after losing heart

Chapter 174 [197] She also has her suffering

Chapter 174 [197] She also has her suffering

Back at the inn, it was already midnight, and it was already the second watch after they all washed up.

Qiancheng thought about it, fortunately, at least this man didn't take advantage of his inability to see and let her serve him in the bath.

But when sleeping, the problem still came.

There is only one bed.

The man took off his clothes calmly and went to bed, and then asked her very ungraciously, "What? Are you going to sit all night?"

Qiancheng ignored him.

It was him, and it just happened to be a coincidence, she couldn't believe that in such a big town of Shaxi, only this inn had a room.

"Come here, the bed is so wide, I don't mind giving you half of it!"

Qiancheng continued to sit under the lamp without moving. Is there such a brazen man?

"Hey~" The man sighed lowly, with a hint of bitterness, "Come to sleep, don't worry, I won't move you."

Qiancheng twitched a bit, thinking that he was just waiting for his promise, since he had already said it, it would be hypocritical if he persisted, so he lingered for a long time, and still bit the bullet and lay down.

But her body hadn't landed on the soft mat yet, but someone stretched out her arms to wrap her around her. Her back felt hot and pressed against the man's chest. She was startled, "Su Mochen, you don't think so..."

"Just hugging..." The man interrupted her in a low voice, and his arms held her tighter.

Qiancheng had no choice but to touch his wound, so he had no choice but to let him hold him, but he felt an indescribable feeling in his heart.

His chest was hot, and the familiar temperature burned her back, and the faint and clear breath entered her nostrils. She closed her eyes and shivered slightly.

His embrace is warm and comfortable, and she has always been greedy for it, but she also knows that there is something in her heart that she can't get through.

So, she was in a lot of pain.

She doesn't know, what are they doing now?
Husband and wife are not like husband and wife, lovers are not like lovers, and friends are not like friends.

While reminding herself to be rational, she couldn't help but sink into his tenderness and sink deep into the mud.

She hates herself for being like this.

The room was very quiet, neither of them spoke. In the darkness, only the heartbeat and breathing of the two could be heard, one by one, one by one, so clearly.

"Thousand cities." Above his head, Su Mochen spoke suddenly.

Qiancheng was startled, thinking he was asleep.

"Huh?" She responded lightly, but her heart suddenly jumped wildly, even with a faint expectation.

What would he say to her?Will he explain something to her?

"Are you asleep?" The man's warm breath gushed against her ears.

Halo, can you still promise him when you are asleep?It was obvious that there was nothing to say, and Qiancheng scorned him severely in his heart, and replied: "No."

"Want to hear my story?"

Qiancheng was shocked, and a voice in his heart shouted, "I want to, of course I want to!" ’, however, she insisted on not showing it on her face, and responded in a neutral voice, "Yeah!"

The man behind him was silent, as if he was thinking about it, or hesitating, and after a while, he said, "It starts with my concubine mother. In fact, my concubine mother was once favored by the emperor, but when I When I was five years old, my mother and concubine were framed for having an affair with a man outside the palace. In a fit of rage, my father threw my mother and concubine into the cold palace, prevented us from seeing each other, and left me in the care of a nanny in the palace. Mammy used to be the nanny of the Sixth Prince Su Mohong, and the people in the palace are very powerful. Although I am a prince, but because of my mother and concubine, I can’t be seen by my father, so Mammy treats me very meanly and often does not give me food. , if I surpass my sixth brother in school, she will make me kneel on the nail board when I come back, and this kind of life has lasted for several years..."

He paused, as if he was sorting out his emotions, but Qiancheng was very shocked, and turned around gently and slowly in his arms, facing him, the room was very dark, the light and shadow were reversed, and his face could not be seen However, she could feel his loneliness and bleakness.

With pain in her heart, she said quietly, "Why didn't you tell your father about this?"

"Tell him?" Su Mo sneered, with indescribable bitterness, "I've looked for him many times, and he was either busy and didn't see me, or he didn't believe me, saying that Nanny taught me a lesson for my own good. yes."

Qiancheng looked at him, feeling more and more painful in his heart, not knowing what to say to comfort him.

Although she is an orphan in the 21st century and doesn't even know who her parents are, at least those in the orphanage treat her very well and let her study.

It is said that the most ruthless emperor's family.

She also always felt that this man must have suffered a lot, but she didn't expect that even in childhood he was like this.

No wonder the father-son relationship between him and Emperor Wen is so weak, sometimes even like an enemy.

"and after?"

She had heard that he had traveled in various countries.

"Later..." He stretched out his hand and pressed her head in his arms, resting his chin on the top of her hair, "Later, as I grew up, I began to rebel against Mammy. She made me kneel, but I didn't kneel. Once She even pushed her to the ground, and she ran to my father to complain, and my father drove me out of the palace in a fit of anger, and asked me to travel around the world, saying that it was travel, but it was exile and wandering. I was ten years old at that time..."

Qiancheng lay in his arms, clearly feeling the shock in his chest, she slowly raised her head, staring at him in the dark, unable to restrain herself, she stretched out her hand and gently stroked his face.

As soon as the back of his hand became hot, he wrapped his big palm around her hand, and said with a faint smile, "I'm fine."

"I wandered in various countries for eight years, and my mother and concubine lived in the cold palace for 13 years. It was not until the fire in the cold palace that my father thought that my mother and concubine were dead, so I came back. Maybe it was a trace of love for my mother and concubine. Apologizing, or maybe seeing that I am his son after all, so he gave me the mansion, but he never let go of his guard against me for a moment, and even secretly investigated whether the concubine mother is really dead."

"Who set the fire?" Qiancheng couldn't help asking.

Could it be Concubine Liang herself?
Golden cicada escapes its shell?

After all, for 13 years, for a woman, facing an empty cold palace all day is absolutely inhuman torture.

"I was in another country at the time. When I came back to investigate, all the clues were erased. The mother and concubine said it was the father."

Qiancheng was shocked.

"So, Qiancheng, I must sit on the throne, otherwise, the mother and concubine will always live a life of darkness and darkness. Moreover, the battle for the throne has always been cruel and bloody. If someone else sits on the throne, they must also It will not let me have a good life, of course, except for the ninth and fourteenth."

In fact, Qiancheng still wanted to say that the third prince Su Mofeng didn't know how to do it either. After thinking about it, let it go.

"Because the concubine mother has suffered a lot, she is very strict with me, so that our first child..."

His words stopped there, and Qiancheng was shocked.

Their first child?Yes, their child died because of his mother and concubine.

"So, please don't blame the concubine mother, she also has her suffering..."

Qiancheng's heart trembled because of his words and his tone.

He used the word please, and he had a hint of supplication and humility.

It turned out that the purpose of saying so much was to explain that matter to her. In fact, although she was in pain after losing her child, she didn't blame him. After all, he also wanted to protect him, but the world was impermanent and erratic.

As for Concubine Liang, she couldn't blame her, but it was true that she didn't like her.

But these are not important, are they?Whether she is weird or not, what does it matter to him whether he likes it or not?
She pursed her lips, but did not answer.

Seeing her silence, Su Mochen thought that carrying the child had poked her wound, and felt a pain in his heart. He tightened his arms again, hugged her into his arms, and sighed softly, "Go to sleep, the sky is coming soon... Bright."

That night, Su Mochen kept his word, even though he kept holding her tightly, he didn't touch her after all.

Qiancheng forcibly stayed in Shaxi Town for a few more days on the grounds that his injury was not healed and the town was beautiful.

In fact, besides letting him heal his wounds, she also had a selfish desire to find that painter named Wu Sheng.

However, that person seemed to have disappeared out of thin air, and he was never seen again, and no rumors about where he appeared were heard.

During the few days in the small town, they all hugged each other and slept like this, and Su Mochen was also considered a rule, although there were some small movements, after all, he did not take a step further.

The two would also chat at night, he talked about his travels, she talked about Yuxiangfang, from the beginning to the end, he never mentioned Yun Kou, although she really wanted to know, but he didn't mention it, She didn't ask either.

The update is complete~ This chapter needs to be overdone~~ It is said that tomorrow after 15 words of continuous clean water, there is finally a boat. Do you have a boat ticket?
(End of this chapter)

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