after losing heart

Chapter 274 [309] What about others

Chapter 274 [309] What about others

It was already dark, but Qiancheng still didn't wake up.

All the palace lanterns in Longyin Palace were lit up, brightly lit, as bright as day, but even so, Su Mochen still felt that he couldn't see a ray of light in his heart.

Slowly taking off the blood-stained dragon robe and soft shoes, he lifted the quilt, lay down next to the woman on the bed, and held her in his arms.

Her body is so light, so soft, and so cold.

Burying her face into her hair, she smelled the familiar fragrance in her nostrils, her heart trembling with pain.

Fang Fang said, he is Xiao Han, and he is Xiao Han.

At that moment, he wanted to laugh, but after all, he didn't even have the strength to laugh.

It turned out that the man he had always cared about and was jealous of was himself. Although, he didn't understand why he was Xiao Han?
Remember that time on the boat in Shaxi, she asked him if he believed in past and present lives?

He said that he didn't believe it, he only cared about things in this life.

At that time, she was disappointed and sad, right?he thinks.

Lifting his face from her thick hair, and gently kissing the corner of her lips, he whispered, "Qiancheng, if there is an afterlife, will you still remember me?"

Feeling suddenly depressed, he opened his mouth, gasping for breath, his whole body twitching, but still tightly hugging the woman in his arms.

A gust of scarlet sweetness overflowed from the corner of the mouth, red the soft pillow, red bedding, and red clothes of the two of them...

next morning
The third prince, Su Mofeng, and the ninth prince, Su Moyi, broke into Longyin Palace directly.

There are two reasons, one is because their emperor did not go to court early, and the other is because Su Moyi got what he dreamed of.

When the two came to the entrance of the Dragon Yin Palace, they first asked Eunuch Li to inform them. Eunuch Li said that the emperor was still sleeping. Later, Eunuch Li couldn't resist them, so he went to the entrance of the inner hall to ask the emperor for instructions, but he didn't get a response from inside for a long time, so in the end, That's how they rushed in.

The eyes are bright red.

The red soft pillow and red quilt almost covered the original bright yellow. On the bed, a man and a woman slept in each other's arms, motionless.

Su Mofeng and Su Moyi were horrified. They didn't know if the blood belonged to him or hers. They just had a feeling that the person on the bed was already dead.

Men and women are dead.

The two were so frightened by their own feelings that they couldn't breathe, their hearts almost jumped out of their chests, they rushed forward like crazy, one shouted "Fourth brother!", and the other shouted "Qiancheng!"

Shocked and frightened, messy!
After an unknown amount of time, the man on the bed slowly opened his eyes, frowned and looked at the two of them, and said after a while, "It's so noisy!"

At that moment, Su Moyi cried, and Su Mofeng also cried.

The two big men just held their robe sleeves and wiped their tears without any scruples.

The man frowned into mountains and rivers, "Why are you crying? I'm fine, and so is Qiancheng!"

Although she still hasn't woken up, she still has breathing and pulse, doesn't she?

"That's right!" Su Moyi remembered the business now, and stuffed a reddish-brown pill into Su Mochen's hand, "Fourth brother, the life-extending pill has been refined, hurry up, eat it."

He knew that this man's body was on the verge of limit, but luckily the heavens had eyes.

He clearly saw the man's expression of shock first, and then surprise. The originally deep black eyes gathered light little by little, and finally, they turned out to be as bright as stars in a summer night.

The man reached out to take the pill in his hand, grabbed it tightly, and said, "Okay! I'm in trouble!"

Then, he put the pill into his mouth and chewed it slowly. At the end, he waved to the two of them, "Get back, I'm a little tired!"

At the moment of going out, Su Mofeng faintly realized something, and turned his head suddenly.

Sure enough, the man was leaning over and kissing the woman.

He knows what he's doing.

In an instant, he burst into tears again...

When Qiancheng woke up again, he didn't know the time, and even had the illusion of not knowing where he was, whether he was dead or alive.

Looking at the bright yellow bed curtain above his head with sleepy eyes, he was dazed for a long time before his consciousness came back to his brain bit by bit.

Wasn't she pierced by an arrow?
Then now?
She moved subconsciously, and immediately there was a sharp pain in her chest. She frowned and hissed lightly, and was finally completely sure of the fact that she was still alive.

What about dye fly?

Did that man really kill him?

That day, she woke up in her own wing of the General's Mansion. She didn't know what happened. She only remembered that she heard that Mrs. Yang had a heart attack and rushed back to the General's Mansion, but she was fainted as soon as she entered the door.

With this huge doubt in her mind, she wanted to ask Ranfei, but in the end, Ranfei was not there, and she saw Mrs. Yang kneeling to pray for Buddha in the ancestral hall.

Seeing that Yang was doing well, her heart finally settled down, but seeing her, Yang was very surprised and said, why are you awake?

She was even more confused, and quickly asked her what was going on?

Yang's tears flowed out, and after she pressed her repeatedly, Yang said that Su Mo Shen was confronting Ran Fei at the gate of the palace!Su Mochen wanted to kill Ranfei.Ran Fei was afraid that she would be caught between two men, so he left her unconscious in the general's mansion, and told them to leave as soon as possible.

She didn't believe that Su Mochen was not that kind of person.

Yang smiled wryly. Believe it or not, it is the truth, because Ran Fei once led the Ran family army to destroy the main rudder of Heishamen, and now Su Mochen is just looking for revenge.

At that moment, she just felt that the sky was falling.

It turned out that the person who used her to find the helm of Heishamen was not Su Mofeng, but her father, Ranfei.

She was heartbroken, she was disappointed, and she couldn't express the feeling in her heart.

Before she had time to think about it carefully, Yang Shi knelt down to her.

Yang begged her, begged her tearfully, begged her daughter to save her father.

She helped Yang Shi up, turned around and ran outside.

Even though Ranfei was the one who led the troops to encircle and suppress the helm of Heishamen, she still firmly believed that Su Mochen would not really want to kill Ranfei. He is not that kind of person, he is definitely not that kind of person. Su Mofeng, didn't you kill Su Mofeng?

So, it must be a misunderstanding!
Yes, a misunderstanding, it must be a misunderstanding!
When she hit the horse and galloped in the wind and snow, her mind was full of this voice.

However, God will always only joke with people, and the truth is always beyond people's expectations.

When she came to the gate of the palace, what did she see?
She saw the Ran family army surrounded by Su Mofeng and Su Mochen's people;
She saw everyone standing, only Ranfei was kneeling in the white snow, with his head bowed;
She saw the man standing on a tall city tower like a god, raising his arms, and beside him was a row of crossbowmen ready to go, their bows drawn to full string, just waiting He ordered.

Do not--

No one knew her mood at that time, the feeling of shock and fear, pain and confusion.

There was a blank in her mind, she just wanted to stop all this, stop this bloody battle between the two most important men in her life.

She believes that as long as she opens her mouth, that man will definitely let Ranfei go, definitely, because he loves her, doesn't he?
He pets her, spoils her, follows her, even if she hurts him, he forgives all her faults, how can a man who loves her like this not let Ran Fei go?
She wanted to call him, but because she was in such a hurry, she couldn't catch her breath, and she couldn't make a sound, so she had to reach out to him, she knew he understood.

However, God made a joke with her again.

He ordered.

Arrows filled with feathers flew towards them, and one of them hit her chest.

She was shocked.

If it wasn't for the real pain in her chest and the real blood coming out, she really thought it was just a nightmare.

But facts are facts, and what happens is what happens.

She knew it was over between them.

She had never been so desperate, never.

So, she introduced the feather arrow into her chest.

The moment she fell to the ground, she seemed to see his flying figure, his changed face, and his painful eyes...

What do you mean?
Now, she was lying in the Dragon Palace again, and he rescued her again, didn't he?
What about others?

The second update, there is still an update, it’s just the company’s [-]th anniversary today, there is an event, the third update Suzi will come back at night, it will be very late, dear friends, you can watch it tomorrow~
Thank you [Yu Shang Yao Yao] for your purse~~Thank you [Watermelon Granny] for your flower~~
Thank you [I love Dutch beans], [Yu Shang Yaoyao], [langman0413] for the monthly pass~~Group~~
(End of this chapter)

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