after losing heart

Chapter 150 [172] I am not rare

Chapter 150 [172] I am not rare

Qiancheng came back to his senses, still didn't look away, and smiled at Su Mo, quite provocatively, "Could it be that the fourth master fell in love with me and couldn't bear me to go to the battlefield?"

Su Mo was shocked, unexpectedly she would say such words, his black eyes looked at her non-stop, showing an incredulous expression, and his thin lips were tightly pursed.

Even Su Mofeng's heart slammed, and he frowned slightly. I don't know how she sang?
Isn't she most afraid of being identified by him?

How could you be so bold?

Seeing that Su Mo was silent, Qian Cheng still smiled brightly, and thousands of elegance flowed in his clear eyes, "What? Did you talk about fourth master's heart?"

While speaking, she even stretched out Bai Bi's slender fingers and tapped lightly on his left chest.

It's just an inadvertent movement, not flattering or contrived, but it has the charm of all living beings.

Su Mo's face darkened, and he reached out to grab her fidgeting wrist, his voice was hoarse and low, "Do you know what you're doing?"


She really is not.

Qiancheng laughed lightly, like sarcasm, like coquettishness, his red lips parted lightly: "Does fourth master know what he's doing?"

In the end, she tiptoed slightly, leaned close to his ear, and said in a voice that only the two of them could hear: "If unfortunately my words are true, then I want to say that fourth master's love is really superficial. It's not uncommon for me to dye Chiba! Therefore, I will never go back!"

After speaking, without waiting for the man to react, he giggled, turned around and entered the tent.

Outside the tent, the two men remained motionless, unable to recover for a long time.

Because they will go to battle to kill the enemy on the second night, the meal on the first day is particularly rich. The soldiers can drink in large bowls and eat large pieces of meat.

At night, bonfires start a prairie fire, military songs are loud, and glasses of wine are lively.

Su Mofeng and Qiancheng each went to their own 5 people to have a drink and boost morale.

Su Mochen looked at the map alone in the tent, studying the strategy for the night attack on the second day.

For some reason, when I looked at it, I felt that the circles of symbols on the map looked like someone's eyes.

Those eyes kept changing.

Ridiculous, hopeful, sad, disappointed, sly, playful, sad...

In the end, it turned into pairs of tearful eyes.

Feeling a little restless, he closed the map with his big hand, and pinched the aching brow.

"Come on!"

Someone outside the tent responded, "Fourth Lord!"

"Bring some wine and food!"

Night breeze.

Su Mochen sat on a broken wall behind the camp, drinking wine by himself.

The wind passed through the sleeves of my clothes, and it was a little cool through the body.

Because there are too many things that need to be cautious on weekdays, he is very self-disciplined and rarely drinks alcohol. It is rare to drink so much that he finds indescribable pleasure and excitement.

The pungent burning feeling from the tip of the tongue to the bottom of the heart is so strong that it is indescribable.

Slowly, the body became hot.

The sky is full of stars.

He looked at the two brightest stars in the distant sky, and slightly narrowed his black eyes.

A woman once told him that they were Cowherd and Vega, who met each other on the seventh day of July every year, and they could only look at each other from a distance like this.

In fact, he now finds that being able to look at each other from afar is also a kind of happiness.

At least each other is in their line of sight, isn't it?

In this world, many people don't even have the chance to see each other.

For example, he and she!

Swallowing the bitterness in his heart, he raised his neck, took another sip of wine, and swallowed it slowly.

A pungent rush rushed to his nose, and he coughed violently.

Qiancheng, where are you?
I miss you!
I miss you so much!do you know?

The laughter of the people in the camp could be heard from far away, and he bent his lips, feeling more and more cold and desolate at night.

It seems that he will always be alone!

One person's prince.

A man's coach.

A person's loneliness.

As the flagon became lighter and lighter, his head became heavier and heavier, and his vision became a little blurred.

With drunken eyes, he seemed to see a woman walking towards him lightly, "Su Mochen, why are you drinking so much wine?"

is her!

"A Thousand Cities!"

His heart was beating wildly, and he forced himself to open his eyes, but he couldn't see who was coming.

He stretched out his hand, trying to grab him, but he couldn't touch anything except the cool air.

Suddenly, the voice of the visitor changed.

"Could it be that fourth master fell in love with me and couldn't bear me to go to the battlefield?"

It's Chiba!
Facing her questioning today, he did not answer.

Because he doesn't know what he thinks in his heart, but he knows that it's true that he doesn't want her to go to the battlefield, and he doesn't want her to go to the battlefield.

She was so frightened that she even killed someone, how could she face the bloody wind and mourning on the battlefield?
However, she didn't seem to appreciate it.

"If unfortunately my words are true, then I want to say that fourth master's love is really superficial, and it is not uncommon for me to be in love with Qianye! Therefore, I will never go back!

Su Mo grinned wryly.


That's right, not only her, but even he despises such a self.

He is not a man who is easily tempted, never has been, no matter whether he is dealing with people, things or women, not only is he not easily tempted, but it is also difficult, even very cold and indifferent.

But, why, he has become like this now?
Obviously there is someone in his heart, obviously that person is Yun Kou, isn't it?
But why was he so heartbroken after losing Qiancheng?That kind of pain hollowed out his heart, and he was as desperate as if his life had been taken away.

Well, even if he fell in love with Qiancheng.

But why is it that less than a month after Qiancheng left, he couldn't bear another woman to go to the battlefield?

What kind of emotion is this?
He was completely messed up.

Obviously he and Ran Qianye have known each other for less than half a month, and they have only met each other a few times, so why does his heart beat sometimes?

Is it because she looks too much like Qiancheng?

Or, is he really superficial?
he does not know.

All he knew was that he hated himself for being like this.

He raised his neck, took another sip of wine, and drank again, only to find that the jug was empty.

Feeling a little unhappy, he threw away the flagon with his hands, and was about to get up to go back to get it again, but suddenly found a flagon stretched out in front of him.

He was startled, thinking it was his hallucination again, he closed his eyes heavily, and then opened them again, the jug was still there, held by a long white hand, he looked up along that hand, and saw the woman's cold face Face.

"Don't fourth master still want to drink more? Qianye sent fourth master a pot!"

He smiled and took it silently.

Every time this woman talked to him, no matter how ordinary she said, she would definitely be able to utter sarcasm and sarcasm.

He's used to it.

Since she doesn't care about his concern, and he himself hates the overflow of his concern, he should restrain himself!
If she doesn't return to Beijing, she won't return!

I believe Su Mofeng will protect her!

Unscrewing the lid of the pot, Su Mochen drank again by himself.

Neither of them spoke.

He looked at the stars in the sky, and she looked at him from behind.

After standing still for a while, the woman turned around and left silently.

At this time, a soldier came in a hurry, "Fourth Master, our spies came to report that someone hanged the bodies of several soldiers from the frontier country on the tower of Qianshui Town today, and all those soldiers were cut off." The border country is completely enraged, and may start attacking before our army."

The woman who didn't go far was startled, soldier?Broken palm?
For some reason, she recalled that time when Xilingxue's handmaiden Xiaomei's right hand was doused with broth.

Turning around, she looked at the man, only to see that the man had already stood up and threw away the jug, and he said firmly: "Send the order, assemble!"

Under the bright moonlight, one could vaguely see the man's calm face, torch-like eyes, determination and confidence, and radiance, as if the person who drank so much wine just now was someone else, not him.

The update is complete~~I will continue to add updates tomorrow~~~Shen knows the city bird, you know it, quack~
Thank you [a15312110368], [scarlett0001], [Jade Edition 09] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [accidentally learned] Dear Huahua~~~ I love you, are you a group~~
(End of this chapter)

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