;

The memory is so clear, as if it just happened yesterday.

I don't know how long I searched for it, but it was already dark anyway, but I still couldn't find it, and I met Su Mofeng once, such a handsome man was on the verge of collapse because of his anxiety.

He said a few words of relief, and the two separated and continued to search.

When a few corpses were found in a remote alley, it was already late at night, the moon was shining brightly, and the corpses were all in military uniform. Of course, they did not belong to Xi Cang.

Su Mochen narrowed his pupils slightly, stepped forward, and immediately recognized the silver sword stuck on the corpse. It was light and small, and it was the one that dyed Qianye.

His heart trembled, he stretched out his big hand to hold the hilt of the sword, and pulled it out vigorously, a stream of blood gushed out. He carefully looked at the blade of the sword. Obviously, several people should have died not long ago.

How could this be?
what happened?
A heart was beating wildly, startled and chaotic, something called fear surrounded him tightly.

She's not in danger, is she?What about her?
He pursed his lips tightly, and slowly closed his five fingers holding the hilt of the sword, making the sound of joints falling apart. He walked into the deep alley step by step, the tip of the hanging sword was still dripping with blood, On the ground meandering into a red line.

At this time, the alley was empty and silent, only his sudden breathing, frantic heartbeat and heavy footsteps, one after another, slammed into his ears strongly.

His heart suddenly ached, he frowned, took a deep breath, and tried to calm himself down.

"Dare to ask Fourth Master, is it okay to be afraid of mice?" I don't know whose voice rang in my ears?

"Is it so ridiculous to be afraid of mice? Make you laugh like that?" Whose voice of reproach lingered in my head?
For a while it was Qiancheng, and for a while it was Qianye. The two faces kept crossing, crossing, and crossing again in front of him.

The evening wind was a bit chilly, especially the draft in the alley was even more severe. A gust of wind came over and passed through his body. He was jolted, and his consciousness suddenly woke up from his trance.

God, what is he thinking?
As he walked deeper and deeper into the alley, his heart sank deeper and deeper, and he didn't know how long he had walked, when suddenly, a small rustling sound broke through the silence.


Is it her?
His heart was beating wildly, and he hurried towards the source of the sound—the corner at the end of the alley.

Sure enough, by the wall at the corner, curled up a thin figure, hugging his knees, with black hair pouring down his shoulders, trembling into a ball.

At that moment, Su Mochen almost forgot to breathe.

Stepping forward slowly, he carefully lifted the man's shoulder, "Miss Ran?"

Hearing his voice, the man slowly raised his head from his knees, his complexion was pale, his eyes turned hollow, and even his gaze was dull.

At this time, Su Mochen realized that she was covered in injuries and ragged, and there were two stones at her feet, which were obviously used as weapons.

Su Mochen looked at her, opened his eyes wide in shock, raised his hand, smoothed her messy hair in front of her back, and called her softly, "Qianye, Qianye..."

She stared blankly at him for a while, and finally there was a reaction in her dazed water eyes, slowly reflecting his appearance, more and more clearly.As if she finally recognized him, the woman was overjoyed and threw herself into his arms happily, choking, "Su Mochen, why did you come here? Do you know? I killed someone, I killed someone..."

Su Mochen froze, his heart beat violently, and he completely forgot to breathe.

What did she call him?Is it Su Mochen?
She called him Su Mochen! ! !

That tone, that feeling...

That familiar body in my arms...

do not know!
Obviously not familiar, obviously this is the first hug!
But it happened to give him an illusion that she was that woman!
Is it because you are too lonely?

Or is it because I miss that woman too much?
Obviously two people!

No words can describe his mood at the moment, that chaotic and painful mood!
Stretching out his arms, he wrapped her petite body tightly in his arms, and whispered softly in her ear to comfort, "Don't be afraid! I'm here! It's okay, it's okay already!"

"I killed someone..." The person in his arms was still in shock.

"They should be damned!" Although she didn't know what she had experienced, just looking at her ragged clothes, those people should be damned!isn't it?
It's just that what he didn't expect was that the third lady of the general's mansion would be so frightened when she killed someone!

Under his comfort, the person in his arms finally calmed down slowly, and slowly raised his head from his arms. The moment he saw his face, his face suddenly changed, and he pushed him away, shivering. He backed away, then hugged his knees and snuggled against the corner of the wall again.

Su Mochen was a little dazed, got up and took off his robe, and stepped forward to put it on her body, "Miss Ran, it's me!"

The woman waved his robe away with one hand, looked at him warily with her eyes, and moved her body inside again, like a wounded kitten.

Su Mochen frowned slightly, feeling a little hurt, and didn't know what to do?
I don't know what kind of stimulation she received, and I don't know if she is awake or chaotic?

If she is sober, why doesn't she know him?

If it is chaotic, how can there be such clear eyes?


He stepped forward, trying to hug her, but she pushed him away again.

She roared with tears in her eyes, "Go away! Go away! Don't let me take care of me! Don't let me take care of me with fake good intentions! I hate you, go away, go away!"

She started crying, a little out of control, a little hysterical, which made Su Mochen even more flustered, confused and confused.


When has a woman bossed him around like this before, even before Qiancheng never yelled at him in such a broken way, he didn't know what to do for a while.

The two stalemate for a long time.

The woman was crying all the time, looking like she was on the verge of collapse. For some reason, he looked at it like a needle piercing, and the pain fell on his heart.

Finally, he pursed his lips and stepped forward, ignoring her struggle, and forced her into his arms.

"Get out! Don't touch me! Beast! Let me go..."

The woman was hoarse and resisted desperately.

Although he didn't know if the person she scolded was him, those border soldiers just now, or someone else, but he really felt her hatred.

Why does she hate him?
At best, he misrecognized her once, forced her to drink pre-show wine once, made fun of her fear of mice once, what else is there besides these?
He held her tightly, "Don't move! Let's go back to the camp!"

Perhaps killing those soldiers from the frontier country just now consumed a lot of energy, and perhaps she was tired from crying for too long, the woman finally calmed down, no longer struggling, but buried her face in his shoulder, oh Sobbing.

The heartbroken look made Su Mo Shen's heart twitch, and the pain became even worse.

Without saying a word, he carried her out of the alley.

Suddenly, there was a sharp pain in his shoulder, his pupils narrowed, and when he realized that it was the woman who opened her mouth to bite, he didn't stop.

The woman seemed to be trying her best, the pain, the sting!

I don't know how long it took to bite, until Su Mochen felt that a piece of her flesh was about to be bitten off, she finally let him go, and leaned tiredly in his arms, silent, her eyes full of desolation and confusion.

The first update, the legend, will be updated today~~
Thank you [yan9421] dear, [ela2ne7a] dear, [annoying and irritated] dear, [mercuryxia] dear, [Susu Qiansong] dear, [Qiannai] dear,

【fxmfxm】Dear, 【wingchying】Dear monthly ticket~~
Thank you [Qiannai] dear for your soft spot!
Be patient with you~~
(End of this chapter)

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