after losing heart

Chapter 222 [249] A scam

Chapter 222 [249] A scam
[6000+ words, turn the page, turn the page]

Ah, everyone was shocked.

Both Su Mochen and Emperor Wen's expressions changed drastically.

Especially Emperor Wen, who rushed forward and held Mei Ping's arm tightly, in a state of shock and confusion, panic and pain, "What's going on? Tell me quickly, what's going on?"

How often have you seen the emperor so messed up?

The crowd groaned.

Chen Zhu'er's face was pale, and she looked at Su Mochen with some dismay, just in time to meet Su Mochen's eyes that were fixed on her for a moment, her heart trembled, she didn't dare to look directly, and quickly looked back.

Mei Ping tilted her head slightly, and looked at Emperor Wen quietly. Because her mouth and nose were covered by silk, her big eyes looked extraordinarily clear, "Can I ask the emperor two questions first?"

Emperor Wen was startled, and hummed.

There were hundreds of people in the entire Golden Luan Hall, but there was no sound at all.

Mei Ping smiled, and said, "The emperor said back then, let the concubine wait, the emperor will marry the concubine and become the most noble woman in the world, did the emperor forget it later?"

Emperor Wen shook his body, but he was even more sure that she was her.

He didn't forget it, never for a moment, but he always thought that she was by his side, so he gave her thousands of favors and the best things in the world, except for a back seat, he almost gave her All are given to her.

If the empress had not been chosen by the first emperor, he thought, he would have given her the second place without hesitation.

It was because of his dedication that she got her to live with another man. Therefore, he hated, hated, and wished that her life would be worse than death.

However, all of this...

It turned out to be just a joke, a joke of more than 20 years.

He gave to the wrong person, favored the wrong person, loved the wrong person, and hated the wrong person.


He didn't know how to answer, he just felt that his heart was wrapped tightly by something, and he couldn't breathe.

On the contrary, Mei Ping was much more indifferent, and smiled lightly, "The emperor only needs to answer whether he forgot or not?"

"I haven't forgotten!" Emperor Wen picked it up without even thinking about it.

Mei Ping was slightly stunned, pursed her lips, and the corners of her eyes felt wet. She sniffed and said with a smile: "Well! The concubine will ask the emperor a second question. If you can't accept the concubine, you won't enter the palace. Your majesty Why did you send someone to kill your concubine?"

"Kill you?" Emperor Wen was stunned, "No! I have never sent anyone to kill you!"

How could he kill her?Why should he kill her?How could he be willing to kill her?
Mei Ping exhaled lightly, and the breath hit the light blue silk, slightly trailing.

In fact, when she was outside the hall today, she already knew that it was not this man who did it. However, after all, these two problems have troubled her for more than 20 years, and she still wants to hear him say it himself.

And when she first came in, she didn't directly tell the truth, but euphemistically used the trivial incident of the two people's encounter back then as a test. She just wanted to confirm this man's heart.

In this case, she thought, she already understood the general outline of the matter.

Her eyes flicked away from Emperor Wen's face, and she looked at Chen Zhu'er again, "Back then, I regarded you as my best friend and told you everything about myself, but you used the emperor's eyes to not see, and you used the emperor's eyes to know me and the emperor. In between, and even stole the jade pendant that the emperor gave me as a token of love, Li Daitao froze and replaced me."

Li Daitao is stiff!

Everyone was shocked.

Chen Zhu'er's face turned pale again.

Emperor Wen squinted his eyes, recalled some things at that time, and suddenly realized, "So it is like this!"

Mei Ping turned to look at him.

"Back then, considering that you were not from a prominent family, I was planning to go back to the palace to take care of everything before taking you into the palace. But you came here first, no, it was Chen Zhuer who came here in your capacity. Come here, she has the jade pendant I gave you, she has the same voice as you, she knows everything that happened between us, she said she couldn't stand the torment of lovesickness, she said she couldn't wait for a day, I... no wonder, no wonder Before this, I was ambushed, and the guards who went to your house with me that day were all dead. Now that I think about it, it is full of loopholes, I..."

Emperor Wen shook his head with a wry smile, "How could I have been blinded at that time?"

Even though he was blind at the time, his heart was not blind!

He actually believed all of this, and even when the woman said that her name was Ping and her name was Zhu'er, he still said that Zhu'er sounds nice, so let's call it Zi'er in the future!

it is ridiculous!

I think he has been scheming all his life, scheming courtiers, scheming his children, but he never thought that in the end, he would be schemed by a woman.

The good person he has devoted his heart to her is just a stand-in, while the woman he misses has been suffering.

He raised his head and looked at Chen Zhu'er, his black eyes were full of wind and clouds.

"No—no, it was Chen Ping who framed me!" Chen Zhu'er shook her head, her voice hoarse.

Emperor Wen smiled coldly, is he still struggling to die?

Turning his eyes, he looked at Mei Ping sadly, "Then why didn't you come to me? Then you entered the palace and stayed by my side, why didn't you tell me?"

Mei Ping smiled softly, extremely bitter, "That day, you left, and you asked me to wait for you, and I waited and kept waiting, and then I found out that I had a child, but you still didn't come, but two The people who killed me, they claimed to be Ouchi guards, they came to clean up your future troubles, I was rescued by my neighbor Chen Zhuer, she arranged a secret residence for me, I wanted to die, but I thought of the womb The child still managed to survive. Chen Zhuer occasionally came to see me twice, and she told me that you went to the south of the Yangtze River again, met her and fell in love with her, and she is already your concubine..."

Mei Ping paused, as if recalling the unbearable past, her eyes were painful and her body trembled slightly.

"Ping'er!" Emperor Wen stretched out his hand and wrapped it around the back of her hand.

She tried her best to bend her lips, and continued: "She said that she had already pretended to be pregnant. When my child was born, she could take my child into the palace to be raised by acting like she was born prematurely. She said she could That’s all there is to help me. Because she is my best friend and saved my life. I trust her very much. I also thought that if I let my child follow me, I will only suffer and be displaced in this life. , and after entering the palace, he is the prince, with a distinguished status and superior conditions, so I agreed to her. On the night the child was born, she sent someone to pick it up, but the child had just been taken away, and the house Then there was a fire, a big fire, fire everywhere..."

Seemingly seeing the scene at that time again, Mei Ping's eyes were full of panic and helplessness, she murmured, "There are fires all around..."

"Ping'er!" Emperor Wen felt a great pain in his heart, he couldn't bear it any longer and wrapped her in his arms, "It's my fault, it's all my fault, it made you suffer!"

The huge hall was completely quiet, and a needle could be heard falling.

Everyone watched their emperor hold the woman in his arms in a panic, saying that he was not good, the first time he used me, not Zhen.

Chen Zhu'er was crumbling under the restraint of the guards.

Su Mo knelt on the spot, motionless.

Fourteenth Su Moyu's expression was heavy.

There was a sneer on the queen's lips.

Qiancheng leaned on Su Mofeng and kept looking at the only kneeling figure in the hall.

Mei Ping settled down for a while, then raised her head in Emperor Wen's arms, and continued: "Xu Shitian will not kill me. Although my appearance was ruined by the fire, I survived the catastrophe and survived. I hate it, and I hate it in my heart." I hate it so much, so I hide my name, I disguise myself, I participate in the emperor's draft, I want to enter the palace, I want revenge"

"You are lying! Now that you have a child, how will you pass the selection in the palace? The first stage of the selection in the palace is to check whether you are perfect? ​​Since you are not perfect, how can you be selected?" Chen Zhu'er rolled her eyes. He smiled darkly at the end, as if he had grasped the last straw.

Yeah yeah!
There was an uproar!

Emperor Wen frowned, not to mention that during the audition, the nanny had to watch, the first time a woman in the palace went to bed, there was also a white cloth for inspection, and the first time he and Mei Ping met red.


As if she had thought of this a long time ago, Mei Ping smiled lightly, "Since I am determined to enter the palace, I have made all the preparations." She paused, as if hesitating, and then said softly, "I asked the genius doctor to repair the lower body."

Everyone was shocked again.

Mei Ping smiled wryly, "If the emperor doesn't believe it, you can send someone to investigate. It is the genius doctor Jiangnan who healed the emperor's eyes."

"I believe!"

Emperor Wen was decisive.

If you don't believe him, you're an idiot.

He may not believe in everything, but he believes in the feeling in his heart, the indescribable feeling.

"I originally entered the palace with a heart of revenge, but after I entered the palace, I realized that I couldn't do anything. Whether it was my best friend or the man I loved the most, I couldn't be cruel. Later, when Chen Zhu'er was thrown into the cold palace, I decided to forget it. I stayed quietly in the palace, silently guarding the man I loved, and watching my son from a distance. It might not be a blessing. "

"The your son?" Although the answer was already obvious, Emperor Wen still asked tremblingly.

How could that evil son be her son, how could he be her son?

What has he done all these years?
What did he do to that son?
Mei Ping didn't answer, but turned her head slowly, looking at the motionless figure kneeling on the ground.

Following her gaze, everyone also looked at Su Mochen.

Su Mochen still didn't move, like a sculpture kneeling in armor.

"You should have said it earlier, you should have said it earlier..." Emperor Wen raised his head and closed his eyes in pain.

He knows how much Su Mochen has suffered. In the past, whenever he couldn't bear it, he told himself that he was the son of that bitch and deserved to be punished like this. Therefore, he was cruel again and again, every time. s damage.

But now...

How to let him face, how to let him face this son who is driven to a dead end by him everywhere?
He didn't even dare to think about it.

"I dare not! I dare not say it!" Mei Ping shook her head sadly, "My son pretending to be someone else's son is deceiving the emperor, and I am also deceiving the emperor by pretending to enter the palace. Besides, in the palace, you are extremely indifferent to me. How dare I say it, what should I use as my capital? I'm afraid, it doesn't matter if I die, I'm afraid my child will be implicated. Originally, I planned not to say anything for the rest of my life, and let this secret be buried in the world forever, but, she -"

Mei Ping suddenly stretched out her hand and pointed directly at Chen Zhu'er, her eyebrows and eyes were fiercer than ever before.

"She treated my son like this. She used him to seek power and usurp the throne, and let him fight against your father and son. From the beginning to the end, she used it. My son is just a pawn in her hand. She used it to revenge you Sharp weapon. I was outside the hall for a long time just now, and I heard it clearly. She purposely said obscene words to provoke you, just wanting you to kill her, and then said those words to Shen Er. She knew that Shen Er would not sit idly by. Either kill you, or intercede for her. Sure enough, Shen Er interceded for her. Shen Er was willing to bear the responsibility alone, and was willing to give up her life. I just beg you to let her go, and her goal has been achieved. However, you insisted Don't worry, you said that you will not let her go, and you will not let Shen'er go, so she became anxious again, and started talking crazily, saying that my Shen'er is a bastard, which angered you again and wanted you to kill him My own son. Chen Zhuer, am I right?"

Mei Ping looked at Chen Zhuer burningly, her silver teeth trembling.

Chen Zhu'er laughed "haha", her brows were glaringly red, half of her face was stained with blood, she was unspeakably horrifying, she gritted her teeth, and said viciously: "Chen Ping, why didn't you die in that fire?"

Mei Ping smiled softly, "That's why I should die, it's because God wants me to live to expose the mask of a person like you, I thank you for setting the fire, although the fire ruined my appearance, but also Let my heart be clear. Otherwise, my man, my son was killed by you, and I will still be there to thank you, the lifesaver!"

There was a "swish", the sound of sharp weapons rubbing against each other.

Emperor Wen suddenly pulled out the long sword from the guard's waist and pointed it straight at Chen Zhu'er. Pain, frustration, remorse, decadence, hatred, and various complex emotions flashed in his black eyes.

He gritted his teeth, his voice was hoarse and broken, "How can I be sorry for you? Are you going to treat me like this?"

Let his woman suffer, let his son hate him, let him drive his son to death with his own hands.

What kind of femme fatale woman is this?
He was not mean to her.

"Say! Why do you hate me so much?" Seeing that Chen Zhu'er was silent, Emperor Wen roared again, pointing the sharp point of his sword at the center of the eyebrows that had already been pierced by him.

Now that things have happened, Chen Zhu'er is calm and not afraid anymore.

"Because you killed my man, I want revenge!"

She gritted her teeth, with bloodthirsty hatred flashing in her eyes.

"Your man?" Emperor Wen was stunned, suddenly remembered something, and smiled sarcastically, "Just the guard who was messing with you?"

Everyone sighed, only then did they realize that the person who was caught on the bed with this woman was a palace guard.

I only heard that when Emperor Wen drew his sword on the spot, everyone's head fell to the ground.

It turned out to be just a guard.

This woman's taste, is it true that she is really good at bed work?

"It's not him!" Chen Zhu'er looked at Emperor Wen coldly, "Does your majesty still remember the Xue family in Jiangnan? The Xue family that was destroyed by you?"

Emperor Wen was shocked.

Everyone gasped for a while.

Some old officials know that this happened when Emperor Wen ascended the throne. Emperor Wen was the Seventh Prince, and the Eighth Prince also coveted the throne. Not long after Emperor Wen ascended the throne, he led the army to rebel. General Xue of the Xue family was a member of the Eighth Prince. Later, Emperor Wen quelled the rebellion and imprisoned all the henchmen of the Eighth Prince, including the Jiangnan Xue family, who were sentenced to death in the end.

"Your man is from the Xue family?" Emperor Wen narrowed his eyes dangerously.

Chen Zhu'er didn't comment, "When I entered the palace, they were not dead yet, they were just imprisoned in the sky prison. I made love with that guard to save my man, because that guard was the guard guarding the sky prison. long."

"The result? Have you been rescued?" Emperor Wen sneered, making no effort to hide his sarcasm.


As a result, they were all sentenced to death!

Otherwise, she wouldn't hate it so much.

She wants revenge, she wants Emperor Wen to suffer the same pain, she wants him to lose his country, his wife and children, and all his relatives and relatives.

It's a pity that the sky fails to fulfill people's wishes...

"Since you and your man are so affectionate, then, I will grant you now, and let you go to the underworld to be a pair of hard-working mandarin ducks with him!"

Emperor Wen moved his wrist, wanting to push the sword out.

"If you want your son, Chen Ping, to die, stab him!" Chen Zhu'er said suddenly.

Emperor Wen was shocked, and quickly withdrew his sword power. Because of the great inertia, he took a few steps back to stabilize his body.

Everyone was shocked.

Mei Ping's face turned pale.

"What do you mean?" Emperor Wen's face was dark and terrifying, and his voice came from deep in his throat.

"Nothing interesting." Chen Zhu'er smiled innocently, "I'm just telling you a fact, if you want Su Mo to die, you can kill me!"

"What did you do to the fourth child?" Emperor Wen moved his feet, Huang Ying swayed, and came to her in an instant, raised his hand and grabbed her neck fiercely.

Chen Zhu'er didn't say anything, just looked at him, panting with her mouth open, with a smug sneer on her face.

Emperor Wen was startled, and quickly let go of his hand.

He can't gamble, he can't gamble with his son's life.

"Put this woman in the prison!"

The guards took orders and escorted Chen Zhu'er away. When they left, Chen Zhu'er laughed loudly and acted recklessly for a long time.

"Put the Queen and the Sixth Prince in prison as well!"

"Go back!"

Emperor Wen's eyes were tired, and he waved to everyone.

Is this the end of a farce?

Some people are sorry, some are lost, some are relieved, and some still have more to say.

The sixth prince was arrested, didn't the fourth prince, Su Mochen, also conspire against him?now……

Everyone was curious, but they didn't dare to speculate on the royal affairs, so they filed out one after another.

Mei Ping walked up to Su Mochen, knelt down slowly, and supported Su Mochen's arms, "Chen'er..."

Su Mochen didn't respond.

Just when Mei Ping didn't know what to say, he suddenly stood up again, turned around and walked out.

At this time, there were still many people in the hall, and they all looked at him.

No one saw the expression on his face, because he had no expression at all, and even his usually deep eyes were empty, empty like nothing.

He walked out step by step, the midday sun outside came in, and behind him, the shadow slanted and long, indescribably desolate and lonely.

Yun Kou looked at his back and the corners of his eyes ached unbearably.

Over the years, sitting on the throne and letting Concubine Liang live a bright and aboveboard life has almost become the only wish of this man.

He suffered so much, endured so much pain, and even gave up his life, he was only for that woman, the woman he had called his concubine for more than twenty years.

Today, it's just a hoax, a hoax exploited.

How can he bear it?
With a pain in her heart, she quickly chased after him.

I just wanted to seize the throne and go there as soon as possible, so I wrote a chapter. This chapter is 6000 words, and it will be updated today~~
Things are too tangled, Suzi can't cover everything, if there is anything unreasonable, please bear with me, o(╯□╰)o
Thank you [caixiaotao], [The sky is blue], [zoeynewton], [woshiyuyu123], [lauralin0330], [Fengwu Tianjiao], [dmz-922] for the monthly pass~~
Thank you [Xiaobai obediently 1211] dear purse~~group~~
(End of this chapter)

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