after losing heart

Chapter 189 [213] Do you hate her?

Chapter 189 [213] Do you hate her?
Dragon Palace

Emperor Wen sat under the lamp table, looking at the memorial, and the cinnabar pen in his hand wrote down a few words in a fluttering manner from time to time.

Eunuch Li stood aside with his fly whisk in his hand, looking up from time to time to see the dark and heavy rain outside, frowning slightly, this concubine Li was still kneeling outside, and he took advantage of others, but the emperor didn't want it at all. See what she means.

After suffering for a long time, he cleared his throat lightly, stepped forward, bowed his body, and said cautiously, "Your Majesty, Concubine Li is still waiting outside the palace..."

Before he finished his words, Emperor Wen raised his head from the memorial, stared at him coldly, and he was so frightened that he fell silent.

Emperor Wen smiled coldly, "I think you seem to be more anxious than Concubine Li!"

Eunuch Li's complexion changed, and he knelt on the ground with a thump, "I'm terrified. I saw the wind and rain outside, so, so..."

"Don't rush to explain!" Emperor Wen folded the memorial in his hand, leaned back on the back of the chair, his black eyes stared at him with interest, "I didn't say anything to you, why are you panicking?"

Eunuch Li was drenched in cold sweat, he didn't know what to say for a moment, it was wrong anyway, so he simply bowed his head and remained silent.

There was another long silence.

"Do you know why I don't see her?" Emperor Wen suddenly said.

Eunuch Li was taken aback, thought for a while, and said, "Because of the third master."

"Hmm!" Emperor Wen sighed lowly, "I have been in poor health for a while, but I am not blind. The wind is surging downwards, and my heart is like a mirror, so I want to contain their forces."

Eunuch Li nodded with a vague understanding, suddenly remembered something, and said, "The emperor will dye Qianye, oh no, this is also the purpose of locking up Qiancheng girl?"

Emperor Wen smiled secretly, noncommittal.

That woman is so useful, as long as she is in his hands, he is not afraid that he will not be able to restrain the third and fourth children, and he can also pinch Ranfei, and if he pinches Ranfei, it is equivalent to restraining the sixth child.

"Miss Qiancheng really belonged to the third master?" Eunuch Li frowned. If you want to say that today's interrogation by the Ministry of Punishment was really ups and downs, and what shocked him the most was, A lady from the general's mansion kept her name incognito for a man for three years, and she did not hesitate to marry another man.

Emperor Wen curled his lips into a smile, and said two words lightly, "Not necessarily!"

However, he has a way to make her tell the real purpose of entering Yuxiangfang.

Qiancheng hugged his knees and leaned against the cold wall, quietly listening to the noise of the rain outside, without moving.

The ground was very damp, moss even grew in many places, and there was a strong stale musty smell.

This is the second time she has entered the sky prison. I remember that the last time was because of Xilingxue, Tong Suqing also came to the sky prison to kill her, but was rescued by that man in time.

Thinking about it now, it seems like a lifetime away.

What about this time?
Who will save her this time?

No one can save it?Or there is no one to save at all!

Su Mofeng was grounded, and the people who dyed the general's mansion were also grounded. Who else?Su Mochen?

If she was a little confident at the beginning, he pushed her out just because of Yun Kou, and he would definitely find a way to save her afterwards, then with the publication of Su Mofeng's letter, she thought, it would be impossible Alright.

It doesn't matter if she can't be saved, it really doesn't matter, but what about Ranfu?
The surroundings are very quiet, because she is a repeat offender, so she is separated into a separate room.

The night in late autumn was very cold, and the dark and damp cell was as cold as an ice cellar, and the only things she could keep warm were the handfuls of straw that had rotted and moldy.

Lying on the straw, she curled up with her arms tightly held, tossing and turning sleeplessly.

In the middle of the night, cold water suddenly poured down her head. At first, she thought it was the rain splashing in through the window outside. Later, she realized that a jailer poured cold water inside.

Comers leave after splashing, without making a sound.

As a result, her clothes were wet, and the straw was also wet. She felt that she couldn't sleep anymore, so she opened her eyes in the dark and hugged her arms tightly.

This has been the case for several days in a row. Every midnight, someone will pour water into it. The wet clothes can only be dried the next day by relying on body temperature, but they have to be drenched again at night.

At first, she yelled, yelled, questioned, and cursed, but she found that no one paid attention to her, and gradually, she became quiet.

Therefore, she always sleeps during the day, not only does not have to worry about being woken up in the middle of the shower, but also the daytime is not so cold compared to the night.

As a result, the night became her nightmare. She kept her eyes open all night, like a vigilant beast in the dark night, listening carefully to the sound of people's footsteps and someone splashing water. It's so big, it's unavoidable.

That night
Yunxuan Pavilion, a bean candle

A figure in white was sitting under the lamp, looking down at a painting on the table with lowered eyebrows.

In the painting, begonias are in full bloom, and the sky is full of red. A woman hides her smile in the flowers, with beautiful eyebrows like Dai, bright eyes like the moon, onion nose like jade, red lips like red, and hair like ink in the green leaves. Wrapped in red flowers, the begonia seems to have life, and the woman is so agile that she is about to come out of the painting.

Sure enough, it is the magic brush Wu Sheng.

Not only did he draw Qiancheng vividly, but he never expected that he was also drawn in. At that time, he couldn't see it with his eyes, but he was shocked when he found out later.

His eyebrows, his slightly raised lips, and the posture of the two cuddling each other reminded him of the description of a couple of gods and immortals.

Raising his hand, stroking the face of the woman in the painting, he slowly pursed his lips.

Three days, she has been in the prison for three days.

Obviously, Emperor Wen blocked the news very well, and his people found nothing when they inquired in private.

I don't know what happened to her?

There was a slight knock on the door, he collected his mind, and gently rolled up the scroll, "Come in!"

Yang Hen came in after hearing the sound.

"Fourth Master, the subordinates have made all arrangements according to Fourth Master's instructions, but they don't know when to act?"

Su Mo lowered his eyes, thought for a moment, then raised his eyes to look at him again, "Wait a few more days!"

Since they all stand still, the comparison is to see who can hold their breath, not to mention that the incident has just happened, and if they act immediately, they will only cover it up.

"Yes!" Yang Hen bowed and withdrew.

Although his heart is urgent, he has always believed in this man. No matter what decision he makes, he knows that there must be his reason.

When he walked to the door, he suddenly remembered something, turned around and asked, "Fourth Master, do you hate Mrs. Qian?"

Su Mo was taken aback, unexpectedly he would ask such a question, the corners of his eyes lifted slightly, and he looked at him lightly.

He was startled, knowing that he was reckless.

"I'm sorry, Fourth Master, I...Actually...I..."

In fact, he really wanted to know what this man was thinking, because he wanted that woman to be happy too much.

Seeing his embarrassment and incoherent speech, Su Mochen smiled lightly, and two words came out of his thin lips, "I don't hate!"

Yang Hen was shocked, and also agitated. He looked at him in disbelief for a while before remembering to back out. When he was out, he almost bumped into the door because of his excitement.

Su Mo shook his head deeply, and his smile slowly disappeared.

How could he not know his thoughts?
Not to mention Yang Hen, he had asked himself this question more than once.

hate it?

Actually, he didn't know.

If he didn't hate, why did he want to go forward and tear that woman apart when he heard all this in the lobby that day?

But if it is hate, who is thinking about her every day and night, worrying about her, and afraid of her suffering?

Why do people have such complicated emotions?

He doesn't understand!
He has never been a person who repeats what others say, nor is he a person who only sees people and things with his eyes.

So he knew very well that even if this woman came for Su Mofeng, she never caused him any harm.

Investigate the truth?Inquire about secrets?
Does she know how little his secret is?Either one could kill him.

However, she has always been tight-lipped, isn't she?
This chapter is transitioning, today’s update is complete~~
Thank you [Yogurt Girl], [Mimi and Four Seasons] for the monthly pass~~~
Thank you [feixiangdeyu] dear, [Susu Qiansing] dear, [326330842] dear, [Xinrui Baoer] dear Huahua~~~
Thank you [Lion's Sorrow] dear, [Xiaobai obediently 1211] dear, [Qiannai] dear purse~~~ I love you all so much~~
(End of this chapter)

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