after losing heart

Chapter 301 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [011]

Chapter 301 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [011]

"Fang Fang, Fang Fang..."

After an unknown amount of time, Fang Fang vaguely felt that someone was patting her face and calling her name.

She struggled to open her heavy eyelids, and as her vision became clearer, a magnified handsome face suddenly jumped into her eyes. She was startled, turned over and sat up suddenly, and instinctively raised her hand to wave the other person's face.

"Pa—" A crisp slap hit Su Moyi's face.

Su Moyi was squatting, but was suddenly caught by this slap. He was caught off guard and almost fell. He covered his hot face, a little confused, "What are you doing?"

Fang Fang pushed his chest angrily, and struggled to stand up from the ground, "What else do I need to ask you?"

Pushed by her, Su Moyi finally fell firmly to the ground.

"Why are you attacking me?"

Fang Fang looked condescendingly at the man sitting on the ground, her resentful eyes could almost burst into flames.

Sneak attack? !
He sneaked up on her? !
Su Moyi almost choked on his own saliva, "I...I..."

"Where did I sneak up on you? When I and I came in, fell on the ground, I thought, I thought..."

He blushed and hesitated for a long time, but he couldn't finish a sentence.

Just now when he came out of the palace, he saw both the carriage of the Three Princes' Mansion and hers. He didn't know why he couldn't help asking Xiaocui where this woman was going. Xiaocui told him that she and her Su Mofeng and the two drank tea in this teahouse.

He wanted to go back to the mansion directly, but for some reason, his feet walked towards the teahouse in disobedience, and then he saw the scene of Su Mofeng flying out the window to help Qiancheng catch the thief.

While marveling at Su Mofeng's skills, he couldn't help worrying about the woman in the teahouse who was left behind by Su Mofeng.

He thought, is she sad?
After some hesitation, he still went into the tea house, pushed open the door of Accord, and saw the woman lying unconscious on the ground.

"Why do you still think?" Fang Fang said coldly.

"I... I thought you couldn't stand it and fainted!"

Can't bear it?
Fang Fang was startled.

Can't stand what?
Can't bear the blow that a certain man gave her?
Fang Fang's eyes turned cold instantly, as if covered with the frost of the twelfth lunar month, even her body couldn't help trembling slightly, she sneered and looked at him, "You sneak attack, I don't know martial arts, of course I can't stand it!"

"Fang Fang!"

Su Moyi stood up from the ground, and wanted to explain in detail, but when he saw the woman's cold eyes looking over, full of contempt and hatred, he felt his breath suddenly sink, and the breath was choked in his throat and he couldn't get it out.

Angry and annoyed, innocent and messy, he stood there silently with his big hands clenched, his chest rising and falling rapidly, and after a while, he suddenly took off his steps and walked out, but when he reached the door, he stopped suddenly, remained silent for a moment, and turned around abruptly , and quickly stepped into the Accord again.

He didn't stop until he walked in front of the woman.

"Fang Fang, let me say it again. When I came in, you fell to the ground. I didn't sneak up on you. I wouldn't do such a boring and nasty thing. Don't treat a gentleman with a villain's heart!"

After speaking in one breath, he deliberately straightened his chest and straightened his back.

In front of this woman, it was the first time that he spoke so fluently and loudly, even with a hint of gnashing of teeth.

Fang Fang was taken aback, unexpectedly he would be like this.

He was already tall and tall, standing in front of her like this, he felt a powerful aura overwhelming him, she pursed her lips and remained silent for a moment, then stubbornly raised her head.

"Gentleman?" She sneered, "How did you get your lip broken? How did you get your back of your hand hurt?"

Although she didn't have a very clear memory of the drunken scene, but she still had scattered and vague memories.

He hugged her, he kissed her.

She resisted, but he refused, so she bit his lip.

Such a person is a gentleman?
Seeing that Su Moyi was silent, she couldn't help laughing and said: "Of course, you can continue to say that the girl from Yihong Courtyard did it, but, aren't you a gentleman? Why would a gentleman go to that kind of fireworks and willow alley?"

Her words pierced Su Moyi's heart like a sharp knife. Su Moyi's face turned blue and white, but he couldn't say a word for a long time.

Fang Fang smiled brighter and brighter.

Her sneer and disdain deeply hurt Su Moyi's eyes, and he only felt a nameless anger rushing from the bottom of his heart to his forehead.

He hates her smile, he hates her eyes.

"Don't look at me with that kind of eyes! Do you think I can't use force on you? You were drunk and I kindly sent you back home, but you took me as the third brother and threw yourself into your arms." , and even kissed me, don't bite Lu Dongbin, who doesn't know a good heart!"

Fang Fang's face was as pale as paper in an instant, she stared at him, her lips that also lost blood were trembling.

"Even if I mistook you for someone else, even if I threw myself into my arms and kissed you, so what? You also said that I was drunk, I didn't have a clear consciousness, and I didn't know what I was doing. But you, are you not drunk? Are you conscious? Can you stop it? Did you stop it? No! You take advantage of others and treat me lightly. You are a complete villain! Fortunately, some people say , Master Jiu is very good, I don't know where the goodness is? Is the goodness playing tricks on women behind his back?"

"" Su Moyi pointed at Fang Fang, his handsome face that was originally crowned with jade turned pale with anger, "You don't know good or bad!"

"No matter how ignorant I am of good and evil, I am also a gentleman who is magnanimous and will not do obscene things!"

"You..." Su Moyi's anger was completely provoked. He clenched his fists tightly and glared at the sarcastic woman in front of him.

Fang Fang didn't do anything about it either, and met his gaze directly with burning eyes.

Maybe he was extremely angry and patient, but Su Moyi smiled suddenly, and curled his thin lips, "I finally understand third brother, you are an unreasonable woman at all!"

This sentence completely crushed Fang Fang.

With a shake of her body, she heard the voice of heaven and earth falling apart in her heart.

Unreasonable? !
She looked at the man, slowly looked away, lowered her eyes lightly, and remained silent.After a while, his lips trembled slightly, and the word escaped, "Get lost!"

Su Moyi was slightly startled, it's not that he didn't notice her reaction, in fact, he regretted it as soon as he said it, but who made her look at him that way, who made her say that about him?

He is not the kind of person in her eyes!


Seeing him not moving, Fang Fang roared again, "Get out!"

Su Moyi looked at her, and wanted to comfort her a few words, but the tone in his heart hadn't dissipated, and after hearing the words, he just felt that staying here would be humiliating himself.

"Let's go!" He pulled away his steps and walked out of the Accord without looking back.

Inside the Accord, Fang Fang's feet went limp and she fell onto the stool.

Looking at the ground in front of him, he lost his mind in a daze.

After an unknown amount of time, suddenly, there was a loud "bang", the sound of the Accord's door being slammed shut, and then there were footsteps walking towards her.

She was shocked, and suddenly came back to her senses, thinking that it was Su Moyi who had left and returned, but when she raised her head, she saw two strange men.

The cow is tall and big, with a burly figure, terrifying eyes, and a cold aura bursting out from his body.

Yes, approaching, when she realized what the word meant, she was startled, and instinctively got up to call for help, but was held down by two men. At the same time, she felt a pain in her shoulder blade, and she opened her mouth, But he couldn't make a sound.

They hit her dumb hole.

"Uh...uh..." Fang Fang shook her head desperately, struggling, her heart flustered to the extreme.

Who are they?

What do they want to do?
But she had no room to resist.

"Let's go, the master may be getting impatient."

"If that man hadn't come up suddenly just now, we would have gone back to deal with business a long time ago."

"Well, quickly put the veil on her!"

Sorry for being late again, sorry~~╭(╯3╰)╮

Thank you [clarepane], [sophiawl], [lylsh93], [daisy cute], [Xiaoxiaoyanzi123], [wxlly] for the monthly pass~~group~~~
(End of this chapter)

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