after losing heart

Chapter 288 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【011】

Chapter 288 The City Is Sinking: Watching the Flowing Water with You 【011】

Sitting in the Luan sedan chair, Qian Cheng felt unreality, as if in a dream.

You can see the man from the side. He has been riding a horse beside his sedan chair, keeping pace with her.

Across the colored curtains, his pretty side face was shrouded in sunlight, fascinating her eyes. She liked this hazy and happy feeling.

After staying in this Hanye Nunnery for nearly a year, I felt really sad to leave.

Especially Jingwen, although she is a chatterbox, she is really kind-hearted and has always taken care of her like an elder.

There are also many aunts, aunts who take care of each other and get along like sisters.

The only thing she can't let go of is Jing Yu, and Jing Yu has indeed made her suffer a lot.

However, she did not expect that Su Mochen would treat Jingyu like this in the end.

It seems that this man knows about her life in Hanye nunnery, and he must have investigated it secretly.

He was doing this to Jing Yu because he wanted to vent his anger on her, right?
Such a man!
Gently lifting the curtain, he turned his head and looked at her, his eyes instantly reflected the color of the sun, he stretched out his hand to wrap her hand holding the curtain, and asked softly, "Are you tired?"

Normally, she would definitely say something to him, how could sitting in a sedan chair be so tiring?Are those sedan chair bearers still alive?

But, not today, she felt that her heart was extremely soft, like the surface of a lake in spring, rippling.

She smiled slightly, shook her head lightly, and called him softly: "Su Mochen..."

"Huh?" The man thought she had something to say.

Actually she didn't, "I just wanted to call you!"

"Call me?" The man's dark eyes immediately lit up, and his smile became evil. He lowered his head to her ear, breathing hotly, "Do you want me to come in and sit with you?"

I don't know if his smile is too bad, or his eyes are too evil, but how she hears it, she feels that the last word of his sentence is 'do', not 'sit'.

Thinking of this, his face became hot, and he quickly put down the curtain.

Sure enough, his low laughter came from outside.

All the way down the mountain was very smooth.

Only then did she know that Su Mofeng led the troops up first to open the way, that is, to clear the obstacles on the mountain road, in case the luan sedan could not pass.

But when I went down the mountain, I encountered a small situation and the road was blocked.

Su Mochen told Jingwen that there are thousands of people at the foot of the mountain. It's not an exaggeration at all. They are all people. I don't know where they got the news. They waited here early in the morning just to see this Immortal appearance to the legendary empress.

Fortunately, there were three thousand imperial guards opening the way. Although it took a little time, it did not cause any confusion.

When they arrived at the gate of the palace, it was already dark, but all the palace lanterns had been lit, bright as day, and there were many people standing at the gate, all welcoming them.

Hundreds of civil and military officials, princes of various families, through the curtain, Qiancheng saw that Emperor Wen and Concubine Mei also came.

Although the eyes could not be seen, Emperor Wen was still tall and straight. Mei Ping stood beside him like a small bird, her face was a little sickly pale, it looked like a man was hugging a woman, she knew that it was Mei Ping He supported Emperor Wen.

At that moment, Qiancheng suddenly felt a lot of emotion.

Perhaps this is called a husband and wife, love each other, support each other, share adversity, share joys and sorrows, never leave!
The people bowed down.

Su Mochen, Su Mofeng, and Su Moyi dismounted one after another, and came to salute Emperor Wen and Mei Ping.

Qiancheng's sedan chair didn't stop, so she didn't get off either.

She heard Su Mochen salute to Emperor Wen and Mei Ping, shouting "Father Emperor, Mother Concubine!", she also saw the long smile on the corners of Emperor Wen's eyes, and Mei Ping's eyes flashed when she looked at Su Mochen. crystal clear.

At that moment, she also had tears in her eyes, for Emperor Wen, for Mei Ping, and for Su Mochen.

finally come out?these three people.

The luan sedan chair was carried all the way to the gate of Longyin Palace before stopping.

Su Mochen hugged Qiancheng down. Qiancheng wanted to go see Jin'er, but was stopped by Su Mochen. He said, it's so late, Jin'er is probably already asleep, and he will go to see her tomorrow morning. Tonight is their bridal chamber, and they can't go anywhere.Moreover, although they have been married for a long time, they have not paid homage, and they will make up for it today.

When he said this, Su Mofeng and Emperor Wen were all there, and her cheeks became hot immediately, and she wished she could find a crack in the ground to get in.

Dragon Yin Palace, a hall of red candles.

There is no full house of guests, no civil and military officials, no Xi Niang children.

Only Emperor Wen and Mei Ping, Su Mofeng and Su Moyi.

Emperor Wen and Mei Ping sat on the main seat, while Su Mofeng and Su Moyi stood beside them.

Mei Ping watched Su Mochen lead Qiancheng approaching with a smile, her heart was full of satisfaction, she quickly motioned to Su Moyi who was beside her, and when Su Moyi saw the two of them standing still, she said loudly, "Pray to heaven and earth!"

"Two thanks to the high hall!"

"Happy husband and wife!"


The simple three-prayer, but the three-prayer is as heavy as a thousand pounds, and it is also the three-prayer that all newlyweds must experience.

There are a few etiquettes that are so ordinary that they cannot be more ordinary, but they don't know what kind of mountains and rivers they need to go through, what kind of blood, tears and pain, before they can finally hold hands.

Mei Ping cried, and it was obvious that she was trying her best to bear it, but she still couldn't help crying.

Emperor Wen just laughed at her, laughing at her embarrassment in front of the juniors, making fun of her while groping to wipe away her tears.

Qiancheng also cried, crying while laughing, and even wiped his tears and snot with the sleeve of the phoenix robe, without any scruples about his image.

Su Mochen shook his head, helplessly, and said, Qiancheng, do you know how expensive that phoenix robe is.

It's okay for Qiancheng to return to him, anyway, you are a fool.

One sentence made everyone laugh.

Amidst the laughter, Qiancheng saw the sparkle in everyone's eyes, Su Mo's Shen, Su Mofeng's, and Su Moyi's.

After everyone left, the two of them took a bath and washed again. After washing, it was already the middle of the night.

When Qiancheng walked out of the bathroom, Su Mochen stood on the edge of the table with his hands behind his back, motionless, thinking of something.

Qiancheng walked over, hugged him gently from behind, and leaned his face on his back.

The familiar body, the familiar temperature, the warmth that really sticks to the bottom of my heart.

It turns out that at the right time, the right person, the right feeling, happiness is within reach.

Su Mochen pulled her back to him, hugged her around her waist, and said softly, "There is still one thing we haven't done."


Qiancheng looked at him suspiciously.

Different from the past, tonight they were all wearing bright red pajamas, and the red candles were flickering, hitting the man's body, not only making him look more handsome, but also adding a touch of evil charm.

He licked his lips and pointed at the table.

Qiancheng saw that there were two cups, and the wine had already been poured.

Together with wine.

The man let go of her, picked up the cups one by one in each hand, and handed her a cup. He was about to touch her, but she shrank slightly to avoid it.

"It's not fun!"

"Oh?" The man's dark eyes were shining brightly, and he stared at her face ambiguously, "How does the lady want to play?"

"That's it!" Qiancheng smiled brightly, picked up the wine cup in his hand and drank it down in one gulp, then reached out to wrap his arms around his neck, stood on tiptoe, and covered his lips.

The man froze, and when he was slightly stunned, she gently passed the wine in her mouth to him.

It took only a moment for the man to understand, and the corners of his lips curled up, almost letting the drink flow out.

The lips pressed together tightly.

She feeds, he accepts, swallows everything into the stomach, and it doesn't feel dirty.

In the end, she wanted to pull away, but the man refused, and his lips and tongue were entangled with hers, so affectionate.

The rich aroma of wine lingered between the lips and teeth of the two, making people feel like they were intoxicated and had nowhere to go.

She wanted to cry, but she wanted to play a prank, but in the end, she was kissed out of breath.

I don't know how long the kiss lasted until she felt that she was about to suffocate, and the man let her go slowly. He held up the wine cup in his hand and shook it triumphantly at her, his black eyes shining brightly: "Now it's my turn."

"don't want."
After the third update, continue to ask for monthly tickets~~~o(╯□╰)o
In addition, Chengcheng Fanwai will not be too long, and will bring out some explanations of the fate of other people through some incidents that happened to the two of them, which is almost a bird~~
Thank you [Scented Matcha], [Su Xin Momo], [tiffany-lai] for your purse~~~~
Thank you [Linghu Girl], [ynlcgty], [Snow Peak on Xuefeng Mountain], [Huizhi Lanxin 1], [Scented Matcha], [jinpingguo802] for the monthly tickets~~~ what~~~
(End of this chapter)

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