after losing heart

Chapter 303 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [014]

Chapter 303 You hold the bow and cut me like a string [014]

When he heard the news, the Emperor of Bian Kingdom almost fell off his chair, and repeatedly asked the servant who informed him several times, who?Who is Su Mofeng of Xicang Kingdom with?
The servant is sure to answer, Fang Fang.

So, he collapsed, if it was Fang Fang who came outside, then who is that woman in his palace?

However, the collapse was only for a moment. After being an emperor for many years, he had already become an old fox. After a while, he understood what was going on, and secretly complained in his heart. , Only then did people prepare their chariots and rush to the gate of the palace to meet them in person.

From a distance, one could see a luxurious carriage parked at the gate of the palace, and two people standing in front of the carriage against the wind.

One person is dressed in white snow, with black hair flying, under the golden sun, with a tall and tall body, he is as handsome as an exiled immortal who does not touch a trace of mortal spirit.

Next to him, there is a woman, dressed in Chinese clothes and a cloak, with a graceful figure, a loose and slanting bun on the top of her head, and the rest of her hair hangs down gently, her skin is like snow, her eyebrows are picturesque, although she is Not as beautiful as a country or a city, but she is also a rare beauty.

The emperor of Bian Kingdom twitched his eyebrows, it was really Fang Fang.

Oh, no, it should be said that it really looks exactly like the one in the palace.

Concentrated, he got off the chariot and greeted him with a smile, "I don't know that the third prince and Miss Fang Fang are here, so I am far away from welcoming you, forgive me, forgive me!"

Su Mofeng and Fang Fang smiled humbly and saluted. Su Mofeng stepped forward gracefully, presented the letter of credentials written by Su Mochen in his hand, and said with a smile: "Your Majesty, you are welcome, this king and Miss Fang Fang are going to The other country purchased some important items, and I told the emperor that we were passing through your country, so I asked us to come to see His Majesty, so I will write a letter to His Majesty in advance in the future, and please don’t blame us for being abrupt!"

"Where is there?" The emperor of the border country hurriedly waved his hand, "It is an honor for the two of you to come to our border country. It is an honor to invite distinguished guests who are not usually available!"

While politely speaking the words on the scene, he casually looked at Fang Fang who was standing beside Pingping Tingting, and suddenly thought of something, his eyes flickered slightly, and said: "I have admired Miss Fang Fang for a long time, today I finally I was lucky enough to see it, and I have been thinking about it, what kind of person would be a legendary woman who can make the world's invincible weapons? I just saw her today, and she turned out to be such a stunning beauty!"

Fang Fang smiled sweetly, lowered her eyes slightly, and said with her red lips lightly: "Your Majesty, thank you! Fang Fang is just a name."

"Miss Fang Fang is modest."

The emperor of Bian Guo still smiled calmly, but his heart was shocked again.

Even the voice is the same as the one in the palace!
His eyes narrowed slightly, he withdrew his gaze, and stretched out his hand to make a gesture of invitation to the two of them.

The three of them entered the palace gate together.

The reception and cleansing banquet was held in the Moon Palace.

The emperor of Bian Kingdom sat at the top of the hall, Su Mofeng and Fang Fang sat on his right, and on his left sat all the ministers in rows.

In the diplomatic relations between the two countries, etiquette is the most important thing, not to mention that for the past two years, the border country has always lived as a vassal state to Xi Cang, and it cannot be neglected on the scene.

The food is fragrant, the wine is fragrant, and the hall is full of luxury.

The sound of silk, bamboo and string music can be heard endlessly, and several dancers with hot figures and minimal clothes are dancing in the center of the hall, extremely enchanting.

Su Mofeng always smiled faintly, watched the singing and dancing quietly, and sipped the fine wine quietly. When someone came up to toast, he would respond with a few words in a graceful manner.

Fang Fang next to him didn't drink, but lowered his eyebrows and eyes, drinking tea lightly, as if he had something on his mind.

The atmosphere on the field is very warm, and the atmosphere off the field is very strange.

The maids shuttled among them and kept serving dishes, adding wine, and pouring tea for everyone.

The Emperor of Bian Kingdom picked up the golden cup on the table, brought it to his lips, and took a sip. Suddenly, the tip of his eyes lifted slightly, and he quickly winked at one of the maids.

The court lady understood, and walked slowly to Fang Fang, bowed to Fang Fang, then gently lifted the teapot, filled her cup with tea, put it down and left, for some reason, her hand shook, and she turned over He took out the teapot, and the tea in the teapot spilled out, splashing towards Fang Fang in an unbiased manner.

Fang Fang was startled, and got up quickly, but it was too late, her chest and skirt were already wet.

And the maid was so frightened that her face was as pale as paper, she knelt on the ground with a "plop", and kept begging for mercy.

Seeing this, the emperor of Bian Kingdom was also very frightened, so his expression darkened, and he ordered the maid to be dragged out and killed with a stick.

In the end, he apologized to Fang Fang with a flattering smile, and ordered someone to take the fancy clothes, and asked Fang Fang to go to the side hall to change the soaked clothes.

Fang Fang couldn't shirk it either, she pursed her lips and glanced at Su Mofeng, then got up and went to the side hall with the maid.

The singing and dancing continued.

The Emperor of Bian Kingdom narrowed his eyes slightly, and a hint of interest flashed from the bottom of his eyes.

Su Mofeng lowered his eyelids, and Bai Bi's long and slender hands picked up the cup and put it to his lips to take a sip, the corners of his lips were also slightly curved.


Fang Fang turned her head and looked at the maidservants following her, "Put down your clothes, let's all go back!"

The maids did not move, bowed and said: "The servants are ordered to serve the girl to change clothes! If this continues, the emperor knows that the servants will be punished. The girls have also seen the situation just now, and the servants just want to keep this life! Please forgive me, girl!"

Hearing this, Fang Fang laughed.

Waiting for changing clothes? !

Save your life? !
What a cunning old fox, why accidentally spilled tea, it was clearly done on purpose, why change clothes?The purpose is to find out her truth, right?
She lowered her eyes and remained silent, and she didn't insist anymore.

"Okay then! Thank you everyone!"

Curling the corners of her lips mockingly, she leisurely raised her arms, gently twisted the strap of the cloak with two fingers, and pulled it, leaving the cloak on the ground.

Several maidservants gave each other winks, and hurried forward to take off her wet clothes, she turned around swiftly, her cloud sleeves fluttering lightly.

Suddenly, there was a faint fragrance.

The maidservants stood there motionless, as if they had been immobilized.

"Fourth sister-in-law's fragrance is really extraordinary!"

Seeing the petrification of several people, Fang Fang smiled, and at this time it turned into a male voice.

She reached out to take off the waist tag of one of the maidservants, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

At this time, in another palace.

Fang Fang was sitting by the table, propping her head with one hand, flipping through a book in front of her boredly, looking at the maids and guards who looked like wooden posts at the door from time to time, and turning her head to look at the sky outside the window from time to time.

She has truly learned what life feels like a year.

Ever since she arrived in the border country, she has not stepped out of the gate of this palace. The emperor of the border country provided her with delicious food and drink every day, but he did not give her freedom.

The condition is that she help the border country produce new types of weapons.

The emperor of Bianguo also said that as long as she agrees to his conditions, he will give him whatever she wants, even the seat of Queen of Bianguo.

At that time, she almost didn't spit it out.

God, the emperor of the border country is about the same age as Emperor Wen of Xi Cang, and being his queen, she still doesn't disgust her to death.

She was wasted with him.

However, she also knows the principle of courteousness before military service. Sooner or later, this man will lose his patience, and if the temptation fails, he will definitely threaten him.

What will she do then?
Su Mofeng, where are you?

I've been missing for so long, didn't you notice it?Don't you worry at all?Don't you ever think about saving me?
Closing the scroll that she couldn't read in her hand, she lay down on the table decadently, buried her face in her arms, helpless and dazed.

Suddenly, there was a cold shout from the door.

"what for?"

Fang Fang was startled, but didn't look up.

"I'm the servant girl of Longteng Palace, and I'm here to ask Miss Fang Fang a few words at the emperor's will!"

"Where's the badge?"


It turned out to be the person sent by the old emperor again!
Fang Fang remained motionless with her head buried under her arms, pretending to be asleep.

Ask her?What can I ask her?I must be asking her again if she has thought clearly?

She just can't be bothered to pay attention.

The sound of fine footsteps came from the door to the side, and stopped.

She didn't move, and no one opened her mouth.

Thank you [nini1025] for the monthly pass~~Crazy~~
(End of this chapter)

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