after losing heart

Chapter 185 [209] Cancellation of the wedding

Chapter 185 [209] Cancellation of the wedding

After leaving the gate of the Ministry of Criminal Justice, the sun was just right outside, and the noon sun in late autumn made people warm. Su Mo squinted his eyes and looked at the sky, but felt that the sun couldn't shine into his heart at all.

Auspicious day! ?
He bent his lips, laughed so that he was lonely, Ye Tingjian said that today is the only auspicious day of the zodiac this month!
Withdrawing his gaze, he walked down the bluestone steps in front of the criminal department.

"Fourth Lord!"

A woman's call came from behind.

He paused, turned around, and saw Yun Kou Yingying walking towards him, staring at him deeply with watery eyes, he was slightly stunned, and looked around again.

Yun Kou walked all the way to the same stone steps as him and stood still, she lowered her eyes and nodded shyly with a shy smile, then slowly bowed to him, "Thank you, Fourth Master, for coming forward to testify!"

She thought that Su Mochen would reach out to help her, because he usually would, not to mention, she had just been frightened and needed his comfort, it would be understandable for an ordinary master to help her slaves.

But, unexpectedly, no!

Su Mochen just hooked the corner of his lips lightly, "It's good that you're fine!"

Yun Kou was slightly disappointed, bowed for a while, then straightened up on her own, stared into his eyes again, and murmured: "I knew you wouldn't let me have trouble!"

Su Mochen was slightly startled, turned his gaze away, and was about to speak when he heard a clear voice, "Fourth Brother, Yun Kou!"

The two turned their heads following the sound, it was Su Moyu, the Fourteenth Prince.

He ran over with a smile, especially when he saw Yun Kou, his black eyes were shining brightly, "Yun Kou, it was so dangerous just now! I was so anxious to death, but fortunately you are fine! Fourth Brother has a way, thinking of killing everyone first Witnesses done."

Su Mochen didn't speak. He glanced at him coldly, and then raised his eyes to look around. Only then did Shisi realize that his words were unrestrained, and he quickly shut his mouth and fell silent.

Yun Kou smiled lightly, and bowed to Fourteen Luoluo, "Let Fourteenth Lord worry about it!"

"Hi, it's okay!" Fourteen's eyebrows were curved, and he smiled happily, but his heart was beating fast, "It should be!"

Su Mo bent his lips, raised his eyes and looked into the distance, "I still have something to do, let's go first!"

After finishing speaking, without waiting for the two to react, he turned around and quickly walked down the steps. The purple robe was flying, and through the flapping corners of the robe, Yun Kou discovered that inside the purple robe, he turned out to be a red tunic.

Originally, today, he seemed to be marrying a certain woman.


Fourteen shouted twice before Yun Kou came back to his senses, and withdrew his gaze from the figure that was drifting away.

"Master Fourteen thinks Yun Kou did this?"

Fourteen was taken aback, and it took him a while to realize that she was asking about stealing the kit. He thought for a while, and said truthfully: "I don't know either... I just know that no matter whether you did it or not, you can't let it go." If you have something to do, I will try to save you from danger..."

Yun Kou's heart trembled, and she looked at him blankly.

Did that person think the same way?That person doesn't care if she did it or not, as long as she's okay?

Obviously not.

Is he suspicious of her?
Seeing her in a daze, Fourteen called her twice again, "Yun Kou?"

"Oh, it's okay!" Yun Kou came back to her senses and smiled sweetly, "Thank you Fourteenth Master for treating Yun Kou so well! Yun Kou is very grateful, if Fourteenth Master has no other orders, then this servant will leave first!"

After finishing speaking, Yingying bowed again, turned around and left, but someone grabbed her wrist suddenly.

"Don't go, Yunkou!"

Yun Kou was startled, stopped in her tracks, looked down at the hand that was holding her wrist, and after a moment, raised her eyes to look at the owner of that hand suspiciously.

Fourteen blushed, and quickly retracted his hands in embarrassment, his eyes wandered from side to side, not knowing where to fall, "That...that..."

He couldn't make a sentence.

Yun Kou stared at him with watery eyes.

He cleared his throat and said with a sigh of relief, "Well, the queen and I will bring you here! I will be on duty at the Fourteenth Prince's Mansion first, and when this matter is completely over, I will ask the emperor to make you a concubine." !"

Yun Kou's heart slammed, she frowned slightly, and immediately opened it up again.

How could she not understand this man's mind?

"Thank you Fourteenth Lord for your kindness! It's fine for the servant to be with the empress now, not to mention it's an extraordinary time. The fourteenth master just gave the certificate to the slave and asked the empress for someone. I'm afraid it's wrong! And, thousand In any case, the city is also a good friend of this servant, even if she absolutely shouldn't, if she is in trouble, this servant still feels uncomfortable, let's talk about these things later!"

Hearing this, Shisi smiled mischievously, "It's better that you are more thoughtful, okay, let's talk about it later!"

Yun Kou nodded, and suddenly thought of something, "By the way, Fourth Master seems to be in a bad mood, Fourteenth Master should try to persuade Fourth Master! After all..."

She paused, her eyes flickered slightly, "After all, Qiancheng is his wife, and now something like this happened!"

"I don't think so," Fourteen curled his lips. "It's a good thing to be exposed! Couldn't it be possible to keep fourth brother in the dark for the rest of his life? From the beginning, I didn't have a good impression of that woman. Today, the fourth brother already suspected that she belonged to the third brother, so he decided to marry her and hang her in the fourth prince's mansion. He was very wary of her, but that woman was too good at acting. Even a rock would be moved by her, fourth brother believed her, and I actually believed her too, who knows, in the end... hey..."

Fourteen let out a long sigh, "Fortunately, fourth brother has nothing to do with Yuxiangfang, otherwise, I'm afraid he will die at the hands of this woman."

Yun Kou narrowed her eyes slightly, smiled faintly, and said nothing.

News from the palace always travels faster than light.

Before Su Mochen returned to the palace, the Four Princes' Palace already knew what happened in the palace.

Yang Hen stood at the gate of the mansion, wandering anxiously.

It turned out that it was really her, it was really Qiancheng!
No wonder, he felt so familiar.

But, how could she be Su Mofeng's person?How could she come here to investigate his secret work when she was so single-mindedly devoted to Su Mo?
When he heard the news, he couldn't believe it. He had to wait for Su Mochen to come back to find out.

The sound of ticking horseshoes approached from far away.

The purple-clothed and white horse leaped into view, and Yang Hen hurried up to meet it.

Su Mo Shen pulled the rein, turned over and dismounted, Yang Hen stepped forward to take the rein, "Master..."

He carefully looked at the master's expression, but he saw that his face was as heavy as water, his thin lips were pursed lightly, and he couldn't see any meaning in his heart.

Yang Hen's heart skipped a beat. After following this man for so many years, he understood that the calmer he is, the more he has something on his mind.

Su Mo walked up the steps with fluttering clothes, Yang Hen beckoned the servant standing at the door to lead the horse to the stable, and he followed up by himself.

Su Mochen walked to the gate, pausing slightly, Yang Hen followed his gaze and saw his eyes fixed on the two big red happy characters on the gate panel.

"Tear off all the happy characters in the mansion, remove all the lanterns, and notify the kitchen that the wedding is cancelled, so there is no need to prepare the wedding banquet!"

Su Mo finished his explanation in one breath, stepped up the threshold and entered the mansion.

Yang Hen followed closely behind.

Early this morning, a decree came from the palace to let this man enter the palace immediately. Of course they knew why they entered the palace, because they already knew about the theft of the kit last night, but today is the day of great joy for this man, so he When the man entered the palace, asked him if he wanted to inform the general's mansion, in case he came back from the palace late and missed the time to meet the bride, wait at the general's mansion, the man should inform first, then after thinking about it Said, in order to prevent her from thinking wildly, it is better not to notify, he will try to come back as soon as possible, it should not be too long.

Unexpectedly, the first trial of this case lasted from morning to noon. Not to mention, a series of unexpected situations also occurred.

Hey, man is not as good as God!
"Master, is it true that Mrs. Qian stole the kit?"

After several hesitation, Yang Hen couldn't help asking, otherwise, he felt that he would suffocate to death.

Su Mochen was slightly taken aback when he heard the word Qian Madam, then turned his head and glanced at him lightly, "No!"

Updated today~~
Thank you [zr1212q], [Zhang Guilan] for the monthly pass~~~
Thank you [Yaoyao Yu] for your purse and Huahua~~~
Thank you [Anonymous User] for the twenty eggs~~~
Legend, more than [-] words will be updated tomorrow~~~
(End of this chapter)

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