after losing heart

Chapter 187 [211] One arrow with many carvings

Chapter 187 [211] One arrow kills many birds

Outside the capital city, in the farmyard, in the wing room

Candle flickering
Tong Suqing stood in front of the window, quietly watching the rain curtain outside the window, motionless, not knowing what she was thinking.

The weather was also really strange, the sun was shining brightly during the day, and the sky was full of stars at night, but it was late at night, and it suddenly started raining, and the rain was getting heavier and heavier.

Concubine Liang sat at the edge of the table, lit by the candlelight, holding a piece of silk with her slender fingers, and slowly wiped a dagger in her hand. Under the radiance, there is a cold light of orchid.

From time to time, she raised her eyes leisurely and looked at the woman standing in front of the window. After a long silence, she finally couldn't help but said: "Since you are worried that he will suspect you, you still haven't returned home at night. Doesn't this make him more suspicious?" ?”

The woman didn't move for a long time, before bending her lips and giving a bitter smile, "Wangchun Garden, how long has it been since he stepped in, so long that I even forgot, how would he know if I'm in the mansion?"

Concubine Liang was startled, and then she bent her lips and smiled, "Don't worry, you will definitely be the woman who has the last laugh!"

"The woman who had the last laugh?" Tong Suqing shook her head with a wry smile, her eyes sparkling, "I can't even laugh now, how can I have the last laugh?"

Concubine Liang's smile turned cold, she frowned slightly, sheathed the dagger in her hand, put it on the table, got up, walked slowly behind her, patted her shoulder, and watched with her Looking at the noisy rain column outside, sighed softly, "Don't be depressed, child, I know the pain in your heart, I will always stand by your side, and I will help you clear all obstacles. Don't worry, Shen'er listens to me the most. , in the future, if he is the king, you will be the queen!"

If he is king, you must be queen!
Su Qing was startled, turned her head in disbelief, stared blankly at the woman covered with a light veil, and asked in a low voice, "Can I?"

Concubine Liang smiled lovingly, and held her hand in her palm, "Of course! Of course you can! Think about it, you are his first woman, aren't you? In this regard, no one can compare to you!"

Su Qing pursed her lips, her face full of desolation and desolation, "But now... he almost turns a blind eye to me..."

"Then what's the matter?" Concubine Liang was still smiling, smiling benevolently, "Men are men, there are always times when they get confused, it's human nature to be fooled by women, and they will turn around sooner or later. Sooner or later, he will find his way back, and at that time, he will realize that, in fact, you are the best."

"Really? Is that so?"

"Of course, I'm someone from here, when have I lied to you?" Concubine Liang raised her hand and rubbed the hair on the top of her head, Su Qing's nose was sore, and she cried out.

Concubine Liang took her into her arms and patted her on the back lightly, like coaxing a child, her eyes were looking in a direction she couldn't see, showing an impatient expression.

Su Qing suddenly remembered something, and suddenly raised her head from her embrace, "Madam, tell me, if Fourth Master knows that I did all of this, will he kill me?"

The killing word made Concubine Liang tremble, she was startled, and said softly, "No."

"Why not? Last time I went to the prison to kill Qiancheng, he almost killed me, that is, since then, he never looked at me again, if this time" her eyes showed a terrified expression .

God, she didn't even dare to think about the consequences.

Why did you go there recklessly last night like you had a nightmare?
"Don't worry, Shen'er won't know it's yours! Think about it, only Yun Kou and Qian Cheng can seal the throat, right?"

Concubine Liang comforted her softly. In fact, her heart also jumped up inexplicably. She suddenly remembered that that day in the study, after the woman drank the soup, Su Mochen looked at her eyes. In it, she saw helplessness, Heartbroken, I also saw Sen Leng, the kind of Sen Leng who only treats enemies.

"Throat-sealing incense..." Su Qing muttered to himself, and suddenly remembered something, "Then why does the madam have throat-sealing incense?"

The incense last night was given to her by Concubine Liang. At that time, she didn't know it was Throat Sealing Incense, but she only found out today.

Concubine Liang's eyes flickered slightly, "I once learned how to use poison from an expert, otherwise, I wouldn't be able to make Yueyingshuang, right?"

"Oh" Su Qing nodded with a half understanding, but she was still worried, her eyebrows were deeply frowned, and her eyes were sad.

Seeing her like this, Concubine Liang sighed helplessly, "Don't really worry, think about it, with the square of silk you picked up in the carriage, the matter of Qiancheng stealing the brocade is a certainty, and there is no need to worry about it." On the day of turning over, let alone the crime of deceiving the emperor. Except for her, the only one who can seal the fragrance of the throat is Yun Kou. In this way, Yun Kou is directly pushed up. If Shen Er thinks that Qian Cheng did not do this For one thing, he will definitely suspect that Yun Kou deliberately framed Qian Cheng, and this will cause a rift between the two of them, so it would be great for you to reap the benefits!"

"Besides, how could he not suspect you? He didn't know that you already knew about his relationship with Yun Kou, and he wouldn't think that I would tell you this, right?"

"Yeah!" Su Qing nodded, feeling a little more at ease.

Concubine Liang took her hand and walked to the table, pressed her to sit down, then went to sit on the opposite side by herself, "It's okay, relax!"

"By the way, ma'am, is this kit really useful?"

Concubine Liang picked up the teapot on the table, poured two cups of water, handed one cup to Tong Suqing, put the cup under her lips, lifted her veil lightly, took a sip, and said, "It's useless!"

"It's useless?" Su Qing was shocked, "It's useless, why should we go to such great lengths to steal it?"

"Are you really stupid or fake?" Concubine Liang put down the teacup in displeasure, "I'm not doing this for you, aren't these two women the most threatening to you? You don't need to do it yourself. it is good!"

"But, in this way... isn't Madam worried about putting Fourth Master in danger? After all, Qiancheng is Fourth Master's wife, and even with Ran Qianye's identity, she is about to marry Fourth Master. If it is her Stealing the kit, wouldn't that obviously make the old emperor suspect Si Ye?"

Concubine Liang smiled evilly, "So, Qian Cheng's identity must be exposed! Think about it, if Qian Cheng married Shen Er with a false identity, would the old emperor still suspect Shen Er? He would only suspect Qian Cheng What is the real purpose and motivation?"

Su Qing suddenly realized, "So, Madam also revealed Qiancheng's true identity to the old emperor?"

"No!" Concubine Liang shook her head, and the corners of her lips under the veil twitched triumphantly, "The old emperor himself is secretly investigating Qiancheng's identity, and I just left some clues for the investigators."

"But that Qiancheng knows too many secrets, and now it has fallen into the hands of the old emperor, what if she reveals everything she knows?"

"Shaking it out?" Concubine Liang smiled coldly, and said firmly, "She won't! If she was shaking early, why did it take until today? Actually..."

She paused, and couldn't help sighing, "Actually, her love for Shen'er is absolutely unmatched by others, but it's a pity that Shen'er cares too much about her, it's not a good thing. It will affect Shen'er's mind and our cause."

"Hey~~" Tong Suqing also let out a low sigh, and said quietly, "Thinking about it, Fourth Master is also sad."

"Why does a man have to worry about not having a wife? Sadness is only temporary, and it will be fine after a while."

"hope so!"

"Thinking about today's arrow going down, so many eagles died, I am happy. Ranqian city was completely pulled out, the third prince Su Mofeng was grounded, and General Ran's mansion was also grounded. It directly affected the power of the Sixth Prince Su Mohong, Shen'er won the victory, didn't he?"

"Ma'am is amazing!"

Concubine Liang bent her lips and smiled, then brought the cup to her mouth, lifted a corner of the veil, and sipped lightly, her eyes looked at the dancing candlelight on the table, she narrowed her eyes slowly, and a gleam of light flashed from the bottom of her eyes.

Suddenly, there was a loud bang, and the door of the wing room was swung open, and the sound of wind and rain came through the hall.

The two were startled, at first they thought it was blown away by the wind, until a purple shadow appeared at the door with the moisture of night rain, the two of them realized it, and their expressions changed immediately.

Someone raised his hand and took the bamboo hat above his head and smashed it on the ground. The bamboo hat rolled a few times in the wind and rain, and was blown away without a trace in an instant.

The light and shadow were reversed, and I couldn't see the expression on the person's face clearly. I only knew that it was very cold, very cold, and the coldness emanating from the whole body was enough to make people freeze.

Concubine Liang and Tong Suqing were both startled, they forgot to move, and just sat there blankly watching someone walk in, only feeling that the footsteps were very heavy every time, following their own heartbeats. into the ear.

Second more~~~
(End of this chapter)

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