after losing heart

Chapter 192 [216] If it wasn't for her

Chapter 192 [216] If it wasn't for her
Raising his hand to put the pill into his mouth, he swallowed it slowly, looking at the figure in the wind without blinking, his dark and deep eyes narrowed dangerously, "Either, you come down, or I'll go up, we talk!"

Tong Suqing's eyes flickered slightly, she lowered her eyebrows and looked at the figure in the distance, with a self-deprecating smile on her lips, "Talk? How long has it been since fourth master talked to Suqing? Only now did I remember, It's too late!"

"What exactly do you want?" The haze in Su Mo's dark eyes quickly gathered, just like the dark clouds in the sky on the eve of a storm, which were about to destroy the city.

"What do I want?" Tong Suqing sneered, suddenly, her smile narrowed, and she gritted her teeth and said, "I just want to kill that fox Meizi!"

Everyone was shocked, and soon realized that she was talking about Qiancheng.

Su Mochen shook his head helplessly, only feeling that this woman was unreasonable, "Qiancheng didn't hurt you at all."

"Yes! She didn't hurt me anything, but fourth master hurt me deeply!" Tong Suqing interrupted him sharply, her chest heaved rapidly, obviously very excited.

"If it wasn't for her, Fourth Master would hold me in the palm of his hand. If it wasn't for her, Fourth Master's favorite person would be me. However, her appearance changed everything. Fourth Master's heart was completely occupied by that woman. There is no place for Su Qing anymore, how can Su Qing not swallow this breath?"

Everyone sighed, and after listening to it for a long time, they understood it. It turned out that she was a woman who was crazy about love!

"It's a pity..." Her words continued, but her volume was obviously lowered, she was indescribably lonely and decadent, "It's a pity that heaven failed to fulfill people's wishes and failed to make Su pour out this evil spirit!"

"So, you stole the kit?" Emperor Wen suddenly said, his face gloomy.

Everyone was shocked, they couldn't believe it, and they all showed stunned expressions.

Su Mochen also had a bump in his heart, trying to calm himself down.

Even Tong Suqing was taken aback, but Emperor Wen didn't expect this, so he pursed his lips for a moment of silence, then smiled, "Yes, so what? No, so what?"

The crowd was horrified.

The opponent is the emperor!This... what kind of attitude is this?

But Emperor Wen didn't seem to care about it, and sneered back, "Yes, you are a capital crime, no, you are also a capital crime for trespassing in the prison!"

Emperor Wen spoke calmly, but everyone was sweating coldly.

Su Mo's eyes flickered slightly, and he pursed his lips.

Tong Suqing laughed out loud, the flowers trembled, the laughter was so precarious, she couldn't stop it for a long time.

Everyone was shocked by her crazy appearance.

Su Mo narrowed his eyes, "Tong Suqing!"

Eunuch Li beside him couldn't help scolding, "Bold madman, how dare you be so presumptuous in front of the emperor!"

But Tong Suqing was not afraid of it, and laughed for a while before slowly suppressing her laughter, "Are they all dead anyway? Heh~~ It's not fair!"

"What's the injustice?" Emperor Wen said in a deep voice.

Tong Suqing stretched out a finger, pointed directly at the sky prison under her feet, and said sharply: "Since the emperor has already determined that this woman stole the kit and killed the guards, why didn't he kill her so long?"

On the contrary, on the contrary, to ask the emperor so forcefully!

Everyone dared not vent their anger.

Su Mo's big hands in Shen Guang's sleeves were clenched tightly.

Su Mofeng also had cold eyes.

Emperor Wen smiled lowly, and looked up at her with interest, "Sure enough, you stole the kit! You are so courageous that you even dared to borrow my hand! It's a pity that I let you down and hurt you I ran again tonight! And it was in vain again! Tell me, where is the bag now?"

Emperor Wen slowly narrowed his eyes, but the expression in them was unclear.

Su Mo's heart sank.


Originally planning to act tonight, the kit has already been given to Yuxiangfang Xiaolan.


His heart was beating wildly. He pursed his lips and looked at Tong Suqing. From a distance, he seemed to meet her looking eyes. For a moment, the other party looked away again, looked at Emperor Wen, and said coldly, "If I give the kit Give it back to the emperor, can the emperor spare me from dying?"

Everyone thought there was something wrong with their ears.

Su Mochen still didn't believe it, but what everyone didn't believe was that this woman dared to threaten the emperor with the things she had stolen, and what he didn't believe was how could she have a gift bag?

Emperor Wen sneered coldly, his black eyes filled with sarcasm, "negotiate conditions with me?"

Just when everyone thought that the emperor would be furious, he suddenly said, "Okay, but let me see the kit first!"

Su Mo took a deep breath.

Everyone couldn't believe it.

Tong Suqing smiled lightly, reached out and took out something from her sleeve, and lifted it up.

Although it was night, the sight was still clear because of the starlight, the moonlight, and all the lanterns around.

I saw a small bag made of fine brocade in her hand. The brocade was embroidered with bright yellow dragon patterns, which shone like gold under various lights and shadows.

Others didn't know it, but Emperor Wen knew very well that it was a stolen tip bag from the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion.

Emperor Wen's eyes flickered slightly.

Su Mo was shocked.

There was a burst of suppressed sighs from everyone, because they only heard about the kit, and it was the first time they actually saw the kit.

Tong Suqing retracted all five fingers, and put the kit into the palm of her hand, her red lips parted slightly: "Your Majesty, is the kit real?"

Emperor Wen narrowed his black pupils little by little, and sneered, "I really underestimated you!"

No matter what, he couldn't overlap that simple, ethereal blind girl Suqing with the woman in front of him!
Love, what a terrible thing.

"Do you know the usefulness of this kit?"

"Isn't it just that the late emperor once said that whoever wins it wins the world!"

"Since you are doing everything possible to win back the fourth brother's heart, and you know the usefulness of the kit, why don't you give it to the fourth child?"

Hearing this, there was a suppressed gasp.

Su Mo Shen's eyes moved slightly, and his thin lips became tighter and tighter.

He knew in his heart that Emperor Wen was testing.

What a dark and suspicious emperor!

"To the fourth master?" Tong Suqing laughed dumbly, "Does the emperor think I'm a fool? The first emperor has gone, and now the emperor is the one who speaks eloquently and gives advice, so what's the use of this kit? And it's still illegal, isn't it? If Let Si Ye know that I framed Qiancheng, what will happen, I know better than anyone else, he will only kill me!"

When she said the last sentence, she looked at Su Mochen as she spoke, slamming each word with a heavy tone.

Su Mo was taken aback, his chest trembling slightly.

Something slowly surfaced, and he finally understood the real purpose of this woman's coming tonight.

I couldn't express what I felt in my heart for a while, so I just looked at her.

The crowd whispered.

Emperor Wen suddenly laughed loudly, "Since you also know that this kit is just for name and has no real use, then how can you be sure that Zhen will spare you for it?"

Everyone was surprised.

Tong Suqing also shook her body, her face turned pale, but soon she returned to normal, and said with a smile, "So, the emperor still wants to kill Suqing?"

Emperor Wen also smiled, "Killing the imperial guards, trespassing into the Buddhist scriptures pavilion, stealing the kit, blaming others, and now trespassing into the dungeon to commit murder again, do you think you are not guilty of death?"

Tong Suqing stopped, not knowing what to say.

"You'd better come down obediently and catch it! I can reward you with a whole corpse. Of course, if you want to taste the feeling of a thousand arrows piercing your heart, I won't stop you!" Emperor Wen said, looking at the bows and crossbows waiting all around. hand.

Su Mo frowned slightly.

long silence.

"Okay! I'm willing to be captured! But, I have a question for fourth master!"

Everyone was shocked, and Su Mo raised his eyes.

Tong Suqing stared at him blankly, although she was a little far away, she could still see clearly, as if time had stopped at this moment, and there were only two people left between the sky and the earth.

Their eyes glued together, she smiled softly, as bright and moving as the morning sun at dawn, "Fourth Master, have you ever loved Su Qing?"

Su Mo was startled, his brows moved slightly, and he spoke after a long time, his voice was hoarse and low, "Su Qing...why are you doing this?"

Tong Suqing closed her eyes heavily, tears streaming from her eyes.

Worth it!

Even if he doesn't love her, this man will forgive her after all, right?

A gust of night wind blows, bringing her long hair and clothes to dance together, like a butterfly emerging in the dark night, she closes her eyes and smiles in the wind with tears.

Suddenly, she opened her eyes, stared at Su Mochen coldly, gritted her teeth, and said sharply: "Su Mochen, whether you love me or not, you are mine, in this life and in the next life! Walk!"

As soon as the words finished, she pointed her toes, flew up, and flew straight towards Su Mochen's direction, and in her hand was a dagger, with a cold light of orchid shining in the whirling light and shadow.

Sorry, the second update still has to be at night, o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [Alischa], [Soul Paradise], [mali8008] Huahua~~
Thank you [Shijun-1971], [hardy-fan] for the monthly pass~~~ Group, I love you~~~
(End of this chapter)

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